Chereads / Deceptive Shroud / Chapter 14 - Chapter 13

Chapter 14 - Chapter 13

Kuina was mad while going back and forth with Kosho and Kunio: Why can't I enter the headquarters? I want to see Kirie

Kunio spoke calmly but a little bit tense: sorry Kuina it's the orders we got, they said you are on a long break and shouldn't come, you should leave

Kosho spoke while wondering: How did you even know that? I thought we made sure you wouldn't find out

Kuina spoke while holding her phone: Nami told me now let me in I want to see Kirie

Kosho whispers to Kunio: shouldn't we let her in for Kirie, come on she wants to meet her sister

Kunio answered while typing on his phone: orders are orders

Kosho: Now you are going to snitch on Nami?

kunio repeated: orders are orders, now you should leave Kuina you have places to be

Kuina spoke while glaring at him: I finished like two hours ago please just let me meet her

kunio spoke with a smile and when he said the last word his smile dropped and he became serious: the answer was still gonna be no

Kuina started to curse him while walking away, suddenly Kosho spoke: I will let you in for fifteen minutes and I'm going to be with you

kunio facepalms himself: seriously? Why do you all like this

Kosho smiled: come on she just wants to meet her sister

kunio spoke while crossing his arms and had a cold expression on his face: don't get me in this

Kosho smiled: you wouldn't

kunio scoffed: we're going to see this

When they both entered Kuina ran to find Kirie eating, she didn't give her time and ran to hug her, Kirie started to choke but when she noticed Kuina she smiled and hugged her tightly and spoke hard: I've missed you, so much Kuina, I'm happy to see you 

Kuina let go of her while laughing nervously: sorry did I hurt you? I was just happy to see you awake

Kirie nodded, she still seemed weak but better than last time, Kuina saw how she was wearing only a white short dress she seemed uncomfortable with it and having her hair tied up tightly and she seemed to have issues with it, she is sitting in a wheelchair and having some tubes in her body, Kirie might smile and act that everything is okay but everyone knew she isn't, same goes for Kuina she tries to distract herself with college, Kirie was looking around nervously every two or three minutes, Kuina knew that she is nervous and she hates this because Kirie hates to be the center of attention and concern, Kuina knew that Kirie trying so hard to leave this place, she saw how she is trying to finish her food fastly but she is hardly eating, Kuina holds her hand and smiled gently and spoke: take is easy, and why are you only eating bread? I'm sure you can do anything else, stay here I'm going to bring you some food, don't you dare move

Kuina left and Kirie didn't have time to protest, Kirie sighed and heard Kosho chuckle, she blushed and looked away, she is so embarrassed when Kosho realized this he gave her his back to give her space, Kuina came back with a tray that has Mushroom soup, two pieces of barbeque chicken leg, with a bowl of mash potatoes and some grilled veggies and she didn't forget to put two pieces of Cannoli1, making Kirie eyes widen, Kuina smiled and said with so much affection: I knew damn well you miss Food of your country, I wish they had Ricotta Cheesecake2 but they don't, maybe I should ask them to add it 

Kirie spoke and said: nah I prefer torta della nonna3

Kuina turned to her and spoke with someone in shock: you like this thing?

Kirie giggled and Kuina giggled with her, then Kuina went and took out her jacket on kirie's lap and took off her hair tie and made it into two braids, Kirie pouted and spoke while whining: I looks like a child

Kirie spoke with a warm smile and playfully: my child

Kirie then noticed Kuina's clothes, like the always long skirt but after she took off her jacket she sure would get cold, Kirie wanted to give her back her jacket but Kuina spoke gently: I'm going to be fine don't worry, now I'm leaving I only had fifteen minutes to be here but look it's already Twenty-five, see you later

Kirie wanted to tell her something but Kuina already left, Kirie suddenly had a serious expression and started eating like a wild animal making anyone see her either laugh or be shocked but she didn't care, she forgot what etiquette is, Kuina was outside shivering a little bit, the moon already in the middle of the sky, no soul outside, everything is closed, she went to the train station but the ticket printer device isn't working, she cursed while start to shiver more, she looks around her, she thought to herself: there are no trains from here to Sakai, this is really bad why does the headquarters need to be in Kawasaki? I don't even have my weapon with me

Suddenly she heard a car horn, she turned slowly to see a woman and she recognized her, Kuina spoke hardly out of coldness: wait I knew you, you are Liz right?

