My father decided for my 8th birthday he would make me a special spear. 2 months before my birthday he asked me about it before he did anything about it as weapons that my father makes need to match the person who I using them.
He asked what kind of spear I wanted and what kind of metal I should use. I said that I wanted to help him, go with him, pick it out myself, and learn how to make my weapons in the future.
He smiled and said he would love to have a helper but I was not old enough yet to help in the crafting but I was old enough to gather the materials. He said that when I was ready he would teach me how to use a forge.
First, he brought me to a mine with several ores and minerals inside and showed me some. He wasn't a miner but he always said that those who gather the materials for blacksmithing themselves can make items more powerful than people who just buy the materials.
I picked out a mix of Gold, Silver and Obsidian. Even though I picked out soft metals and obsidian he said that he has his ways of making it stronger than steel.
I did think it was weird that obsidian was in this mine when there isn't a volcano nearby but this world doesn't follow the same rules as my old one. Maybe it's due to lava forming down there a long time ago or something.
We went deep into the mine supported and protected by magic and started to mine out the resources. Dad was swinging the pickaxe and I was holding a bucket to put the materials in.
Thankfully he had done this before several times so he knew what safety measures to take.
After dropping the ores off at home we went into the forest and he asked me to pick out a tree for the spear shaft.
I looked at him and asked why the whole tree, why not just a branch.
He corrected and said, "You pick out a tree and we only take out a branch."
I felt stupid after that while he laughed.
I picked out an oak tree that I love to climb when I am playing In the forest.
He said that oak trees mean strength courage and knowledge and that it was a good choice for me.
He climbed the tree and cut a branch down and we walked back home.
While walking home he asked me to draw what I wanted the spearhead to look like and gave him the drawing afterwards. Then when I was done to took a carving knife and started to carve away at the branch until it was a length and shape I liked.
I asked if that would cause the shaft to break and be too short when I grew up. He said not to worry about it and that the spear would adapt to me as I grew and so long as I had that connection the spear would not break so long as I was alive.
He said that this is a secret technique he learned years ago and it has always helped him.
I looked at him in wonder just imagining what he knew as he never talked about his past with me.
That night I stayed up all night thinking about what I wanted and drew the spear. What I drew it to look like I would be 8 inches long with the main part being obsidian black with silver veins running through it and gold dots all over it looking like the night sky.
After the drawing was done I showed it to Dad and he said it could be done but it would take time. We talked about it for a little and he went to his forge to start working.
I was not allowed in the forge when he was working but I knew he was doing something as I could see light coming from under the door.
After that, I started working on the shaft. It took about a month but when I finished it was great. I kept the shaft a straight pole but carved some designs into it like water flowing and lightning crashing from clouds along with a few hidden magic symbols I learned while in the library.
When the shaft was done I showed it to both mom and Dad and they both congratulated me. Dad took the shaft into his forge to work on it and add the finishing touches. While he was doing that I was cleaning up from carving so much. Mom asked if I had a piece of wood left about 1 foot long and 1 inch thick from the branch left, thankfully I did and said yes.
I asked what she wanted it for but she wouldn't say.
After another month it was almost 8th my birthday.
I noticed in the past month that Mom would enter their room and work on something and the carving knife was gone too. I realized that she must be working on something.
One day I noticed my father didn't go into the forge that day, nor did he go on an adventure he just helped around like normal. It was at that moment that I knew the spear was done.
When working on something he would pretty much lock himself in his forge and only come out for food, to use the bathroom and sleep.
On my birthday my parents told me that had 3 presents for me.
My mom gave me hers first. I wanted to see the spear but curiosity overcame me when mom told me that is what she had been working on.
She pulled out a small fabric bag and handed it to me. When I opened it pulled out a 12-inch oak wand with a tiny yellow crystal embedded on one end. It had yellow lines running across it like lightning and a handle.
I looked at it for a second in awe. I asked if she needed the wood for that, and she said yes. She had been carving this wand for the last month and got her hands on a C-ranked Lightning Magic Crystal.
She said that this is very valuable so never reveal its rank to anyone and this wand will boost lightning magic (which she knows is my main element) and should help me with my low mana capacity.
I thanked her with a big hug and sat back down.
Both of them looked at each other and Dad said that the next 2 gifts should be given together. He said that the first one mom asked him to make so that if I didn't have my spear or wand I would always have a way to defend myself.
He then brought out 2 items one was the spear and the other was a dagger in a leather sheath. The spearhead was wrapped in cloth so I could not see the blades of either but I knew there was an important reason why both were giving at the same time.
Dad gave me them and asked me to uncover both. I did so and was amazed.
Both blades were made with the same materials and design. Both blades were black with silver veins running through them with golden dots that looked like stars in the night sky.
Both blades were beautiful to look at and I love them both. I hugged my parents and told them that these were amazing as was going to try them out right away.
They both smiled and watched me go outside to the makeshift training ground and try out these new weapons.
The spear was surprisingly lightweight, yet was well-balanced and strong. The blade was sharp and the shaft was polished and sturdy. The whole thing matched with me so well.
The dagger was the same, surprisingly lightweight and easy to use yet also so beautiful most people would think it was an art piece or magic item. I strapped its sheath to the belt on my waist and practised pulling it out and defensive positions. I would need a way to defend myself if I didn't have my spear or wand after all.
The wand was amazing it had a large amount of Mana stored inside of it and boosted my lightning magic by almost 5 times its original power(keep in mind that my magic was worse than a beginner mage and I had been learning for a year) making me slightly better than people with the same training as me. This would allow me to cast larger spells and keep them active for longer. I still need to raise my own Mana Capacity but this wand will help.
I decided to give them names the spear will be called Twilight. The dagger will be called, midnight. The wand will be called Storm.
These weapons are amazing and I am very lucky to have parents who want me to succeed. I do need to keep in mind I am naturally weak but so long as I work hard I can become as powerful as them maybe even stronger.
When I finished trying them out me and my parents decided to spend the whole day having fun.
It was a day with so much happiness. Why did it have to end in such a tragedy?