Chereads / Superbabes: Special Delivery Service / Chapter 417 - Superbabes Commissioned: Skymouse: The Mighty Endowed II

Chapter 417 - Superbabes Commissioned: Skymouse: The Mighty Endowed II

Brought to you by Skymouse

Mighty Endowed II is from Skymouse's Superbabes: Side Orders series

I don't own DC

Boing Boing Boing Boing…

That wasn't the springs of a bed being rigorously used by her… it WAS her. Walking the floor with her sexy struts and two HUGE trays of food in her hands, which matched her HUGE fucking TITS… which were technically BESSIE's tits… it was complicated.

Wait, no, it wasn't that complicated. The gorgeous, olive-skinned woman with thick, wavy, reddish hair was a magical amalgamation of three beautiful Superbabes. Jackie 'Batgirl' Brown, Ola 'Bumblebee' Lee-Chen, and Bessie 'Mighty Endowed' Anderson. How did that happen? It was a whole thing.

With Bessie's breasts, Jackie's ass, Ola's physicality, and a temperamental combination of all three. The woman currently referred to as The Mighty Endowed (II) was a force of nature... and part dragon. Again, it was a whole thing.

"Hello again, my Darlings!" She cooed sweetly, performing her balancing act before putting down the trays of food on a nearby empty booth before promptly dealing out their dishes. It was a big group of quote-unquote NERDS, many of them had been gaping around at the numerous gorgeous girls around them… and then The Mighty Endowed returned, and her glorious gazongas promptly redrew their attention… like the actual Mighty Endowed, they had quite the hypnotic effect on people. "I have your orders right here." She then passed them over, walking around the table to put each one in front of the boys. Getting their orders perfectly and MAYBE brushing upon them.

A little touch here, a little touch there, delicate, subtle, "Oh! Excuse me!" she grinned, pressing her magnificent mammaries on a nerd's shoulder to put the food down in front of the one next to him. "There we go, darlings." She purred, letting the lucky nerd, grinning like an idiot, feel her chest just a little longer than necessary before pulling away. Smiling smugly at them, she swayed to the head of the table, resting her hands on it and leaning over, her wondrous breasts hanging beneath her despite the tight suit, easily as big as any of their heads. Subtly, she bounced her girls together, watching their eyes on her and their pupils matching her wobbling chest stuffed into the custom crop top with neck straps she wore…

Unlike Bessie, the second Mighty Endowed didn't wear a bodysuit; she wore a costume-themed crop top with her breasts positively spilling out of it. The tight blue pants of her lower body squeezed her thick, Jackie-sized asscheeks, and her blue eyes pierced into the boys as she licked her lips.

"Can I get you darlings anything else?"

"No but uh-" one of the nerds was bolder than the rest. He was older, with big circle glasses, dark chocolate skin, a rather wheezy voice, and a flattop haircut. He smirked knowingly at his fellow nerds, "I think we're good for now." He then produced a Planet Battles themed wallet, and produced a 5 dollar bill. He had clearly been her before "This is for-"

"Oooh!" Mighty Endowed purred and practically shoved her tits into his face, little dollar signs in her eyes.

"-you…" he finished sheepishly, but with surprising confidence, he pushed the bill between her big, soft breasts, lightly brushing them with his fingers as she puckered her lips and blew him a subtle kiss.

"Thank you, darling…" she growled like a fire-breathing beast before giving him a little shake inches from his bespectacled eyes and pulling abruptly away. "If you need anything else, dears, let me know…" she said, popping her hips and letting dat big bouncing backside wobble as she grabbed her trays and about to return them to the kitchen.

Boing Boing Boing Boing

How can someone wear such tight clothing and jiggle SO MUCH?

"W-wait, I got something for you!" said one of the nerds, a small fellow shorter than the others, barely 4 feet tall. She returned, and he produced a few smaller bills himself, all singles, but like her choices in men, she wasn't picky about how much they wanted to give her.

"Oooh…" she approached him holding the trays in both of her hands. "Just put it right in here, darling; my hands are full." She said, smiling beautifully at him before licking her lips hungrily, feeling his fingers slipping the bills into her cleavage. She winked, blew him a kiss, and stood up before all the nerds decided they wanted to tip her too… "Okay, Darlings! Lovely…" she purred and bent over. "…Just stuff them in," she cooed, giving her beautiful orbs a shake.

