After struggling against each other, Miyazaki Yuki managed to break free, but her clothes fell off, leaving her incredibly embarrassed...
Seeing this scene, not only was Miyazaki Yuki mortified—so was Chiba Keiko. Chiba Keiko's previously smug smile had vanished, replaced by rage and hatred. Recognizing that Wang Xiaoqiang was a formidable opponent, Chiba Keiko flicked her slender, pale fingers adorned with a ring that flashed with light, and a wisp of black breath emerged, transforming into a Fierce Ghost that lunged at Wang Xiaoqiang with bared teeth and claws.
Raising Ghosts was Chiba Keiko's signature Ultimate Technique, and the one she had now released was cultivated with her own Essence Blood—her Fated Ghost, many times stronger than the one Wang Xiaoqiang had previously slain. With terrifying momentum, the Fated Ghost charged at Wang Xiaoqiang; had it been an ordinary person, they would have been scared to death already.