Liz threw on her jacket and spoke coldly: you seem to need a ride, get in

Kuina's eyes widened and spoke slowly: but your house is in Oyama mine is in Sakai, hold on, why are you outside anyway?

Liz spoke coldly: I have my reasons, you surely need a ride get in you are freezing, and I will not let you die freezing while I could save you

Liz held Kuina's hand tightly and shoved her inside the car and got to her seat and started driving, she spoke: I know it might take so long but still, I will not let you be alone, beside some of my family members in Shitara we can stay there

Kuina shivered not because of the cold but because of horror, she was in a car with a woman she only met once and she didn't know if she was a monster or not and her phone battery had finished, the woman raised her hand to Kuina as if asking for something, Kuina seems confused so the woman spoke: your phone, I will charge it for you

Kuina shook her head and spoke in a low voice: it's okay

Liz narrowed her eyes at her and then sighed, the whole ride was quiet when suddenly she spotted Sakiko throwing her trash out, Kuina spoke: oh this is my friend, you can leave me here thank you

Liz took a look at Sakiko then back at Kuina opened the lock of the car and suddenly spoke coldly while handing her a paper: this is my number if you need any help I'm here for you

Kuina took it slowly while her hands were shaking but bowed and left and ran to Sakiko, Liz made sure Kuina reached Sakiko and entered her place and then she started the engine and drove away, Sakiko made sure Liz left and then turned to Kuina and asked confused: who was she?

Kuina Shrugging and answer while taking off her jacket: someone wanted to help me

Sakiko raised her eyebrow and wondered: at this time, she shouldn't be out, anyways I'm sure you are hungry, do you want some Baozi4? I have veggies and beef

Kuina sighed and spoke: fine, do you have anything refreshing?

Sakiko: juices? I have mango with strawberries, you want some?

Kuina didn't answer her cuz she was still scared after what happened, Sakiko went and held her shoulder and smiled: everything is going to be okay now sit, oh and the charger is in the third drawer

Kuina woke up the next day when her alarm phone rang, her eyes widened, she slept in her clothes, she had no spare she looked a mess and her class was going to start after two hours and a half and there was no way she could make it from Kofu to Nagoya in less than two hours, she starts to panic, Sakiko holds her shoulder and spoke: are you okay?

Kuina spoke while panicking: my class is going to start after two and a half and I don't have enough time, What should I do? And there is no shop open at this time except after one hour, I'm doomed

Sakiko ran to her room and came back with new clothes that seemed her size Sakiko explained: I ordered this online but the sizes were different than here so I ordered thought that it was the same as here but no it was much smaller you can have it

Kuina took it and thanked her, it was only one problem the skirt was short, it was above her legs but she knew she couldn't complain so she wore it, Sakiko helped her doing her hair and gave her a notebook she had and some pens and she start helping her, Kuina thanked her and start running to the bullet train, she made sure she has everything, in the same time Masahito was talking with Hato in the bus, she spoke while she seems a little bit shy: I told you no need to come with me

Masahito spoke: I came with you for Kuina I need to check on here

Hato giggled: off course, she is a good student, she is my favorite

Masahito raised his eyebrow and he spotted something, he got more serious and then spoke with seriousness: change plans, I will stop now

He pushed the stopped button and ran outside the bus, Hato seemed to wonder but let it go she knew it was his job, Masahito started running to an ally and stood in front of the same woman who fought with Yasuo and Elena who had droopy chocolate brown eyes, Masahito took out his gun and point it at her, she only raised her both arms and said: Kate Langford

Masahito frowned and spoke in a harsh serious low tone: I didn't ask your name

She smirked and said: Just saying, oh wait I know you, you are—

He fire at her making her fall on her butt while holding her shoulder, she glare at him, but he only looks at her expressionless, she smirked and start running away but stopped when suddenly she was getting shot by arrows from in front, suddenly Elena jumped from the second floor and fell on her while stabbing her with her spear and have a huge smirk in her face, Kate yell in pain while she was fixed to the ground, Elena spoke: Look what we have, good job Masa

