Chapter 29 - Ceiling-Floor

First stop's a free floating RV that was overran because it hadn't properly screened their passengers years ago; reported to be about 100 casualties. 

When the outbreak was reported, it was too little too late, and by the time rescuers arrived, it had already become too dangerous to board. 

Men, women, children. All dead. 

Its metallic corpse was last reported to be seen floating near the moon, and luckily for them, it was still there. Though, it had a few addons to it; giant holes where it had crashed and bumped off of other ships after losing power. 

While they had a feeling Wim wasn't on it, they still felt, given what Kyle had told them about being reincarnated, that it would help either way. 

Though, as Jesse steered them closer and closer to the ship, he realized a chilling detail that the cowboy hadn't noticed before. 

The RV was upside down. 

"Well, I've got some good news, and I've got some bad news," Jesse began, communicating through his sable to Kaori who was in the bathroom giving herself a pep talk in one of the mirrors. 

Her nerves had begun to act up; PTSD from her 'birth' into this new world. "Bad news first, please," she muttered to him through Lilly. 

"We're going to connect to the RV to keep it steady 'cause its upside down and shit, so the ride is about to get bumpy. Then we will have to climb down into it through a makeshift hole. We will also have to wear our clunky spacesuits the entire time otherwise we'll die since there's probably no oxygen in it," the more Jesse was explaining to her, the more she wanted to vomit. And he was talking in such a tone that it sounded like he was excited about the entire ordeal. 

I'm definitely not ready for this. She was regretting her life choices. 

Jesse continued, "most of the zombies should be on the new ceiling-floor because of their bodysuit's automatic gravity mode, so it should be easy to navigate through the ship. Our target is the cockpit where the self-destruct console is." 

"When's the good news?" Kaori interrupted, she wanted a break. 

Jesse chuffed, "living afterwards. I let you die once, I'm not about to do it again." Kaori blushed, and his words were like a cure to her sickness as her stomach filled with butterflies. 

The halfbie slapped herself. "There's no time for love when the world is being fucked," she muttered to herself as she tried to cheer herself up. 

"Are you alright?" The connection between their sable's was still live, and he heard her cheesy line and was worried about her. 

Instead of replying she told Lilly to disconnect them, her cheeks red. 

After readying herself for their descent and meeting back up with Jesse at the controls, who was ready as well, she watched as the cowboy maneuvered their Stag directly over the corpse of a once powerful RV. 

First, they felt a hard jerk followed by loud bangs and scratches as he lowered a couple arms down to it. They were equipped with specialty magnets in order to hold the RV in place as their ship remained anchored. 

Then the sounds of a machine buzzed softly as their ship lowered a space bridge down to a random hole that looked big enough to fit them while wearing their bulky suits. 

"You ready?" The cowboy asked Kaori as he attached his helmet to his suit. She only muttered 'mhmm,' before putting her helmet on as well and following him as he led her to the tiny underbelly of the ship where a singular locked hatch lay in the center. 

"As we near the end of the bridge, and through the floor of the ship, we will need to turn on our suits light mode in order to see through the darkness." He pointed to a button on his chest, "and don't forget the blades." 

Kaori only nodded as she watched him open the heavy door, revealing a long climb down with the end result being a pitch-black room. 

Without hesitation, Jesse began his descent first with the halfbie close behind; her heart beating like it was about to pop out of her chest at any moment. 





Every step down the metal ladder echoed into the ship below, stirring awake a few zombies that were still trapped inside, waiting for their turn to escape through a damaged hull. 

As they entered the eerie, growling, jaw-snapping darkness, they each pushed a button on their suits, causing a light to erupt from both of their suits. It was extremely bright, lighting up everything around them but avoided blinding them. 

But it also gave them the ability to see what was below them. 

A couple heavily emaciated zombies had gathered at the base of the ladder, grabbing onto it as if they were about climb it. 

Kaori hesitated but Jesse continued on, unfazed; and as he neared the end of the ladder, he pressed the button on his chest to bring his blades out. 

The halfbie stopped her descent, and watched as the space cowboy pushed off the ladder while simultaneously twisting himself around so that he could impale both of their heads with his blades, silencing their growls. 

How can he do that so easily!? She wondered; she could barely move. 

Jesse looked up at her, motioning to her that it was safe to finish climbing down, and she did so as quickly as possible. 

Being alone in the bridge, despite Jesse being right below her, made her fear a zombie was going to suddenly fall from above; like a shark being in a dark swimming pool. 

"Ask your suit to activate anti-gravity," he began to whisper to his white-haired companion. Their suits lit up the large room they were in, a storage room for food, and they could see that there weren't any more zombies around them, however they knew the ship's metal was heavily weakened. "There's a lesser chance for zombies to be on the ceiling than on this ceiling-floor. These walls are weak and probably couldn't even hold a pig back." 


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