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The Before

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After the minor gang, 'Arcanas' and their new friend "Lux" do something exceptionally stupid and very in-character for them, they have to face the consequenses of existing and not being human.. I know, so bloody bothersome! But they want to get home before dinner-time, unfortunatlly they're not the most inteligent beings in Disunlealive.

Chapter 1 - Chapter 1, Venus, J Lucifer of the eastern north of the realm known as Hell, Area of Circle 5.

As recorded by Nami Vasiliev, the leader of the "Cards" from Circle 5 of Kiraët.

There are certain expectations of demons set out by the heavenly society.

Most of those expectations are extremely loose, do an evil deed once a month or more (mostly depends on which demon.

There are some who prefer to only do once a week but there was a famous demon called Elium who liked to do 50 evil deads before breakfast)

Those expectations become more strict the higher the rank is, for example, it is expected of Venus, J, Lucifer to avoid communicating with lower class demons and other "evil" people, to tempt 15 humans 3 times a week, to stick to his neighbourhood of high-class pure demons, to follow the rules, all this and more but Venus, J, Lucifer is a demon, a descendant of one of the most famous fallen angel who had never followed the rules.

So as Venus, J, Lucifer's mother had expected, he made sure to break all the rules and expectations set out by the heavenly society at the beginning of each day, usually around 1 or 3 AM with his best friends Jin, Misha, Yael and Palo. They made such a strange friend group, but they will kill with and for each other, clean the blood, hide the bodies and be each other's alibi, like true friends do.

They got drunk and talked to beautiful strangers about the meaning of life or tea (although, Palo could swear that those two subjects are awfully similar to each other to him.)

This happened to be one of those times where Venus, J, Lucifer was wasted, higher than the angels and talking to a beautiful stranger

"A TOAST TO ME BEASTIES bEstIEEs, said beasties," bellowed the short slightly confused fae-shifter, raising her wine, she was a rather small thing that reminded the bartender of a small dog, it may look innocent and cute but in reality it was a vicious Hellhound of noise and chaos.

Her friends were trying to get her off the table but she was stronger and surprisingly steadily, she raised her glass and the other reluctantly followed, the vampire followed with his champagne, the blue-haired siren with a thousands pockets raised her mug of shinom, the tired angel next to her raised a thin and delicate bottle of gin that was half-way empty, Lord Venus, J, Lucifer or as his friends refer to him, Jas, raised his strawberry vodka, and then the stranger, not a friend of the gang (at least not yet), looking out of place, but they raised their own glass anyway.

The stranger may be beautiful but did not belong here. No. No one like the beautiful stranger has been welcome to Hell ever.

But then again no one really is welcomed or truly belongs in Hell they all just survive through the day until their soul no longer can take it and they move Aboveground.

"Kidemónas: guardians or more accurately idiotic cops who happen to be fallen angels." Taken from the private diary of Sarina of Circle 2.

Jas's head was exploding with pain. Not for the first time he had no recollection as to what happened before he went to sleep or more accurately what happened before he passed out still dressed to impress on the floor of the kitchen (usually he manages to make it to the living room before completely shutting down underneath the couch.) He looked around confused as to why he was on the floor and why he even bothered waking up. The floor was in geometric patterns of gold and black, Xeza loved the aesthetic and most of the house is like this.

Trying to get up from the floor led to more dizziness and pain. Maybe he should have listened to Palo and go light on the dri- wait no, he had a blast even though he was pretty sure Palo was just as wasted as he was, and he wouldn't change a thing next time even if the mornings were hellish even down in Hell. But it's always worth it and it seems like the last adventure was even more worth it because sitting in the bar in the kitchen was someone who looked familiar but Jas couldn't quite place where, maybe from last night or maybe from thirteen years ago. Jas's memory wasn't the best but why would he never admit it? "Good morning." Xeza's upbeat voice was like an axe slicing his head.

