As we all layed there, trying to calm our hearts and minds and understand everything that had just happened, we all thought the same thing: 'Today was insane!'
After what felt like a few hours we all started to get up as we calmed down.
Volt asked ^What exactly just happened?^
Brakos and I looked at each other and asked, "Should I or do you want to?"
Brakos shook his head "You go ahead."
I nodded and explained, "So from what I understand, when Brakos reincarnated me, the God of Systems Metsys, still a dumb name by the way, placed a seed of her divine power into my soul, its root being [Heros Will] and my status as an [Otherworlder]."
"she did this to try and use me as a vessel or apostle so that she could start a religion in this world and in doing so allow her to enter this world and do who knows what."
"When Brakos removed [Heros Will] and [Otherworlder] Metsys felt it and became enraged and to take out her anger and 'punish' me for removing her influence from me."
"Then and I am not sure why, a person who calls himself Phantom, who can use a type of magic that doesn't exist yet, saved us from that God and prevented her from coming here again, and said he could use something that boosts magic powers," I said with a sigh as I finished explaining what I understood.
Volt looked at me and said ^Ok I understand that now but I thought Gods can't enter the Mortal worlds?^
I stared back at Volt but didn't have an answer. We both turned to Brakos and waited for him to explain.
Brakos sighed and said, "Well for the most part you are right, there are some points you got wrong but I will explain."
"First, how she was able to come here. Normally gods can't enter mortal worlds but if they leave most of their power behind they can enter mortal worlds but that raises the risk of other gods stealing said power. What has me concerned is that the process should have taken a day at least, not 30 seconds."
"that I can answer," I said as I pulled out the Blue Book and opened it.
{information displayed is limited due to the high Ranking of the Entity}
{Metsys: Lesser False God}
{Titles: God of Systems, Scavenger of the Abyss, Holder of a Lost Divine Fragment}
{Power Ranking: World}
{Strength:???} {Dexterity:???} {Endurance:???}
{intelegance: ???} {Wisdom:???} {Magic:???}
{Stamina:???} {Mana:???} {Ki:???} {Spiritual_Energy:???}
{Conditions to Higher Rank:}
{Active Skills}
{Passive Skills}
{Combat Skills}
"Although most of this information is hidden, I was able to piece some things together. Even though I didn't check what a Divine Fragment was I could guess it can make a Mortal Being a god or god equivalent being, and being a false god solidified that assumption."
Brakos nodded and said, "You're right on that part. Absorbing a Divine Fragment is like a lesser, cheat version of a Divine Ascension, and it would mean she left behind less power than normal."
I nodded and continued "As she was a scavenger of the Abyss she probably found it there... Hm, actually, what is the Abyss?" I asked
Brakos looked at me with slight concern but relented and said, "The Abyss is like the Infernal world but darker, more chaotic, and much more dangerous. Each of its thousands of layers is like the world was just thrown, smashed, and stitched together. It is the Home to True Demons instead of the Infernals, and it is a place even Gods are cautious to enter."
I sat there and felt a shiver run down my spine hearing Brakos describe that place and I had only one thought
'I don't want to go there, ever.'
Seeing that Brakos was done I continued "As for my plan with the [Lightning Bolt], well... it was kind of a gamble. As I saw she was the god of systems and systems are like electronic programs I hoped that the lightning would have stunned or shorted her out, though obviously, that didn't work."
"It was a kinda dumb idea but I didn't have enough time to think of an alternative at the moment." I finished and lowered my head
I felt Brakos put a hand on my shoulder and say, "It wasn't your fault. None of us knew a god was involved. Besides, your plan for the lightning bolt was good."
"as I was fighting her I noticed a barrier around her but it didn't stop my attacks, but after your spell, it was gone. she probably encountered the same problem the last time she was hit with lightning and had the barrier there to counter it." He reassured me
I nodded my head and smiled. "Thanks."
