Initially, Koizumi Yousuke, who had become enraged by the surrounding crowd's mockery, felt his anger and humiliation subside slightly after seeing their shocked expressions.
At that moment, he was determined to reclaim all the humiliation he had suffered from Ling Fan!
"Kid, now that you know who I am, I'll give you a chance to leave. Let go of Yukieko, then kneel before me to apologize, and you and your girlfriend can walk away!" Koizumi Yousuke sneered triumphantly.
He intended to humiliate Ling Fan. He wanted both of the beautiful women and everyone around to see just how much of a coward this guy was.
As soon as this guy knelt, he would surely be despised and looked down upon by the two beauties at his side, and by everyone on the deck. Whether he could win over the two women today was no longer important!
In any case, if he couldn't have them, this guy shouldn't think of walking away happy either.