Kate turned her leg into a mortar when Yasuo cut it before she shot Elena, Kate just screamed in pain and then all of them their eyes widened, she started crying like a scared animal cub, she was whimpering like a dog: it hurt it hurt, make it stop please make it stop, it's hurt, hey I say make it stop make it stop

Elena spoke confusedly: this is new, last time I checked she didn't cry

Masahito spoke: we used this time more of the flower and we hit her many times in many sensitive areas

Kate looked at Nina while crying: please make it stop, please I beg you, it hurts it's hurt so much, why are you so mean

Both Yasuo and Elena were about to complain but were stopped by the torturer's men, she kept crying crazy

Masahito left before speaking with the others, Yasuo spoke: What is wrong with this man? Oh gosh I hate people like him

Both Nina and Elena thought at the same time: you are the last person to speak about this

Masahito noticed that Kuina still wasn't in her class so he sent her a message but no answer till now, he hoped she was okay and started messaging the group chat, Sakiko answered immediately that Kuina was fine 

When Masahito raised his head he noticed Kuina and his eyes widened and spoke with shock in his tone: What are you wearing?

Kuina spoke while pointing at him: Don't say another word, I'm late and I know I look hideous

Masahito scoffed and said: no it's just not you, you know what I mean, you don't wear this type of clothes

Kuina answered while walking inside fastly: Sakiko gave it to me

She seemed too shy to even run, she was cursing herself inside her head she was already late and she couldn't walk faster because she is shy and can't run in a skirt like this, she entered her class and it was Hato, she smiled for her and let her in, Hato was known for being the best professor ever, she is kind gentle nice understanding but also scary sometimes, Kuina sat next Sayuri who was shocked one what she is wearing, Kuina signaled to her she is going to tell her later, Kuina noticed Shimizu and her friends were daydreaming, she pointed at them and Sayuri shrugged, after class while Kuina and Sayuri were walking Kuina got a message from Kohaku saying he needs her help with something in the cafeteria, Kuina was confused and spoke with confusion: When did my brother start coming to collage

Sayuri asked: does he need something?

Kuina nodded while humming, while walking to him when she spotted him suddenly shimizu ran to him causing Kuina to be pushed aside, Kuina and Sayuri were confused, Shimizu spoke with excitement: oh hello there sweetie pie you're new here right? Do you need any help?

Kohaku just stared at her coldly while Shimizu was smiling at him widely, Kohaku ignored her but she kept sticking to him, Kuina sighed and came while speaking with embarrassment because of Shimizu's actions while she is rubbing her nose bridge: What are you doing Shimizu?

Shimizu frowned and spoke: what are you doing here? And what do you want with my pretty boy?

Kuina pointed at Kohaku while scoffing: that pretty boy behind you is my brother

Shimizu laughed same goes with her minions: yeah as if

Shimizu noticed that Kuina wasn't laughing which meant she was serious, Sayuri spoke: you two look alike somehow, you both have red lilac eyes and—

Shimizu cut her: you are joking, hey pretty boy let them stop these lies

Kohaku just looked at her coldly and Kuina spoke: He is mute he can't speak, and besides can you see his name in the tag, oh gosh you've been simping over my brother

Shimizu wondered: Mute? You mean deaf because he can hear completely fine

Sayuri scoffed: not every mute person is deaf Shimizu

Shimizu looked at Kohaku and asked him: why are you mute?

Kuina is dumbfounded: is she serious now?

Kohaku finally moved took Kuina's hand and pulled her with him, Kuina chuckled because she knew Kohaku wasn't used to many people around him and to being the center of attention, Kuina spoke calmly: you want a tour don't you but you are shy to ask someone, right?

