Guðlaug Jónasdóttir (good-lig yorha-s-scottir... or something) hummed to herself.
Meeting her father, she waved.
Ruefully shaking his head, he waved back.
Trueborn she may be, but she did not consider herself fatherless. For they were in the Inner Sphere, not out there, like the Pentagon Clans, the land of failure.
Both of their IndustrialMechs returned to what they had been doing prior. Hands falling back down to move construction supplies about the site. Placing them back at the end of the day before moving onwards, there were matters of interest to consider, matters to address.
Here on Romulus, Guðlaug had shifted some of her workforce, much of the others spreading out across the Lyran Commonwealth.
All the better to build the Construction Union throughout the Lyran Commonwealth, as the Fortress Hexes became a common sight in number and scale. Erwin had done the same with his machinists, and she would be completely lapsing in her duties to not do the same.
After the annihilation of three Combine Regiments here on Romulus, they were now building a memorial... and further defences to prevent such an event ever succeeding in the future. Unlikely as it was with the frontline pushed forward two dozen light years, it was still a concern, for it was here that the domino had first fallen, where the Combine had been held down as the Commonwealth's other hand slapped them in the face.
It was also here that Guðlaug Jónasdóttir, scion of Clan Wolverine, had decided to make her future.
Spread throughout the Lyran Commonwealth were those that descended from the originals. Those originals that had fled the Clans. Those that had seen the betrayal of the great vision. How each of the clans had betrayed their own Honour Road with the annihilation of Clan Widowmaker for a simple accident. Not speaking out against Clan Wolf for betraying their own honour, and thus betraying themselves.
The Clans had demonstrated they had no honour. If mere emotion was enough to see them shatter the bonds that held them together, the bonds that held their very society together! Then what did it say about everything else that the Clans had been built on? Everything was a lie, made so with a single action.
All of it gone!
Over a single action.
If there was something all of Clan Wolverine could agree to, it was that the Clans for all their ideals were still as disgusting as the Successor States which had descended into war as the SLDF had left.
Leaving in an exodus as the clans bickered over what to do with the carcass of Clan Widowmaker, a great many, from all the Clans, had left. Had decided that if the Clans were of such filth, that Clan Wolverine, the not-named Clan, had been correct.
The Clans were nothing but failures, aping the great Nicholas Kerensky's vision, not understanding what it meant, failing with their very existence. The very moment he had ceased to be a stabilising influence, they had degenerated.
These self-exiled Clan peoples had decided prior to their entry into the Inner Sphere that they would take on the mantle of Clan Wolverine, the annihilated, the destroyed, the truth-seekers. Those that had the courage to speak the truth, to alter the Clan laws to meet the needs of the era, to match the Great Father's vision.
They would leave.
They would recreate the Clans elsewhere, for it was not with material things that a Clanner was born, it was in the heart.
They would uphold Nicholas' vision in his stead, to spread it not among the incestuous Pentagon worlds, but in the Inner Sphere.
Desperately in need of their guidance.
Throughout the Inner Sphere many had fled, yet many settled in the Lyran Commonwealth, there was more freedom to practice their ways here. Not like that of the Draconis Combine, where, for all its resemblance to Clan culture, was, instead, as alien to them as the Pentagon Clans were.
It was the closest, it was the most accepting... and a great many had decided to settle, to build themselves anew, to practice their ways and develop their skills. Carrying with them technologies stolen from the Pentagon Clans, the Spheroid Clan Wolverine (for they were all Wolverines this day), proselytised Nicholas' vision.
In some cases, it had the opposite effect of what had been planned. Some in the Federated Suns had taken it to mean the superiority of the Mechwarrior over all. Created from later exiles, fully believing in the Mechwarrior as the dominant caste, they had influenced the Mechwarriors. Forming Mechwarrior cabals and killing the First Prince when he had come to tell them to stand down. They were annihilated to the last.
Mistakes were made.
Good riddance to bad rubbish.
Yet, that was but one tribe, the others, they continued with their crusade.
To teach the ways laid down by Nicholas, as mutated as they were. For a single bad incident could not erase the good they could have!