Brakos nodded back "It's what friends do, anyway back to my explanations." He said making a 180-degree turn from the tender moment. I let out a smile.
"You are severally underestimating the [Origin Code]. The powers or [Origin] are the strongest in existence, it is what allowed the Primordials like myself to come into existence and how every world was created."
Both me and Volt were slack-jawed as we heard Brakos say that.
"Why didn't you say that sooner?" I asked
"Were you able to think properly at the time it came up?" he said with a raised eyebrow. I raised my finger to retort but held my tongue.
'He isn't wrong.' I thought
Smirking at me he continued "[Origin Code] is a division of the true form of [Origins] true power. The other parts of it are [Origin Equation] and [Embodyment of Origin]."
"[Origin Code] allows one to break past the barriers and seals of any magic or defence and shatter it. And even lets one bypass the barriers of Technology and Space-Time"
"[Origin Equation] is for spell enhancement allowing someone to cast a 1 level spell at the rank of Gods and use up no Mana."
"Finally [Embodyment of Origin] is the physical enhancement. It makes your body perfect and balances everything properly. It is the unobtainable goal of all warriors."
"it is said that those who obtain all 3 will obtain the power of [Origin] and become something higher than a supreme god. A being who holds all of existence in their hands. Though so far only a handful of people have even managed to learn one and most of them died shortly after."
"so basically... don't try and learn it," I said
Brakos instantly turned to me and yelled "OF COURSE NOT!"
I offered him a smirk while holding back a laugh.
After a few seconds, Volt decided to ask another question "Are you able to fight Brakos? No offence but aren't Primordial spirits supposed to be strong?"
Brakos being distracted by my previous taunt took a second to respond but when Volt asked the same thing again he responded.
"You're right that primordial are supposed to be strong, I am just not a fighter, I prefer to sit down a read a book. I won't say that I am helpless, I am still able to beat Rank-5 Etherials on my own but when it comes to higher beings I am no better than a normal person facing a trained knight," he said admitting that he is very strong... well compared to higher beings. Not me, he can decimate me with the flick of his finger.
I nodded thinking of how strong the other primordials are if Brakos is only as strong as a Rank-5 spirit.
"What exactly is a [Soul Art]? I know Phantom said it was a unique ability but what is it?" I asked
Brakos nodded and thought about the best way to explain it as this topic was more complicated than time magic.
"A [Soul Art] is the unique ability tied to the soul. Each soul has one and no other soul can have the same one. Some say it is the embodiment of a person's soul manifesting and taking a temporary shape."
"If you ever get one yourself it will likely be tied to your personality and magic. Though I must also warn you that it will weaken you a lot at first if you use it too much."
"Noted," I said
"Now that I think about it how did your [Appraisel] finish so fast? It should have taken months. and how did you know that information I didn't see you reading the book?" Brakos asked curious but also preparing himself for a bomb to be dropped onto his head.
"for how I knew the information I gave the book the command to transfer the primary information into my mind. I figured that if I have a telepathic connection with Volt as he can't talk normally I can do it with the books." I said
Brakos looked at me and smiled. "Good thinking. I meant to tell you that they can do it at higher Ranks but it seems I was wrong, they can do it now."
"hehe yeah about that..." I said shyly
"Well, you're right the [Appraisal] would have taken longer. When I saw the time I asked the book how to shorten it. Thankfully it let me sacrifice the XP from [Heros Will] and Metsys [Appraisals], plus 3000 of my Spiritual Energy and evolving the book to Rank 3... and locking it for 10 years," I explained saying the last part quietly.
Brakos took a moment before he reacted.
"WHAT?! You evolved it to Rank 3 and Locked it for 10 years?!" Brakos asked
I nodded, "Yes, I know. Considering it did nothing to help us, it just feels like a massive waste, but it can't be helped."
*Sigh* Brakos placed his fingers on the sides of his nose and just decided to drop the matter. I was right, we can't change what happened.