Just a few minutes later she bounced into the lounge, a veritable flower of dollar bills blooming in her cleavage as she approached Orders. "Those 'nerds' are very generous." She said, reaching into her cleavage and pulling out fistfuls of bills from her chest.

"Pay to play." Orders replied with a roll of her purple eyes, watching the bills rain into a pile on the counter, THUMP! Mighty Endowed dropped her breasts to the polished top as if they were suddenly three times as heavy and gravity was attacking her in full force. Her eyes watched the bills slowly pile up as Orders sorted them. Her ass wiggled slowly side to side. But not like a bitch eager for a petting, more like a snake ready to strike… it's that little piece of dragon in her blood. She had a fascination with money, and her movements were more… sultry in that fascination. "Must you do that every time?" Orders asked tiredly.

"I can't deny who I am, Orders." Replied The Mighty Endowed silkily, almost with a hiss. Smiling at her purple eyed boss as she slipped the stacks of cash under the counter. "I'm sure you understand more than anyone."

"Hmph. Silver Banshee-"


"OH!" she gasped with a rather high-pitched squeak, shooting upright with her breasts swinging up and down like basketballs. Her hands reflexively swung around and slapped onto her wobbling ass cheeks. Silver Banshee, walking around The Mighty Endowed, gave the proffered thick ass a hard smack and made it shake like Jello.

"Aye boss?" Silver Banshee replied casually; she wasn't following any subtle instructions to smack The Mighty Endowed's ass; she just wanted to because she's an agent of chaos.

"…Nothing." Orders noted, tilting her head onto the floor. "Get to it. Don't start a fight." The Mighty Endowed rubbed her backside after that ass-slapping from the Irish Firestarter but quickly smiled at Orders again.

"I'll take that as a compliment." Orders just sighed, going back to her Sudoku even as The Mighty Endowed remained standing in front of her counter.

"…Yes?" The purple-eyed boss sighed loudly as Mighty Endowed purred softly.

"Well, I'm wondering if I'll have a delivery anytime soon?" she asked as Orders sighed loudly again.

"Contrary to popular belief. These things have to happen, and I don't summon them..." Orders noted, "I'm not a damn genie."

"You know Master-" Wonder Woman (II) who was playing pool with Killer Frost, chimed in but Orders snapped back quickly.

"SHUT UP." And she went back to her game. "Not a genie." Orders repeated before tilting her head to the floor again. "Off you go." Mighty Endowed, however, frowned at this before turning around and strutting back onto the floor. Big Barda, who had arrived with Silver Banshee but oddly took longer to change, walked out of the locker room and leaned at her spot on the counter, watching Mighty Endowed go right back to that table of nerds where she was appreciated.

And that should've been the end of it. The Mighty Endowed, among others, would be drooled over by semi-drunken dummies, and slowly relieving them of their money just for the slightest bit of attention and fawning… to feel the smallest touch of flesh that they'd normally NEVER get a chance to caress. A thigh, a hip, a buttock, a breast… The Mighty Endowed flaunted her magnificent, olive-skinned body, quite literally designed to be as appealing as possible.

"Bye-bye, darlings!" She cheered as the Nerds, significantly lighter in their wallets but tighter in their pants, all filtered out as she pressed her fingers to her lips and blew them all kisses. "Mwah! Mwah!" spreading her arms wide as she jiggled in place. The tiny nerd waved only for the older nerd to grab him and yank him out of Superbabes as they all walked out and got into a large van painted dramatically with the older nerd's image but as a hulking barbarian swinging a lightning sword. Nu-Epsilon-Rho-Delta embolden in golden and black underneath. "That's cute." The Mighty Endowed cooed before stretching her arms over her head, arching her back, and letting her bouncy balloons wobble distractingly.

She was technically supposed to go on home, she'd been working for hours, and deliveries only just started. She had been hoping to get one call tonight, but clearly that simply wasn't in the stars. "Hmph." She smiled to herself, and seeing as the other tables were occupied, it was never THAT productive to overwhelm tables with girls. So she rather reluctantly went into the lounge to prepare to go home.

"Yes, very well…" Orders said into the phone before hanging up abruptly and grumbling quietly to herself. "Irritating." She snapped spitefully, drumming her fingers on the table.

