A bed burst through a hospital, a man runs beside his wife hospital bed, the man is 6 foot 1 inches in height, blonde colored hair, teal green eyes, wearing military pants and a farmer's coat. The woman in labor being quickly rolled to the delivery room is a woman with deep honey glazed skin, smooth pink full lips, Amber green eyes, and raven purple blonde hair.
They all enter the delivery room ready to bring this child into the world. "Breathe Amara, breathe," the man remarked while rubbing Amara's back. "Don't worry I'm gonna be alright David, just make sure you call Johnathon and Martha, I want them to see their nephew," Amara replied with consistent breathes. "We're gonna get through this ok, I'll call them now." David remarked pulling his phone out.
Em's P.O.V
Pressure like nothing he's ever felt before, like squeezing through a really tight cave, "Ok I think I'm about to be born, wow this is weird but so surreal," Em remarked to himself. "I hear people?, but it's faint like my ears are plugged," Em noted internally.
4 hours later-
A sucking motion like a vacuum, slowly moving Em's baby body into the real world, long hours pass by, then a sound of a new life entered the world, "Wahhhhhh," Em's cried uncontrollably.
"Congratulations Mrs. Kent your healthy baby boy." The doctor declared with a warm smile. "Wow he has both of your eyes," Martha remarked smiling. "He's like a mix of both of you guys," Johnathon remarked. "Thanks John, it was a process I tell you, but It was worth the wait," Amara remarked while looking at her son with love.
Martha looks at Amara's son with joy, but also a bit of sadness, Johnathon glances at his wife, he walked over to subtlety comfort her, "I'm alright Johnathon, I'll be okay," Martha muttered going back to her joyful expression at the beautiful scene of a new family member that was added to the Kent family.
"So Mrs. Kent what is his name?" The doctor remarked. "His name, is Edward, Edward Nathan Kent." Amara remarked with a lovely look at her newly named son. "It's a beautiful name, where did you get it from?" Martha remarked with inquiry. "It was my great great grandfather's name, it means A will to choose," Amara recalled with fondness.
Outside the atmosphere, a multitude of meteors and Ashroyds a couple hundred miles away from the planet, inching closer toward the lovely state of New Kansas. And the city of Smallville will remember this day of distress.
In the Kent's large truck-
Edward's P.O.V
"Edward huh, not bad it's a good name, Ok so I know I'm probably in the DC Universe but I can't rule the possibility of other ones in this Multi Omiverse, also I just can't wait for my golden finger, again I'm an impatient man well boy now, it's still weird in a way." Ed noted to himself quizzically.
Edward turns his baby eyes to the unfamiliar sky, "Now that I'm looking at this world, it's a lot different like the trees are just, they look different be better, but that sky is magnificently beautiful but only a couple hundred stars in view, guess light pollution is still a thing huh." Edward reasoned to himself.
"Now who do these people remind me of?" Edward thought while not noticing the monumentally numerous celestial bodies of meteors in the sky. "Oh yeah, no way, I'm in the Smallville series, ugh I'm gonna have an amazing time won't I," Edward internally remarked sarcastically to himself.
Crashing down for on high in a dangerous symphony of destruction, meteors lay waste to cornfields, road sides ahead of them and even destroy water towers in there wake. The Kent's car swerves and turns, but Johnathon takes back control of the truck but it's too late. David and Amara cover Edward, shielding him with there bodies to try to soften the turning movement of the car.
The car crashes into a cornfield. The impact rattles the vehicle but the field softens the cars integrity. Long minutes pass by then the drivers side opens, Johnathon and Martha get out of the car. Seconds later the other soon follow suit. "Agh," David harshly muttered. "Are you okay Darling, your not badly hurt are you?" Amara worryingly asked still holding Edward safely in her arms. "I should be asking you that, are you alright is Edward okay?" David worryingly exclaimed.
"We're okay, but your arm," Amara pointed outstretched checking if it's broken. "No it's just dislocated, I'll manage," He remarked while relocating his arm with a loud socket pop. "Where is John and Martha?" He remarked worrying. "You take Eddy, I'll got look," She said reassuringly. "Here take it, for protection," He added grabbing the 44 from his left holster. "You know I have no need of man's weapon, besides I have these." She replied putting her Arm Bracers on.
"Alright I'll be near the car," he told her holding the 44. "Let me help you with that." She smiled turning over the car with her hidden strength. " luckily, or unluckily, there not here to see that show," he remarked with a bit of sarcasm and worry. "Alright see you when I find them." She assured with confidence.
Little Eddy looked with a questioning gaze. Like he had seen something remarkable just happen. "Ok, note to self your mom is probably a super hero, and secondly those bracelets didn't look like they were from any Amazonian people to my limited knowledge,so she's probably from another planet." Edward reasoned with himself, still thinking what world he had gotten himself into.
Amara P.O.V
Amara looks around the dark cornfield, trying to spot her in laws anywhere. She rolls her sleeves up hiding her otherwise noticeable arm bracers. "Martha!!, Johnathon!! Are you out there!!" She yelled looking deeper into the darkening cornfield. "We're over here." Johnathon's voice rings out. Amara jogged to the voice.
13 minutes later-
"Wear are they, they should have been here by now," David worryingly murmured to himself. Edward tries to look around but to know avail. "Damn it's to dark for me to see anything in that field," little Eddy internally mentioned.
In the cornfield of darkness, a couple and there child along with a beautiful mother run out of the field stopping at there car. "Oh thank goodness you guys are alright," David remarked relief washing over him. " Yeah we found our way back," Martha replied in a joyful visage.
"And we found a castaway, in the sea of corn," Amara joked rubbing the head of the black hair blue eye toddler. "Huh, so that's the future Superman, this is gonna be a dangerous but fun ride." Little Eddy muttered internally. Smiling grabbing out into the night air towards the little alien boy.