I leaned back thinking about what Brakos said in the message.
By this time, the Lightning tiger had woken up and moved to sit next to me and watch the message. I didn't try to hide it or keep myself from knowing, as I trusted it.
I looked at the Tiger and asked "Has Brakos said anything about who I am?"
It looked at me and shook its head.
"ok I see" I replied
"No offence but it is hard to have a conversation like this. Are you able to talk?" I asked
He tilted his head and thought briefly, then placed his paw on the Black book and looked at me.
I stared back trying to understand what it wanted. Then I realized and asked, "Do you want to make a contract with me?!"
It let out a chuff and moved its paw back allowing me to pick the book up.
"But are you sure? Do you want to get to know me first and who or... what I am before you make a decision?"
He shook his head and let out another chuff.
Happy but a little concerned I said "Ok if you're sure, but don't say I didn't warn you."
Thankfully I learned how to make contracts here while growing up so it wasn't hard.
I used some of my magic and created the contract. As we couldn't talk right now I decided to give the tiger the contract and let him add in his price and details.
(While the contract is being made spirits can add in stuff just by thinking).
We continued to hand it back a forth until we agreed on it.
It had a long list of terms but the summary was that I would be able to summon the tiger for help and use his magic and get a boost to my lightning magic which is already powerful thanks to my wand.
A stipulation we both agreed on was that we cannot disclose information that could harm the other, even if the contract is broken. (Yes you can have a part of a contract continue its effects after the contract is broken so long as you specify that).
As payment, it can change depending on current events but for now, he wants some of my spiritual energy when he is summoned but I am also to provide him with a place to stay when he needs it, to treat other spirits with kindness, and to give him a name.
When I saw that he wanted a name I was surprised. I had forgotten that spirits don't get names normally like mortal creatures do.
When I thought about it I decided to try an experiment and give him a name related to lightning and see if that makes him stronger too.
When I told him about my plan he let out a chuff acted happy and let me do as I wanted.
Getting his approval I thought about a name, a name related to lightning.
In my old world, we know that lightning is just a giant spark of electricity. Electricity was one-half of a fundamental force in the world. If he could learn the other half he could become very powerful.
A word in the basics of electricity came to mind that means the electric potential. In other words, the potential of lightning itself.
When I did I told him the name and what it meant, and he chuffed again.
I laughed and said to him as we finalized the contract. "From now on your name is Volt."
Volt let out a chuff rubbed his head on me and licked my face, it felt like sandpaper.
When I looked into his glowing yellow eyes I noticed they were glowing slightly brighter than before and I smiled.
Now that Volt had a name the contract disappeared and I felt a connection with Volt.
When I tried to follow the connection with my mind, I heard a voice in my head ^Hello.^ (Telepathic Communication)
The voice was male, high pitched and calm, yet excited and fast and had the slight sound of crackling lightning in the background.
Surprised by hearing that I tried to talk back ^Volt?^
^Hello... Jack,^ Volt said back.
This time I noticed a delay when Volt talked. Is everything ok, you are talking weirdly?^
^Yes...ok... hard... talk... this... way...^ he responded
I decided to talk normally for now "Will you get better with time and practice?"
He nodded seeing me talk normally.
"Ok, that's good. Is it ok if we talk for a bit? I should explain who I am." I said with a slightly nervous laugh.
Volt nodded and I started to explain that I was a primogenitor, who I was and why I knew Brakos and who he was as Volt didn't know, only that Brakos was a powerful spirit.
I did get to see a look of shock and fear on Volt's face when he heard Brakos was a Primordial but for some reason didn't when he heard I was a Primogenitor.
Slowly as we talked I noticed Volt talking more fluently as he got better. I was thinking it would take weeks or months but he did it in only 30 minutes.
Thankfully while talking he explained that he knew I was powerful, had been to the library and had reincarnated because my spiritual energy was incredibly high and certain other signs that only a few spirits could recognize, Volt being one of them.
He knew I was in the library as spirits could see souls and many of them knew about the library but not how to get there, that Brakos was its guardian or that it even had a guardian in the first place.
He saw the knowledge I learned engraved onto my soul and realized I was in the library at some point. Thankfully he said he would train me on how to hide that.
Volt explained that even though he is only a Mid Rank 2 spirit he has lived for centuries and has seen many people throughout the ages.
He had seen people who had been to the library advancing kingdoms with knowledge beyond them. Warriors and mages display skills never before seen.
He had seen Primogenitors rise and fall and said he had a good relationship with one before they passed away and now that he knew I was a Primogenitor he wanted me to live a long life I want rather than live a short life like the others.
We continued to talk for a while and eventually, he revealed why he had been following me.
He explained that he also has a unique ability called [Sight of Fate] It is an ability that allows him to see someone's fate and what could befall them.
When he looked at me he said he could not see my fate and when he looked at those around me, he saw their fates change regularly.
An example was that an adventurer was going to be killed by a goblin the next day, instead after Jack bumped into him while walking through town he only suffered a small cut from the same goblin.
I was shocked when he said that as Brakos never said anything about me doing this.
After Volt realized I could change fate he became interested and started to follow me.
Eventually, he learned that I was a spirit summoner who hadn't awakened my powers yet and decided to help me when the time was right. Thought sadly the attack happened before he could approach me properly.
When I asked him if he saw the fates of people after the attack he said that while watching me he started to use [Sight of Fate] less and less as I changed Fate so much that it was hard to keep track.
But there was also the problem that someone was blocking his [Sight of Fate] from seeing the fates of people past the 15th.
He explained that he could see nothing when usually when someone dies he could still see the fate of their body.
I couldn't speak for Volt but I guessed that one of the orcs prevented him from using [Sight of Fate].
I doubted it was targeted directly at Volfs ability, instead, maybe it was a large area of effect spell that prevents all Oracle(future telling abilities) and communication-based spells from being cast as no one heard about the attack until I was found.
Normally to counter Oracle Abilities you have to target the caster before they check the future or receive a vision but no one knows Volt had that ability. My 2 best explanations for this are as follows.
Due to the fact that [Sight of Fate] is an ability that directly looks into the future, even though the possible cancellation ability used on the village was used after he checked their fates, he couldn't see because 2 fates can't contradict each other then if a fate was for the barrier to prevent [Sight of Fate] from working then it would prevent it from working even if they didn't cast at the same time
even if that's not the case if the caster predicted someone with Oracle Abilities was in the village, by targeting all Oracle Abilities, in general, from seeing past thing point in time the caster would just need to hope they are stronger any potential [Oracle] in the village. And through that, they could just passively overpower Volts [Sight of Fate].
'it's a terrifying thought that someone could cancel out an [Oracles] Abilities and can attack anytime without any knowledge is scary...'
'...Wait what am I thinking?! Abilities that can see the future are almost unique and even then only about half of them are reliable and of that even less than half of them are understandable.'
Oracle abilities are dangerous, we have been talking as if they are common when a kingdom would go to war just to acquire one.
The fact Volts [Sight of Fate] was blocked is a scary thought but something we will deal with later.
For now, I should decide what I will do with the books.