"I haven't even said anything." The Mighty Endowed declared playfully, but Orders' purple eyes snapped towards the beautiful, buxom babe.

"I wasn't referring to you." But after a second, "...Actually, I have a job for you." She said as Mighty Endowed practically threw herself onto the counter, her huge breasts bulging upon it as Orders sighed.

"Oh?! I thought you said you don't summon these calls?"

"I don't. Do you want to deal with this or not?"

"Oh, I'll do it, of course!" she declared happily as Orders sighed, then a large pizza box spun across the counter. "I mean, why waste the opportunity?" she cooed but frowned at the pizza. "What's this?"

"Occasionally we get these calls that are tantamount to… pranks." Orders replied coolly, "It is usually a cruel trick when people order 20 pizzas; that's usually a dead giveaway." Mighty Endowed's eyes flicked from the pizza to Orders, then the pizza again.

"We seem to be missing 19 more." She noted, but Orders scowled at her.

"Don't be stupid. Why would I waste 20 pizzas on a prank?" She replied irately, "Take this one to the house—" she ripped off the receipt. "-and do your thing. Get it out of your system." She replied irately as The Mighty Endowed frowned with rather malicious glee at Orders, suddenly feeling like Orders was pranking her.

"…You want me to go and entertain the people being 'pranked?'" she asked hesitantly as Orders frowned at her.

"We have a policy. We can't collect unless we deliver, and with you going off your shift, you can feed your urges to your hearts content. Do you not WANT to be gangbanged by a house full of fratboys?" Orders replied, and the magic words were said. 'Gangbanged' and 'Fratboys'. If the stories Veronica Morehead has provided her during her conversations with Ola were any indication then Mighty Endowed would be in for a FUN time. Strapping young men pinning her down and having their way with her all evening?

"Well you make a compelling argument, darling!" she cheered, picking up the pizza. "So I'll take this pizza and collect my reward."

"I'm sure you will." Orders mumbled tiredly. "Big Barda." She added, causing the girl to lean down and gave Orders an ear while Mighty Endowed promptly walked out the back door to the company car. She put the pizza in the back seat before checking the receipt. Excitedly she slid into the driver's seat and could barely stop the tires from screeching out of the parking lot.

College Street, home to frat houses and sororities, large apartment buildings, and homes providing homes to Gotham's various colleges and universities. She drove down the streets, through curves and corners, before arriving at the end of a cul-de-sac of several large manor-like houses… Including a pagoda-like house, though it had distinctive western designs. The bottom floor was the largest, the second floor was smaller, and the top floor looked like a watchtower… She pulled up into the driveway, blocking the spacious garage door. Before getting out of the car…


"Shake it, baby!" cheered someone else.

"Look at them thangs!"

The Mighty Endowed looked up and around, turning to see just in time a pack of strapping men hooting and cheering at her, toasting her with beer bottles and wolf-whistling as they continued to catcall. She waved at them before flaunting and strutting up to the house she was SUPPOSED to go to… she can't just go over there and blow their minds right now. Maybe later; she had a job to do, and she REALLY wanted to do it.

Despite the cum-crazed addiction of Jackie Brown and the tastefully slutty mentality of Ola Lee-Chen, it was oddly balanced out by Bessie Anderson's work ethic… as such The Mighty Endowed COULD fuck everything that moves, but she'd still rather be paid to use her body the way it was designed to be.

At a premium and rigorously.

Flaunting her body with her sexy, swaying walk, she approached the house over the cheers of the boys across the way. Her ass and her tips bounced up the steps of the porch and approached the front door of the frat house, raised her free hand, and knocked loudly on the front door marked with Greek letters like many frat or sorority houses.


Time: 8:59 PM. Place: College Street (Nu-Epsilon-Rho-Delta)

"Special delivery service!" she announced her presence. One hand on her hips and so close to the door, her breasts bulged against it. After a moment of silence, the door opened with surprising speed, not because someone opened the door quickly but because her huge, firm breasts bounced it away like a coiled spring.


"Hello, Darlings!" She cheered sweetly before realizing he was a couple of feet shorter than her; then she realized he looked distinctly familiar, mostly because she saw him not too long ago.

"Wait a second." A wheezy-voiced fellow announced, "Isn't that the waitress?"

"Yes!" she said, letting herself right in, moving the short nerd aside and swaying her hips as she entered. "I am the waitress!"