Kohaku only nodded while not looking at her, Kohaku may seem cold and people sometimes get scared of him but he is actually sweet and caring, like a big warm teddy bear, that is what Kuina thought about him, Kuina while taking him to a tour she asked: So you chose Disaster Management? That is good for you

Shimizu were stalking them while her makeup is running all over her face from crying while Sayuri facepalming herself , Kuina and Kohaku looks like a big sister and her younger brother even though Kohaku is older than her , Shimizu were about to run to them and ruin everything but Sayuri hold her to stop her , in the meantime Masahito while walking he spotted a lost child looking at his surrounding , he sighed and bent down to be at the same of the lost boy , the boy were none other than Simon , Simon were confused and start to cry then and hugged Masahito who was dumbfounded but let the small boy hug him , Masahito slowly raised his big palm and pat at the child head to calm him down , he carries the child and took him to Yoshinaga cafe and sat with him , When the boy calmed down he looks at the man who helped him with helpless eyes and was about to spoke but then he closed his lips tightly when suddenly Masahito spoke to him in English: I can speak and understand English if you were nervous about this , calm down first and then I will start to help you to find your family , if you need something to drink or eat you can tell me

Masahito's voice was calm but also gentle and warm, Simon smiled and shook his head slowly and spoke: Mister your arms are so warm and strong, you can protect the world with them and also keep them warm, it's been a while since the last time someone hugged me like this, for the past years my father seems so busy and my mom start to stress out and my sister seems like she is carrying everything while helping my mom and to keep an eye on me, I don't blame them they are actually the best family but we have some issues and I didn't want them to be worried and stress so I decided to go the library near us but I got lost and I'm embarrassed to even try to call them for help or anything, I don't want them to be worry, I need to get bigger stronger and dependent on myself so they don't need to take care of me

Masahito eyes maybe looks calm but there is a glimpse of shock in it , a child like him isn't supposed to think this way or talk this way , a child supposed to laugh play and have fun not worry about this stuff , Masahito only nodded he wasn't good at talking , the boy smiled to him a small shy smile , Masahito raised his hand and order two juices and a sweet for the little boy , Masahito didn't let him refused and when they finished , Masahito reached his hand to the boy to hold his hand , Simon was shocking but took it and then Simon tried to explain for Masahito Where he and his family staying and which library he was searching and with the help of Masahito they reached to there and Masahito stayed there because he didn't like the idea of letting a boy all alone without an adult , specially when he knew what there is out there , Simon ran to him with a notebook and a pencils and a learning Japanese book , he put the notebook and the book and sat next Masahito and then tried to speak Japanese even though he mispronounce most of the words: Could you please teach me Japanese please sir

Masahito chuckled in a low voice and nodded: I will, and how about this every day from 10 am till 4 pm you come here so I can teach you and have some time together?

Masahito had a small warm smile on his face if anyone he knew saw him their mouth would drop to the floor, Simon nodded and they started their session, Suddenly Tessa came in running in their direction and hugged Simon: Simon I was looking for you everywhere, thank god you are fine, oh did you bother this man? You really are a troublemaker

When Tessa noticed Masahito she tried to thank him in Japanese but Masahito spoke first in English: it's okay miss, I understand English and I was only teaching him Japanese he wasn't a trouble at all

Simon suddenly asked one of the librarians about Junko and they told him she didn't come that day, Simon thanked Masahito and left with his mother he seemed super happy, Masahito was smiling warmly When suddenly he realized this and his smile dropped, He found himself shaking suddenly, he started walking outside and went to pick up Hato, he saw her talking to Kuina and Kohaku, Kohaku bow to him but Kuina didn't she just ran to him to tease him: you have such a lovely wife Masa

Masahito tched, and then Hato spoke: do you want us to drop you at the train station?

Both Ninomiya shook their head at the same time and Kuina spoke: We have something first to do thank you for the offer

Both Ninomiya left, Hato turned to Mahito and spoke while complaining: What took you so long

Masahito spoke with boredom in his tone while looking away and rubbing the back of his neck: Just saw a lost child and helped him that all

Hato nodded, and Masahito added: do you have an appointment tonight?

Hato nodded again and smiled: don't worry I will be back before today

Hato suddenly walked in front of him and spoke while pointing behind him: your friends are here

Masahito turned around to spot Ru and Jun, he walked to them while putting his left hand in his pocket: What's wrong?

