As the *Sensual Horizon* carved its path through the velvet darkness, the memory of the ghost ship lingered like a whispered secret among the crew. The Helix Nebula, with its mesmerizing colors and hidden mysteries, seemed almost alive, watching them with a billion starry eyes.
Captain Jim convened the crew in the mess hall, the walls bathed in the nebula's ethereal glow. "We've touched the fringes of ghosts and ghouls, folks. Let's keep our next moves smart and our flirtations with danger light."
Casanova leaned against the wall, his smirk as present as ever. "Captain, my flirtations are always light. It's the consequences that sometimes get heavy."
Elara, cross-armed, shot back, "Let's just keep your consequences to yourself this time, Cas."
The laughter that followed was a mixture of tension and relief. They were a family of sorts, bound not just by contracts but by shared adventures and misadventures.