"What are you doing here?" a greasy nerd asked as she smiled at him and walked into the center of the 'common room'. They seemed to have been playing some sort of board game on the low table, and she promptly placed the pizza box on it. Bending over slowly as they watched every inch of her wonderful body.

"I was summoned!" She purred at him before standing back up. "As a prank." She said as the Nerds blinked at her.

"A prank?" A sleepy-looking nerd declared before frowning and getting up from the couch and approaching the front window at the house across the street. "JOCKS." He groaned as the rest of the Nerds groaned again, but Mighty Endowed blinked around at them.

"Jocks?" she asked curiously

"Iota-Omicron-Kappa." Said Shorty Nerd, finally shutting the door. "We call them JOKs." He said, and then he frowned. "Wait… so if you were a prank, and you knew that coming here. Why did you come in the first place?"

Mighty Endowed smiled at Shorty Nerd, slowly approaching him and pushing her massive breasts right up into his face. "Mmn…" She then wrapped her arms around his dark-haired head and smashed him and his glasses into her chest and SQUEEZED.


"We have a policy…" she purred, shaking her chest and smashing her breasts against his face as the rest of the nerds watched in awe… That was FAR more fanservice than they expected. Shorty Nerd moaned into her sweat-smelling cleavage, and his erection already rose up to greet her, rubbing against her legs as she chuckled. "And we can't collect unless we deliver... and I LOVE to deliver, Darling…" She then pulled his head from her chest, tilting it upward as his eyes spun in their sockets as if drunk on the sheer scent of her body before she leaned down and licked his lips. "Who would like to go first?" she cooed.

"Ah-MGMh!?" His mouth opened in surprise before she pressed her lips to them and shoved her tongue into his mouth, pulling him up onto his tiptoes, pinning him to the door, and hungrily sucking out his soul… Not literally, of course; she can't suck out souls… she thinks. She hasn't actually tried; the only 'sucking' she does is sexual.

"Mmgh! Mmmngh-hmmn!" She hungrily sucked on his tongue, pressing her tits to his chest as he dangled a foot from the ground, pinned to the wall by her surprising strength, as the rest of the nerds, Sleepy, Greasy, and Wheezy, watched in awe as she cooed lovingly into Shorty's mouth. "Ah!" she pulled away as Shorty looked to be on the very edge of climax… his cock twitching against his shorts as she put him down and pulled away. "Now…"

She turned to face them, grabbed her top, and abruptly yanked it off-BOING… Her huge breasts wobbled free on her chest. They gasped and moaned at the sudden reveal of tits bigger than their heads as she smiled at them all. "…Who else would like me to deliver? Darlings?" she purred, sliding her fingers into her waistline and pushing it slowly down her body, writhing like a snake again as she twisted her hips. Her tights on the floor, now she stood up again and jiggled. "Don't be shy, darlings!" she playfully encouraged.

They stared at her, like deer in headlights, confused COMPLETELY as to why there was an incredibly beautiful and now naked waitress standing in their frathouse as she smiled prettily at them. Then got down onto her knees. "Come, my darlings, don't keep me waiting!" she moaned, pointing to her open mouth with both hands. "You've all had your dinner; it's time for mine!" she moaned whorishly, swaying on her knees like a good bitch. "Feed me your cocks!"

"…This is the best prank ever." Declared Shorty as he quickly took her up on the offer, pulling down his pants as he walked towards her, his cock flew towards her mouth as she gasped happily.

"YES~!" she moaned before wrapping her lips immediately around it. "Mmgh! Mmgh! Mmgh!"

"Oh my GOOOSH." Moaned Shorty as Mighty Endowed threw her head onto his cock; his hands grabbed her head, but her hands grabbed his waist, pulling him in and out of her mouth, faster and faster. Twisting her head up and down on his cock, her ass and tits bouncing and wobbling pleasantly with her movements as she kept sucking away at him. Her tongue lashed and flicked around his cock as she gazed up at him with her pretty blue eyes, happily slurping up his cock.

"Guck Guck GUCK!" She buried her face into his crotch and slurped loudly.

"UUGH!" Shorty moaned, pumping thick cum suddenly into her mouth, holding her head as she cooed.

"MMmmgh!" She sucked him dry before pulling up his shaft with a wet pop. "Ah… thank you for the snack, darling!" She cooed before turning her attention to the other boys. "Who's next!" she giggled cheerfully.