Ru spoke first: Irie got attacked, it was Eshe

Jun continued: he found new information about Irene's makeup artist Hazel Wade

Ru continued now: He is searching for someone to go and we wanted but he refused

Jun continued now: so we asked him if you can go

Masahito raised his both hands to stop them and spoke: you know I have no partner, I can't go alone, Yasuo isn't my partner, you need to find someone

They both yell at the same time: no it has to be you

They both looked at each other then Masahito again who sighed and spoke: you know I can't go alone

They both spoke while leaving: search for a partner

Masahito shook his head and started walking to the train station to go to the headquarters, in the meantime, Kuina and Kohaku were at a store, Kuina was holding hair dyeing, she is holding the usual color she dye her hair and another color, she turned to Kohaku and asked: say Kohaku should I try new color? But I want to try something new, this is starting to bring headache me, fine I will take the old one

Kohaku was already done he was waiting for her

After hours in the headquarters, everything seems normal when suddenly the fire alarm rings and they all can see smoke coming from Irie's office and the rooms next to it, Marsha runs and starts taking the fire hose same goes with Sawada and Norihiko, Marsha eyes widen when she spotted something, she swallowed hard, her expression turning serious while still shaking and suddenly threw the hose to Aihara and ran inside the fire and called for the person she saw: Steve? Are you okay? Get out already

She started pulling him when Steve spoke: Teiji and Tsurugi are still inside, we need to get them out

Marsha's eyes widened and spoke: get out now I will go get them

Steve was about to protest but Marsha pushed him at Norihiko who ran after her , she start running and she tripped many times but still stood up and run again while calling for both Teiji and Tsurugi , she saw some people running and sometimes she closed her eyes when she knew she is near people on fire but knew she could never help them, she start to cough and her vision turned blurry but still walking and searching for them, she reached a room and stood in front of it and she sensed something inside her so she opened the door but couldn't she tried again to put her hand so it's scan her hand again but no use , she found a chair next to her and start hitting the door handle many times till it's opened when she start pushing the door open she saw some corpse in the floor who has been burned and some are being burned being help by Tsurugi she was about to scream when someone put his hand on her mouth and spoke but his voice wasn't clear , she raised her head to see Teiji having a cloth in his mouth so he doesn't breath the smoke , Teiji noticed she is having a panic attack so he nodded for her and she slowly collapsed, he carries her in his back he knew she saw to much and she is scared so much but still fought all of this for them, while she is collapsing slowly Marsha realised that the room who is burning is control and monitoring room , she saw Tsurugi having someone in her back she understood that this two went inside to help the people to get out and run , Teiji went before Tsurugi but with each minutes he turn and look if Tsurugi is okay or not , they reached the others and Issei with the others were taking care of the fire , When Issei saw Marsha his eyes widen and he start to shake , Sawada put his hand on Issei shoulder and spoke: calm down and focus

After what like an eternity the fire went down, Irie was walking slowly and tried to enter the section but Sawada stopped him, Issei suddenly hold Nami who was about to enter and spoke calmly while holding her shoulder tightly making her hiss: you know you can't enter now, we should wait for When Kasai come back

 Kosho came running yelling while panting hardly: she ran away Kate Langford ran away

Norihiko was cursing loudly, sawada took the speaker from Aihara and spoke calmly: everyone let calm down now, the hunters and nightwatchmen go search for her while the others help us, oh and the healers check on the injured

He could hear some protests but they still did what he ordered them, sawada Issei Norihiko kokichi and some others entered the section that was set on fire, Issei spoke with so much seriousness: Norihiko take the others me Kokichi and Aihara would come with me to Irie office

They couldn't protest while both Kokichi and Aihara were focused on searching Issei fastly swift his gun from outside his pocket and shot Aihara her eyes widened and screamed in pain, she turned around with shock on her face and was about to speak when Kokichi pulled his sword from the big bag he was holding and stabbed her and Aihara yell more in pain while crying she was about to speak when Issei cut her and spoke seriously with widen eyes, he seems more serious and scary this time: you think I didn't noticed? You filthy creature, I swear to god that I will torture you to death

Aihara suddenly turned her leg into a machete and was about to hit Kokichi when suddenly Issei stepped on her chest harshly making her scream with agony, she noticed his shoe was different, he put the flower in the sharp heel of the shoe, and she tried to move him but he shot her both hands, she tried to move her hands but noticed they were pinned on the ground with iron nails that were painted with the flower, Aihara start crying and moving her legs like a child while crying, Issei spoke coldly but with so much seriousness: don't kill her nor torture her I will do it by myself

Issei left Kokichi with Aihara who kept crying like a seven-year-old child who didn't get what she wanted, Issei when he left he saw Nami next to the door and he pulled her with him: did you find Kate?

