As the Cosmic Pleasure Police hurtled through the multiverse, their essences still vibrating from their near-catastrophic encounter with the chaos-dependent universe, Zephyr called the team together for a debrief.
"Alright, crew," he began, his voice a mixture of exhaustion and determination, "let's recap. We just nearly destroyed an entire universe by trying to stabilize it. Anyone want to share their thoughts on our cosmic oopsie?"
Casanova, his usual suave demeanor slightly ruffled, chimed in first. "Well, boss, I haven't felt this conflicted since I tried to explain the concept of 'friends with benefits' to a black hole. Talk about a suck-cess and a failure all at once."
Luna, her scientific mind still reeling from the implications, added, "It's fascinating, really. We've stumbled upon a cosmic paradox - a universe that requires chaos to maintain its existence. It's like a cosmic BDSM relationship where the safe word is 'stability'."