Greasy, Wheezy, and Sleepy, seeing that Mighty Endowed as completely serious about this… were suddenly a lot more into it. All of them dropping their pants as she rested her hands on the floor. "Oooh! Gimmie-gimmie!" she cooed happily as they surrounded her, grabbing and squeezing at her huge tits as she laughed. "Ooho!" She tilted her head back, opening her mouth and extending her tongue. "Ah! Give me more~!"

Greasy stood behind her, pulling her head back as she flexed her body, tilting her head back as he slid into her mouth. "MMgh!" his sack slapping against her forehead as he pumped into her mouth. "mgh! Mmgh-hmmn!" she moaned as Wheezy cupped her huge tits in his hands, bouncing them together before sliding them between her tits as her face kept getting pounding. "Mmgh!!"

"I always wanted to do this!" Wheezy moaned, throwing his hips into her chest, furiously titfucking her body and spitting into her cleavage for more lube. Still on her knees, her hands slid down to her crotch, furiously rubbing herself as she slurped on Greasy, who wasn't that greasy tasting. They bucked hard and fast into her body, between her tits, her hands sloppily rubbing herself as she continued to provide a vital service.

"Ugh! Ugh!!" Greasy moaned, still thrusting into her welcoming throat; it contracted around Greasy's girth, feeling his pre-cum oozing into her throat as she reached around and grabbed his hips. Slurping on his shaft so hard that he soon couldn't even pull out of her mouth. "UUUUGH OH GOD!" he gasped, throwing his hips towards her and pinning them hard to her face as he pumped cum abruptly into her mouth.

"MMGH!!" She drained him down, shivering in pleasure as her burning desire for cream was soothed by another deposit. "AH! Haah!" She gasped, releasing Greasy from her lips before licking them and throwing herself forward, grinning at Wheezy before SQUEEZING her tits around his cock as he kept thrusting. She rocked her torso forward, slamming onto his lap as she smiled up at him.

"Fuck them. Fuck these big, soft tits!" she hissed happily, licking her lips and sultrily gazing up at him. "More…! MORE! FUCK them like you would a pussy, darling! Yes! YES!" she demanded as Wheezy squealed delightedly, throwing his hips hard at her chest.

"Uugh!" pre-cum oozed from his tip as she pulled her tits away before throwing her lips around his tip and wrapping her index and thumb around his shivering member; she sucked loudly, jerking out his cum and moaning lovingly.

"MMn-mmn-mWAH!" She gasped, popping off his girth and licking her lips up at him. "Ah...! Delicious Darling!" She declared happily as he panted and gasped, his knees clacking together as he lost strength in them. She caressed his now-hanging cock before turning her attention to Sleepy. "Cum here…" she cooed invitingly, curling a finger at him as he suddenly dropped to the floor, watching her in awe. "Okay, darling." She purred, taking it in stride, "I'll cum to you!"

She literally pounced on him, straddling his lap, grabbing at his waist tightly before slamming herself down on his rigid member, throwing herself on him hard. "AH! AH! Ha!" gasping erotically as she planted her feet and rode him hard and fast, her breasts swinging and clapping together. "Ooh! Her eyes rolled up into her head, and she drooled, dripping down onto his stomach as she clapped her ass down onto his lap. "Ooh OOOOH!!" slamming down on his body as his hips bucked up into her and groaned. "Oooh…" she sighed, cooing softly as she felt him spasming beneath her, pumping her full of his cum before going limp under her. "Mmn…" she pouted and then looked around, subtly gyrating on his lap as she pouted and looked around.

"…But I'm not done…" She cooed encouragingly before cupping and squeezing her huge tits, "Mmgh…" pouting at Wheezy, Shorty, and Greasy as she gyrated on Sleepy's lap. "Mmgh!" She crawled off Sleepy and stood up from the floor, spreading her legs and shaking her hips, her hands on the back of her head as she danced. Throwing and worming her hips forward, "Come on!" Shorty once again rushed her, wrapping his arms around her waist before throwing his cock balls deep into her. "MMgh! YES~! Darling!" she gasped, shaking her hips and bucking hard against him as Wheezy walked behind her and- "OOOH!"