She answered him: No we didn't

Issei suddenly remembered something and ran to his section to find Kirie sitting, he ran to her and put his both hands on her shoulders to check on her: are you okay? Did something bad happen to you?

Kirie shook her head and spoke: no but something worse happened

She pointed at the wall and he saw a message written on it with green paint, he yell for the others, Irie came with sawada and Norihiko, Norihiko read loudly: We have Kasai Miyami if you want her to be back with you guys safely do what we order you, everyday check under Marsha desk at 5 pm if we left for you message for what to do or not

The message wasn't finish , Norihiko started to curse again, sawada spoke calmly while he still had his usual smile: calm down Norihiko, now let's check on the others

Issei turned to Kirie and asked her: you didn't see it, did you?

She shook her head: I didn't if I did I would tell you, you need to check on the others Issei

Issei nodded and left her, Sakiko came while pushing a bed Marsha was lying in, and Kirie spoke with a worried tone: Marsha? Oh this is really bad

Sakiko spoke: she helped Teiji and Tsurugi she went to search for them if she didn't open the door for them who knew what was going to happen to them

Masahito Shozo and the others were searching for Kate but no use, Masahito turned for Shozo who shook his head, sawada clapped his hand and took the speaker and spoke: since miss Kasai is no longer here you have to listen to either me Irie Issei, or Kokichi orders and oh even Shozo, now I need you all to gather each section with it people to know

He stopped talking and sighed and spoke again: to find out who has been burned and we couldn't save, and if there are some people already have finished their shift you can tell us 

He turned to Norihiko who whispered: We found 72 corpses till now

sawada nodded and turned to the others and nodded for them and went to do what they were ordered, they went to check at each person, it's been hours and they still couldn't know all the names, Kunio came back and spoke: We opened the emergency doors

sawada nodded with a gentle smile on his face: thank you Ishizaki, you and Tsuchita with two other teams would be watching it for this shift, Is it okay for you?

Kunio spoke: yes sir, I will tell the others

sawada Issei Irie Kokichi and even Shozo went to a different room to discuss what they were going to do now


Information and comments:

-Kirie real name is "Kyrie Amato"

- she is half Japanese half Italian

-In Japanese, Kirie (切り絵) is a word rather than a traditional name, and it refers to the art of paper cutting. The characters "切り" (kiri) mean "cutting," and "絵" (e) means "picture" or "art." Together, Kirie means "cut paper art" or "cut picture," a traditional Japanese art form where intricate designs are created by cutting out patterns from a single sheet of paper

Ninomiya (二宮): This is a common Japanese surname, and it can be broken down as follows:

二 (ni): Means "two."

宮 (miya): Means "shrine" or "palace."

Kirie Ninomiya:

The combined name can symbolically mean "The artful one from the second shrine" or "The creative spirit from the second palace." Although names in Japanese don't usually carry literal meanings when combined, the components suggest someone with a connection to creativity and tradition, possibly hinting at artistry with a sense of cultural heritage

-The name Kyrie Amato combines a first name with Greek origins and an Italian last name:

Kyrie: This name is derived from the Greek word "Κύριε," meaning "Lord" or "Master." It is often associated with the phrase "Kyrie eleison," meaning "Lord, have mercy" in Christian liturgy.

Amato: An Italian surname meaning "beloved" or "dearly loved."

Kyrie Amato:

The full name could be interpreted as "Beloved Lord" or "Dearly Loved One," carrying a sense of reverence, endearment, and warmth.

-After she start living in Japan they decided to change her name since she is going be one of them


1- Cannoli: is an Italian desserts - Crisp pastry shells filled with sweet ricotta cheese, often mixed with chocolate chips or candied fruit

2-Ricotta Cheesecake: is also an Italian desserts - a lighter version of cheesecake made with ricotta cheese, often flavored with lemon or orange zest

3-Torta della Nonna: is also an Italian desserts - traditional custard tart with a pine nut topping, often flavored with vanilla or lemon

4-A baozi (包子) is a type of traditional Chinese steamed bun that is filled with a variety of ingredients. Baozi are soft, fluffy, and typically round. The fillings can range from savory to sweet and include options

Thank you for reading see you next chapter , and sorry I'm going to take a break and gonna update at the end of January