Chereads / Avon Starlight / Chapter 5 - The extreme temperatures

Chapter 5 - The extreme temperatures

Avon and Laia woke up in the morning, knowing what was awaiting them. Reveria waited for them to freshen up and then opened a portal. As soon as Avon stepped out of the portal he felt unbearable cold winds hit him. It was just too much. He looked at Laia and Reveria. Laia seemed to be in difficulty like him but his master was perfectly fine. "Now sit here cross-legged for an hour."

'An hour!?' Avon screamed inside.

He immediately sat down like his master said. It was just too cold.

'Don't react! try to cut off the senses. No actions,NO ACTIONS!'

With this thought Avon managed to just stop reacting. He made himself believe that he could not take any action currently. He did this whenever he was hurt to feel less pain. The trick worked only for some time. His body started going numb. He looked at Laia and she was struggling too. She looked at him and their eyes locked. "T-t-try to cut off your senses! I can't explain clearly but you will feel l-l-less cold...for s-some time" Laia advised Avon.

"I already did that!" Avon said ."S-s-somehow we both use the same t-technique" Avon continued 

"yeah" Laia replied. "It seems t-t-talking l-like this might be a good di-distraction, let's discuss about something." She suggested while shivering.

"Yeah, c-c-onsidering how master is allowing it, it must be f-fine. So what to discuss a-about?"

Avon being an introvert didn't how to produce a topic put of nowhere. Especially in this cold. Laia too had noticed that Avon was an introvert in the time they spent together and decided to take the lead.

"L-let's introduce ourselves properly. I a-am Laia Lane. I am a fashion designer. I also k-know m-martial arts and play the piano. I am 27 years old."

'She's talented...and also 8 years older than me'

"I'm Avon Starlight. I am a s-second year university st-st-student. *achoo* I'm studying physics. I play the guitar and read novels. Plus I know 5 languages. I am 19 years old."

The sneeze saga had begun.

" You're so -t-talented. 5 languages! I knew you were younger than m-m-m-m-me but to think you haven't even gr-gura-gru-graduated yet. "

"Y-y-you are much more talented than m-me. You know martial arts! *achoo* I-I-I always wanted to l-learn but never did. Though m-master will t-teach us anyways now."

"Yes. It's f-f-funny how we are introducing each other n-now rather than when we*achoo* met." Laia too started to sneeze now.

"Also, m-m-master's training is so intense. Who knows w-w-what more is in store for u-us." Laia continued


Avon felt a sense of accomplishment for this successful conversation. He had constructed some sentences and kept them ready observing the flow of the conversation...but now he was out of ideas. Plus this cold was now killing him. the conversation was a good distraction but he couldn't feel some of his body parts now. 

"H-how much time do you think has p-p-p-passed?" asked Laia

"D-d-don't know, m-maybe 10 minutes?"

"S-so, let's c-c-continue, what d-do you plan on doing in the f-future?"

"Become a *achoo* musician."

"I see.."

And so on with the help of Laia's capability of keeping the conversation going, they conversed for about an hour successfully. Although the cold was affecting them adversely, due the strong mental fortitude they had and these conversations they made it through.

"Well done you two. Now I will help you heal up. After that we are going near an active volcano."

Avon and Laia knew they were done for....Still considering they had no choice and knowing that no harm would befall them they just accepted what was about to happen.

Reveria took them to a place with normal temperature via the portal and gave them some pills. The pills replenished them and helped them return to normal in a few minutes.

Then Reveria opened a portal near the mouth of an active volcano. " Stay here for an hour. Do not worry about the magma. Keep your clothes as they are."

Avon and Laia looked at each other with a feeble was crazy hot here! Avon felt as though he would burn to crisp!

"Let's talk" Laia said immediately. Avon understood what she meant. Distract the mind.

So they continued talking and trying their best to endure the heat. Reveria had specifically told them not to take off the clothes and endure the heat just like that. Within a few minutes their clothes were sticking to their skin. They sweated buckets.

If previously they encountered frostbites, then here was the problem of dehydration. At the end of the hour they were on the edge of collapsing and that's when Reveria took them back to the jungle. After they washed themselves and appeared before Reveria she praised them. "Well done enduring the extreme temperatures you two. Now rest for a day. I am very happy with your progress. Tomorrow I will take care of everything so just relax"

This was the first time Avon and Laia got a break. They almost couldn't believe it. "Well, I am off sleep Ms.Laia. Goodnight."

"Don't call me miss Laia, it makes us sound too distant"

Yes, they had grown closer. Much closer in fact. Facing difficulties together on their own deepened their bond greatly. They were very close friends now. Maybe because they had similar mindsets, they got along well with each other.

"I am not sure what to call you...I can't possibly call you directly by your name"

"call me big sis then"

"oh great! Big sis Laia it is then. Well, goodnight"

"goodnight Avon"

And they fell into deep slumber.