Wheezy easily slid his cock into her ass, her huge cheeks clapping loudly as they threw themselves wildly into her. "AH! Ah! Ooh! YES!!" she squealed, swinging her hips hard back and forth against them. "Oooh!" the smacking of hips echoing around the room as Shorty buried his face into her cleavage again. "Yes! Yes! MMGH!!" shivering in orgasm as the Nerds quickly sped up, feeling her insides clinging to them and howling in animalistic grunts before she howled erotically.

Wheezy and Shorty buried themselves into her, pumping hard into her before she felt their huge loads pumping into her body. Shorty and Wheezy pulled out of her, shaking and groaning as they pulled out of her. The Mighty Endowed wiggled her hips again lustfully before turning her attention to Greasy, who had an erection but looked concerned as his fellow frat members collapsed to the floor.

"Come here, Darling…" she cooed invitingly as he walked back towards her and grabbed at her body. "Ooh, take charge!" she purred as he pushed her back to her knees and once again tilted her head back. Standing behind her, he grabbed at her fat tits and furiously slid back into her mouth; she slurped loudly around his cock as he kept furiously swinging her hips against her. "Mmgh! Mmgh!" lovingly slurping him down as she flexibly bent and back, grabbing his waist and pulling him into her throat.

"Gluck! Gluck! Gluck!" his hands grabbing at her heavy breasts, squeezing and fondling her swinging orbs of flesh as he cracked his hips on her. "Guck! GUCK!! MMGH!!" Greasy threw his hips against her face and moaned as he pumped more of his cum into her mouth. "Mmmgh!" She held him firmly to her lips and slurped loudly, twisting her head as he twisted her nipples. "Mmng…"

"What in the force is going on here!?" Greasy popped out of her mouth and flopped on the floor, and letting her eyes focus, she glanced at the stairs where another familiar face appeared… two, actually. A pair of gangly young men, one wearing circular glasses with neatly combed hair and another with square glasses and messy hair, looked at her, after the initial shock, in awe.

"…Hello, Darlings…" she flexibly rolled onto her hands and knees, adapting a pose like a Komodo dragon before crawling up the steps towards the two twin men with increasingly growing erections as her heavy tits wobbled on the steps. "…Fill me with your COCKS." She moaned as they backed away slightly, letting her reach the top of the stairs before standing up and cupping her tits with her hands and bouncing them. "Don't make me beg." She cooed as they blinked at her confused… Then she grabbed them both, and spotting an open room, she dragged them towards it, crashing her ass against the wood and forcing it open.

She dragged the both of them towards one of a pair of beds before licking her lips hungrily, clawing at her tits again before turning around and bouncing towards the right bed. "Whoo!" she cheered, leaping onto it and bouncing on the bed. "AH-ah!" laughing as her tits swung up and down before she did a twirl and flopped onto her back, her head hanging over the edge of the bed, pointing towards her mouth. "Feed me more…" she moaned, tongue extending and wagging.

"…What the FUCK…" mumbled Square Glasses in confusion as Circle glasses adjusted them on his nose.

"I have no idea." He said as Mighty Endowed frowned at them.

"Please, darlings, don't ask questions! I haven't had enough~!" she moaned invitingly. "Ahhh…" her tongue extending again and drooling longingly as they stared. "Hurry up and fuck me!

"…She makes a compelling argument." Circle said unsurely.

"A woman we met at a skin restaurant suddenly appears, has sex with our pledges, and is now asking for us to fuck her?" Square said, "You don't think that's fucking weird?"

"It is very weird." Circle replied, "But I'm merely noting that she makes a compelling argument."

"Fucking damn it." Square mumbled before approaching her quickly, dropping his pants. "I hate it when you're right!" slamming his girth into The Mighty Endowed's mouth. "FUCK, that feels so good!" furiously pounding away at her face, thrusting deep into her throat as Circle walked around and eagerly watched from the side.

"Guck! Guck! Guck!" The Mighty Endowed clawed the sheets as her huge tits flopped about on her chest. Square abruptly grabbing onto them and squeezing, his fingers sinking deep into her flesh as he continued thrusting at her mouth before abruptly ripping out of her throat. "BWaah! Don't stop, darling!" she gasped as Circle soon moved in front of her head and took his turn, sliding his cock into The Mighty Endowed's mouth and soon taking his twin's place, grabbing her nipples and squeezing.