"Met your new friend, such a polite little thing. Wonder why my own friends can't be like that." Jas's 'new friend' was the stranger, they were holding a jade and golden teacup, their nails all uniformed and coloured purple with golden geometric shapes, their long black hair with purple and green sheen was tied in a neat braid, their eyes lined with gold in little clouds shape, their purple heels looked both comfortable and elegant, their outfit looked like something you could party with in and dine with your friend's parents; a purple summer dress with black tights and an embroidered jacket with little star constellations on their sleeves and on their back was a moon embroidery, a see-through scarf tied hang loosely around their neck. He could see why Xeza liked them, he was 80% sure they both partied hard a few hours ago, except they didn't look like it. If anything it looked like they were in their own home. they had the air of royalty without the snobbish and holier-than-thou bits.

"I believe I had the pleasure, but I was extremely wasted. So?" He offered his hand towards the strange queen, they took his hand in their soft one and smiled warmly.

"It's Lux," they said their voice was warm and gentle. "And you are Jas." He smiles sheepishly. "Guilty as charged, sorry I didn't remember your name. I usually don't drink that heavily."

"Yes you do," Xeza remarked, smiling. "So do you!" he said, defiantly. "Like mother, like son."

"You are his mother?" Lux asked surprised. "I know. Trust me, I am just as surprised as you are." Xeza winked at them.

It was true that Xeza didn't look old, but she and Jas had a few similarities for those who don't look close, both of them had black hair although Xeza's was straight like feathers of a raven and Jas's was curly, they both had a thin lean frame which made them fast and a drinking habit, but other than that they could have been distant cousins. But for people who did look close, it was also the little things, the way their eyes were shaped, they both had a thin face, and ears that slightly stick out of place, they had the same hands the way they were shaped the little scars at their long fingers (Jas would never admit this but the scars are from the times Xeza tried to teach him to sew, after she told him that maybe he had a pianist hand and she mistaken it for a creator. She was right and he still plays her from time to time.) Lux smiled, their dark eyes glittering with amusement, looking at Jas then at Xeza, trying to see their similarities. Jas decided he liked their eyes, they held an ocean of curiosity. "So, do I want to know what happened last night?" Xeza asked, her tone mockingly serious, raising an eyebrow at Jas, who turned pale."No,"He admitted guiltily, she laughed. "Alright I won't ask, have you seen Yael last night?" He paused, remembering Yael on the table shouting a toast.

"Yes, a bit hard to miss." Lux turned to Jas. "Which one was Yael?" "Tiny angry one with the red dress and the huge machete that was about the size of a third of her body." Lux nodded, remembering."The one who kept climbing on tables?" Jas smiled and shrugged "She does that sometimes, when she is drunk. She really likes her wine."

"She also really likes trouble."Xeza sighed, and looked at Jas. "And I am glad she's enjoying herself but one of these days she is going to get into a fight with the wrong people, so just keep an idle eye on her and keep her away from kidemónas." "Who is Kid-emón-as?"Lux inquired, looking a bit confused with the strange name. Xeza and Jas both looked at them surprised.

"How come you don't know what Kidemónas is?" Jas asked, perplexed. "Are you not from around here?" Although it seemed the answer was obvious: you don't live in Hell without not knowing what kidemónas is. Xeza explained to the bewildered Lux, "Kidemónas is a title, not a person, it's the fallen angels that refuse to accept their damned fate and, for some reason, still take orders from up High—" "—Kind of like police," Jas butted in, making Xeza sigh. "Sorry." "Yes, like human police except they are still trying to enforce heavenly rules in Hell, so you can imagine how well that's settling in with everyone."

They all heard a knock on the door to the house, before anyone could react, Palo Del La Rasha swaggered into the kitchen as if it was a stage, his entrance never missing theatrical elements. Wearing his usual attire of black platforms with golden details, dark blue button up, along with a long pleated skirt and his favourite diamond bracelets and necklaces that came as a set from a different world. His mouth split into his cat-like grin, his fangs glittering in the kitchen's light. "Mama! It's been too long!" he exclaimed. Xeza smiled at the nickname and wrapped her hands around him. "I believe it was just yesterday." "See, that's too long." "Why do all my friends hug my mum but not me?" Jas asked, feigning misery. Palo grinned as he wrapped his long arms around his friend. "Have you met Lux?" Jas asked Palo, a bit red-faced. Palo looked behind Jas's shoulder and grinned widely.