There had been others that had arrived, those on the border worlds having gotten experienced in identifying the 'exiles', as they were known. Incorporating them into the Clan, teaching them of the truth and giving them a home once more. Those of different opinions and ideas formed different tribes. All were Wolverines, yet that did not mean they all had the same idea of how things should be run.
None of Clan Wolverine had any misconceptions about what it was that they were preaching. For they understood that the teachings had to evolve to meet the times and circumstances. This was not the immutable law laid down by the Great Father, as he had originally planned. It only created stagnation when interpreted by those without vision.
After all, they had found out the truth. That for all Kerensky's wisdom regarding the future, his eyes had been blinded by the present, by the deceptions that had led to the annihilation of the original Clan Wolverine.
Lies upon lies, a veil over his eyes that had led him to act wrongly.
Which led to why she was here on Romulus.
They had found another Nicholas Kerensky, one with eyes firmly set on the future. Yet blinded by the present. A Visionary, a herald of change.
The songs of remembrance had passed this one down. Of a dreamer with eyes to the sky, surrounded by those that were seeking to stab him in the back. For he would bring about great change at cost to himself, seeking always for defeat, yet finding victory.
The verse, spoken by a former Goliath Scorpion during a hallucinogenic episode, had been the source of much debate. Yet Guðlaug could see the truth of it now.
Guðlaug Jónasdóttir had seen the events playing out once more and had sent out the call. Using the codes that had been prepared by the first of those that had gone on the exodus. Those who had come later had been inducted and given the codes, for they were now Wolverines. All the tribes had been invited, for this concerned all of them.
Over the last three months, there had been many that had come to discuss the matter with her. Their tribal affiliations leading them to have wildly divergent views on the future.
The dream born anew, some had thought of the matter. Someone who was trying to bring an end to the wars of annihilation, to bring about a better way of living.
Others that this was the promised land. Where warriors could fight to their hearts content in true wars, battles that would be spoken of for centuries to come.
Some had more definitive ideas on the subject. That with everyone living in a Fortress, battles would become like that of the Clans, trials held in the open to prevent excessive bloodshed. A return to the trials... and yet more honest.
There were those that wondered what they were even doing here.
Moving her IndustrialMech into the warehouse, itself home to the salvage that had been collected from the battlefield of Romulus.
The portion that was allocated to the EDF had been dumped here, the other three LCAF regiments having left with their pieces long prior. That which was left was a mishmash of a hundred different Battlemechs, wrecked beyond recognition.
The EDF, being made up of infantry, even if they were infantry that were now mechanising due to availability of vehicles. Had been faced with the difficulties in assembling high-tech equipment and weaponry. Such as that of Battlemechs, modern AFVs, and aerospace. Very different beasts from the Pre-Space technology they had been trained on.
Skills, that the Wolverines had retained, their secret experiences, their technical skills, passed down from parent to child. Or rather, from sensory training system to child. Out here in the Inner Sphere there was no distinction made between Trueborn and Freebirth as had been explained was occurring in the Pentagon Clans.
Yet more proof that the Pentagon Clans had forgotten Nicholas' vision, bound themselves in rules, had turned themselves... dezgra as the new Clan inductees had introduced.
The letter of the law over the spirit, weakening themselves as they did so, quibbling over language and wording. Unable to see the truth of what they were doing to themselves.
Regardless of their failings, the Wolverine focused herself, there were more important matters to focus on.
Introducing herself to Marzio Cocci as a Mechwarrior trained Aspirant, someone wished to take over the role of getting the wrecks up and running again. Someone who had contacts with those who knew technicians willing to assist.
As a member of Eggers General Utility, from Blackjack itself, he had been happy to give her free rein in the matter. Someone that he could trust.
Freedom to act on this matter, and message dispatches, had culminated in this situation.
Hundreds of individuals were here. Technicians, Scientists, Mechwarriors, Astrotechs. There were no caste distinctions here, not in the Inner Sphere where such concerns would mark them as divergent, subjects to be investigated. For all they retained their culture, adjustments had to be made, to ensure they did not appear as abnormal to the Inner Sphere.
Yet, these hundreds were not even a small fraction of those that had settled the Commonwealth. Unrestricted by scarcity, children were a common sight in all Wolverine households. For the birth of yet more Wolverines ensured their survival in the face of annihilation. Preventing that which had occurred to the original Wolverines happening to them.