"MMghgh!" she squealed delightedly, her hands releasing her hands and rubbing herself, squirming on the bed as his heavy sack clapped against his forehead, pumping in and out of her mouth as she slurped noisily, his hand squeezing and fondling her chest as she moaned longingly at the feeling. A shiver running through her body, feeling him press his hips to her mouth. "MMGh! Ahh…" he pulled out of her body as she moaned, her tongue swirling around her mouth.

"Haah…" she rolled over, her breasts swinging and bulging under her now as she lay on her stomach and curled a finger at them. "Darlings, I'm already warmed up. Now cum here…" she purred before reaching out and grabbing both of their slippery dicks and dragging them onto the bed. She stroked them both as they each grabbed a huge tit in both hands and sucked on her nipples. "Mmmgh!" she moaned, rolling her head on her neck as they sucked and slurped her hardened tips. "Haah…" she shivered excitedly before letting go of Square's cock, grabbing him and easily throwing him onto his back.

She stroked Circle for a moment longer before swinging her leg over Square and straddling his lap, sliding her ass on his cock before lifting her hips and dropping her thick, olive-skinned booty down onto his shaft, catching his cock into her ass and moaning as she pulled Circle towards her mouth again, sliding him into her throat. "MMgh!!" She bounced her thick booty on Square and slurped on Circle, both of them bucking their hips into her.

The bed creaked and groaned beneath their gyrating, thrusting bodies. Mighty Endowed pulling Circle into her mouth as he grabbed onto her thick auburn hair. "MMgh! Mmgh!" clawing at Circle's thighs as she rode Square.

"Ugh! Haaah!" Square gasped as he bucked his hips into her ass; she slammed down onto him, pinning him to the bed before throwing herself backward and laying on top of him, spreading her legs for Circle and her pussy, gyrating her hips and squeezing her chest as Circle fell onto her, both the two identical men grabbing at her big breasts now, bucking and grinding into her together.

"Ngh! MMgh!" Circle grunting and groaning, burying his face into her heavy, pillowy tits

"Haa-ah-aaah! YES!!" Mighty Endowed writhed between them, "Harder! Fuck! Me! HARDER!! Ooooh!! YES, YES, YES~!! Give it to me!" She squealed delightedly, "I love being your fucking dick toy! HAAAH!" her legs lashing out as she twitched in orgasm, feeling Square thrusting up into her ass before slapping against her ass cheeks and groaning. "oooh!" cum splatted up her warm asshole as she grinded on top of him before feeling Circle speeding up. "Mmgh! NNgh! Come! ON!!" she gasped, "Aaaah!" Shaking again, she came, feeling Circle slam into her and unleash his load. "Haah…" they buried their cocks balls deep into her body before slowly pulling out of her.

First Circle rolled over and flopped onto his back as she sat up. "MMgh!" She stretched before throwing herself forward. She did a slow tumble-flip combination, something the Ola part of her body could remember doing. Her head and shoulders hit the bed, but the rest of her body jutted up into the air, her arms hooking beneath her and holding her back up as she spread herself again, her legs spread apart as she growled hungrily.

"Come on my darlings… I need more." The two identical men stared at her. "Come on… Put those dicks right back in me and empty your balls until you're satisfied. Do WHATEVER you wish with me," she cooed, shaking her lower, currently, upper body as they got up and surrounded her again. Circle and Square switched holes now, standing front and back, spreading her legs and sliding into her once again. "oooh! Oh! OH! YES!" Ass over tits the two thrusting and grinding into her once again as her insides clung to their cocks plunging wildly into her. "Oh! Oh! OH!"

"OH! MY! GOD! What the hell are you doing?!" the twin nerds suddenly pushed into The Mighty Endowed, she squeezed around their cocks as they abruptly ripped out of her and shot ropes of cum across her ass cheeks before flopping onto their beds.

"Oooh…" Mighty Endowed frowned before suddenly flinging her body and flipping up to her feet, landing in a crouch like a predator ready to pounce and spotting a rather attractive and annoyed younger woman in a negligee. Wearing huge glasses and her hair tied back in a ponytail. Mighty Endowed pouted, unsure why there was an attractive, geeky-looking woman in a frat house… but she wasn't picky.