"Why, of course! I believe we met last night." He offered his hand. "I apologise if I did anything uncouth. I don't usually drink that heavily." Lux shook his hand, smiling when Jas shook his head from behind Palo's shoulder. He immediately stopped when Palo turned around and declared, "The twins are on the way and they're going to pick up our favourite little table-dancing queen." He sauntered over behind the counter and started to pour himself coffee.

"Why do you call Miss Lucifer 'Mama'?" Lux queried curiously, Palo shrugged. "Well, I have never heard dear Jas call his mama anything but her name, so I decided someone should call her, Mama." Xeza handed him a small jar with sugar. "And I don't mind it one bit,"she said, smiling widely. Palo put at least half of a cup of sugar into his coffee, before handing it back to Xeza, who placed it back with the rest of the jars of spices, sweeteners and teas. Jas was wandering around the kitchen, opening cabinets and closing them, revealing about the same amount of alcohol as one might find in a bar and an unexplainable number of teacup sets organised by colours. He started to pull out random things from drawers and placed them in a different drawer than where they originated from. "How about I'll go and make waffles? That way, you can stop messing around with my kitchen." Jas flushed red, nodded.

"Right, thanks, Xeza." "Our Queen and Savior, Mama. We'll be in Jas's room." Palo took Lux's hand and led them down the hall after Jas, who ran to his room. The hall's walls were filled with paintings of the Lucifer Line, most looking serious, but Lux could glimpse further down the hall a picture of Xeza and young Jas making funny faces. Before they could go see it up close, Palo nudged them to a dark red wooden door. The inside of Jas's room was a fascinating mix of punk and royal. The walls were adorned with his graffiti and photos of the gang. Yet, amidst the odd choice of wall decoration. A few antique pieces of furniture stood out amongst the things that were scattered around the room, juxtaposing the punk aesthetic with regal elegance. His skateboards leaned against an ornate dresser, and the Lucifer family crest hung above his window, a huge thing that overlooked the backyard, which was mostly kitchen herbs in elegant pots, trees and high ramps for skating. A big pile of paint spray cans were lying next to one of the walls further from the door but it was covered in a huge sheet.

"I see you are working on a new art project." Palo sauntered to the giant sheet. "Yes but you are not allowed to see it," Jas said in panic. "Because . . . it's not done," he continued more calmly. Palo cat-grinned and gave a mock bow.

"Very well, my friend." Jas smiled, calming down. They heard a knock and turned their heads to the door. There was a girl leaning on the door, her electric blue hair was in braids that pooled at her feet, glowing blue freckles that stood out against her sickly pale skin and faded brown eyes. She was wearing a dark purple vest showing off her muscled biceps with little acid burns and glowing tattoos, her simple cargo trousers had at least thousands of pockets that made a clicking sound when she walked.

She smiled awkwardly. "What are we looking at?" "Oh, we are not supposed to look at it. Jas's new artwork." Palo made a delicate gesture at the blank sheet on the wall with his hand, she glanced at it and nodded, turned her gaze to Jas and said, "Misha is complaining to Mama about me, because I dragged her before she was fully awake and Yael is still asleep."

She hopped onto the bed sitting with her legs folded like a monk. "It's nice to see you again, Lux. How are you doing on this fine day?" "I am alright. Thank you, Miss Jin, how did you sleep?" Lux inquired, grinning at the mock polite conversation, Jin waved her hand. "So and so, I could always use more."