Why was this happening? Why were they so interested in publicly building Clan Wolverine now of all times? The reason was simple, for as much as they might wish to do so, none had the monetary capability of recreating the Clan Wolverine as an autonomous group. They lacked the backing and the capability. Yet, in the here and now? They had it and more thanks to Huu Eggers, the Visionary.
Standing at the head of the group, Guðlaug climbed out of the IndustrialMech, onto the shoulder, ready to address the crowd.
"I am Guðlaug Jónasdóttir, Wolverine. You are all Wolverines. You have been given material regarding Huu Eggers. You know now, as much as I know. You know that he is a visionary, trying to change the world, to prevent the excesses of the Succession Wars. You know that he is doing his very best to make this world we live in, a better place. You know that he is like the Great Father, Nicholas Kerensky. You know that his eyes do not watch his back, do not watch those around him. You know that he is vulnerable, of being misled as the Great Father was. You know he needs defenders, eyes, ears, those loyal not just to him, but to his vision. You know that this is necessary to prevent the Pentagon Clans repeating themselves here, now. You know they will return, and we will be ready for them."
The assembled personages of Clan Wolverine did not say anything.
Guðlaug was not worried.
Like all Wolverines, they did not bark, they did not bray. For when they were serious, intent... that was when they were focused, when they went in for the kill.
She had their attention and she had their focus, for they agreed with her. Those that did not would have already issued a challenge.
A trial against her words.
"I have been given leave by Duchess Eggers, the LCAF, and Eggers Defence to form a bodyguard unit to ensure that Huu Eggers, the great visionary of this age, is protected from harm. His body is weak, yet his vision is strong! It must be protected. We will create the Wolverines, to defend him and his vision against the darkness that seeks to smother it." Again, there was no dissent.
"However, that is not to say all of us will be going, for we must repair these machines, must induct new trainees, to spread ourselves and assist the education and defence of the Visionary's great works. We must also repair these machines, demonstrate our capabilities... and to teach, to spread this knowledge. To spread the word of the Great Father! For change is coming, and we must be like the Wolverine. We must protect what is ours!"
Nods of approval.
"We must now settle who will be leaving to join the Little Boss as vanguards of the Wolverines. Those that will make their way to Eggers Education to spread knowledge, and those that will remain here, repairing these war machines and establishing the Wolverines."
As she set aside areas to stand for each mission, the Wolverines who were even slightly interested moved across. Separating themselves out, ready to trial for the finite numbers on most of the postings. Finding space, sizing up the others.
Those interested in the education sector would solve their matters different from force of arms. Force of mind may be an accurate summation of their desires.
In the manner of the Clans, they would trial this, a battle for supremacy, to demonstrate their strength over all.
There would be no fatalities, for they were not like the Pentagon Clans, wasteful, stupid.
But, well, there would be injuries. A costly victory would put them out of the running as much as a defeat.
Guðlaug would sit this out, she had her responsibilities to the Construction Union. For, as she had learned, defensive structures were just as important in battle as the Battlemech. She would spread the Fortress Hexes as far as she could, to do her part in assisting the Little Bosses' vision. If she added a few things learned from Clan techniques, well, if nobody knew, was it a problem?
There were already Eggers retainers guarding the Little Boss. Guðlaug was not worried, the Clan Wolverine was still the best, regardless of whether it was here or the Pentagon worlds. Whereas the Pentagon Clans tested their strengths against each other in rules-bound trials, like children pretending at war.
The Spheroid Clan Wolverine had been fighting real wars, developing themselves further, proving their superiority.
And when the Pentagon Clans returned, for like starving beasts hungry for meat, they would return.
Clan Wolverine would wait for the dezgra rats.
To demonstrate to them the failure of their vision, of the failure to live up to the standards of Nicholas Kerensky.
Two months later word had reached Eggers Wolverines. They would receive an enormous sum to expand their forces, to spread themselves across the Rasalhague Kingdom as teachers, to prepare the people for the future.
It just reinforced their vision of the Great Visionary having an answer for the future. How else would he have known what they had been doing in secret?