Both Anne and Bernard went to drop the bank deposit and it was time for them to finally part ways for the day. Anne brought out a £20 note and handed it to Bernard and the young man smiled....
"No,keep it",he said to her and she looked dazed.
'It's yours,so keep it'...
No,take it,pls, Bernard persuaded for a long time."But,for a little pricey though"he added and Anne looked up.
What?;:she asked
"You'll cook dinner workday for me and on weekends, u'll cook breakfast and dinner..."he said
what?';!she shouted in shock.Was dis guy crazy???she thought....
Starting tonight,come on,let's hurry to ur home,I'm hungry....Bernard urged till she finally gave in to his request and called a cab..
As they got to her home,Anne opened the door and Bernard entered as she locked it behind them.
He stared at the small but neat space unlike his which was extra large with maids and guards all around. This was home,he thought as he settled on a sofa.
He immediately checked his wrist watch and it was some minutes to his meeting.
"can u show me to the rest room,pls,"he asked and she pointed towards a direction and he thankfully left to make his call quietly and quickly
Anne immediately packed up her hair with a band and checked for what she could cook in the freezer. Macaroni cheese....she thought and set to work I. the kitchen,she was now almost done with the cooking when Bernard came out,he could inhale the sweet aroma and he was conviyhe would never eat any food apart from Anne's.
Speaking of Anne,her hair packed up exposing her pretty neck,looked sexy ,she f*****g looked sexy while cooking and he tried to stop himself from doin anything crazy .But,he walked towards the little kitchen and wrapped his hands around her waist.....
Anne immediately turned back as she blinked her lashes in embarrassment,"Why are u holding me?"she asked and Bernard pulled away almost reluctantly but apologetically afraid he was moving too fast
"I'm sorry".He said as he looked around
"You've never been on a kitchen before??"Anne asked shocked. She did not believe someone lyk did would exist.
Bernard nodded shyly."Yh,"he answered as Anne put off her apron and left the kitchen leaving the food to cook up on the gas cooker
" Then,it only means u're from an extra rich family and would therefore not need to work in a coffee shop "Anne said as she sat down and Bernard did the same.
" You wouldn't believe if I told u ".....Anne scoffed
"Try me"she dared
" Anne,I want to know u"Bernard said genuinely leaving Anne shocked at his bravery
know me???
" Yes,I mean we're co workers,we should know each other well". Bernard said and Anne gave a distressed sigh..
"there's nothing to know except what u can see,Anne said with a frown as she stood up to check the food.
Bernard sat still on the sofa and waited for her to come out.She reappeared with two plates of the meal and Intentionally filled up Bernard's plate and he smiled.
"if u want dis much,why is it dat u don't have a pot belly or u're not fat??".Anne asked srsly scanning the muscular man and he could not hold his laughter...
"I work out everyday and I don't eat this much,u tempted me". Bernard blurted out as he started eating while Anne watched on in awe..{this man was really sth,Anne thought}.
The young man couldn't help it as he finished off his filles up plate which surprised him.He stared at Anne and she held cheese in her mouth
As if recalling Bernard's threat,she stood up at a far end to complete eating and Bernard moved closer to her
"No, don't do dis,pls. Anne pleaded.
Do what?? Bernard asked smirking dangerously..
" Thank u for the meal,it's the best macaroni cheese I've ever tasted",he said and she nodded.
I'll be off now, goodnight.... Bernard said as he placed his both hands on her cheeks and gave her a peck on her forehead, he turned to leave through the door when Anne's voice rang across
"come pretty early tmr else I might beat u to it,"
Bernard could see her lovely dimples and pretty white tooth.