"Jin, dear. I am always all for taking a cat-nap," Palo said sweetly, Jin stuck her tongue at him. "And I am always all for biting a vampire." Palo paused and looked at her, serious all of a sudden. "What do you think would happen? If you bite me will you turn into a vampire?" Jin looked startled but paused as well, clearly taken aback.

"Maybe you will turn into an angel? Or a siren?" Jas looked at his friends, briefly wondering how he ever became friends with them and why.

"Do you want me to try?" Jin asked, looking slightly confused. "Wouldn't I die from it? Or will you? Because if you die, Misha will torture my soul and I would rather that will not happen." Palo looked curiously at Jin, who got up and walked over and started to discuss her theories on what would happen. Lux looked at them both looking slightly horrified, then at Jas, they whispered, "Should we stop them?" "—Nonono, no, I wanna see this."

"But they are probably going to kill each other." "I know. It's fascinating." "Jas. We should stop them," Lux said, clearly concerned.

"Who should we stop doing what?" A small girl with short shocking red hair that matched her blood red lips was standing in the doorway, she was wearing a simple black dress with red accents with a slim, odd-looking chain gun that hung at her hip, along its strap there was its ammunition. She walked in and sat down on the bed as well.

"Jin is going to bite Palo," Jas explained. "Cool. Why?" she asked, pulling off her chain gun and dumping it on the floor, glancing at Palo and Jin. Palo had taken out a silver dagger with a pearl at the hilt and was trying to demonstrate to Jin how to use it on his neck.

"To see if Palo will be turned into an angel or a siren or dead or if Jin would now be a vampire," Jas clarified. "I see," the girl said, although she still looked confused. Lux looked at the girl, recognizing her as 'Tiny angry one.'

"Oh, hi. Lux right?"Yael smiled sheepishly. "Sorry about last night. I usually don't drink that heavily" 'Yes she does,' Jas mouthed above Yael's head.

"Should we stop them?" Yael looked back at Palo who was now rather violently motioning the dagger against his neck. "I think we should," Lux said worriedly, "I wanna see what happens," Jas whined. "This can't be a good idea." Yael grinned fire in her eyes, "but it would definitely be entertaining to watch." A girl with short midnight hair, bright purple eyes that glowed against her dark blue skin walked into Jas's room, she was wearing a forest green jumper and cargo trousers similar to Jin's but they made the sound of hard plastic banging on each other as she walked in and immediately went to Jin and grabbed the dagger.

"What do you think you are doing?" she asked sharply. "We are testing a theory of what would happen if I 'bite' Palo, and mix our blood," Jin said cheerfully, but Misha's eyes turned Jin's happy smile into an eye roll and a sour face and whined, "Come on adai. You never let me do anything fun."

"I let you get high on your mushrooms last night." "That doesn't count, besides this is a scientific experiment." Misha continued to look at her sister with cold eyes and a stony expression, Jin sighed unhappily and gave the dagger back to Palo, who looked equally disappointed. Misha shook her head and sat down on Jas's desk, her feet on the chair. "So what are we doing today? Other than crushing my dreams," Jin asked with a pointed glare at Misha who stuck her tongue at her.

"We could go to ST Crowely's park, heard there is going to be a new AG entrance. We could go and mess it up," Yael said smiling, excited by the notion of destroying things. "It's going to be metal!" "You'll need nutrition first," Xeza said sternly, walking in holding a big tray with a red plate with a stack of waffles, little dishes with berries, sugar and honey, with two pots tea and coffee and a large clear fancy looking bottle of hard spirit and with six different cups.

"Thanks Xeza," Misha said as Xeza handed her a purple teacup with golden stars filling it with a mix of coffee and hard spirit. Xeza smiled. "I'm serious. After you eat, you could go and destroy the government for all I care." The gang nodded and thanked her and she closed the door after she left.

"You heard Mama, we get to go and destroy a government, so which one do you want to blow up first?"

Character basic sheet:

Name: "Lux"

Species: Unknown.

Pronouns: They/Them, but likes to be called feminine things/nicknames.

Likes: homey things and learning

Dislikes: Not knowing things.