"Hello, Darling. Do you want to play too?" Mighty Endowed crawled off the bed and across the floor. "No need to be frightened; I don't bite." her fat tits and ass wobbling as she scrambled towards the woman who recoiled from her, dancing backward out of the room. "Don't run!" Mighty Endowed shot to her feet and rushed the woman, licking her lips as their breasts pressed together and pushed the woman up against the door. "I just want to feel GOOD." She purred, her lips almost touching the woman's lips, but the woman reached behind her and grabbed the doorknob, letting it swing open. "Ah?!"

The Girl Nerd stepped inside, and Mighty Endowed toppled forward onto the floor. "Ouch!" she gasped, landing on her huge tits. "Well, that was just unnecessary, darling-Oh! Did I interrupt you?" she teased, glancing up at what was clearly what was known as a 'dragon dildo' mounted on the wall. The Girl Nerd, realizing her secret was exposed, snatched it angrily from the wall as Mighty Endowed, still on the floor, rested her head in her hands and smiled up at her. "I can help you, darling, if you need it."

The girl nerd scowled down at Mighty Endowed before walking over to her dresser, reaching in, and grabbing something from the top drawer. Some sort of strange leather underwear that the girl nerd clicked around her body before attaching the dragon dildo to it. "…Oh." She said pleasantly surprised as The Girl nerd abruptly kicked Mighty Endowed in the side and easily flipped her over onto her back. Her massive tits wobbling again as the girl nerd grabbed Mighty Endowed's ankles and folded them over. "Oh!" her knees pushing on her tits as the girl nerd abruptly began slamming down into her.

"Oh! Oh!"

"You fucking stupid bimbo slut!" snapped the girl, slapping at Mighty Endowed's breasts. "You think you can just come in this house and have sex with whoever you want?!"

"YESSS!!" hissed Mighty Endowed happily as the nerd girl kept slapping at her tits. "Yes! YES! YESSS! Fuck me as hard as you want!"

"You think you're so fucking pretty!" She slapped and squeezed her tits hard.

"HAAAH!" stretching the huge orbs of meat.

"Doing whatever you want, you empty-headed cumslut!" she shouted, furiously slamming a dragon dildo into Mighty Endowed's body. "Some of us have to sleep! And can spend all our lives looking fucking pretty to get by! Take this! And this! AND THIS!!" slamming hard and practically abusing Mighty Endowed's massive breasts, slamming into her and forcing an orgasm out of Mighty Endowed's body.

"OOooh!!" Her back arched, and with a spasm, she bucked the smaller woman off her; the nerd girl flopped onto her back, bumping her head on the floor.

"Ah!" only for Mighty Endowed to suddenly leap upon her, mounting her again and furiously swinging her hips down onto the dragon dildo again.

"Yes! Yes! YES!" pressing down on the girl nerd and driving her hips furiously on, the floor seemingly rattling with the force of her furious thrusts. "Aah! Aah! Aaaah!!" throwing herself down and pushing her huge chest out, her back arching and crying out in pleasure. "YES!! OOooh…" shivering erotically on top of the Girl nerd.

"Holy Smokes!" Mighty Endowed shivered on top of the The Nerd girl, looking dazed now. Mighty Endowed turned her head slowly to the end of the hall where there were retractable stairs that led to an attic… The dark-skinned older nerd in very poofy striped pajamas and a pom hat looked at her like in awe.

"…Hello Darling…" Mighty Endowed cooed, unsatiated by just a dildo, and scrambled down the hall towards the older Nerd on all fours.

Perhaps it was the horror movie-like situation he was in, or perhaps it was the sheer lust in the Mighty Endowed's eyes, but he abruptly turned from the massive booty and booby woman and rushed up the attic steps to the very top of the house. It was some sort of combination lab and bedroom. Mighty Endowed scrambling after him and piteously moaning.

"Where are you going, Darling? I'm still hungry…" She leaped naked into the room as he approached a desk in the far corner, grabbed a vial of blue liquid with a radioactive glow, and poured it down his throat before she grabbed him from behind, licking his cheek and hurling him onto the large double bed. She tossed her hair with her hands, slowly looming over him and resting her chest on his lap before hooking her fingers in his striped pants and yanking them down. "Oooh! Time for a SNACK…" she giggled as his cock swung up and tapped her on the chin.

A nice big oak in a forest of saplings.

She grabbed it and stroked it slowly at first before fully focusing on the girthy log; the Older Nerd was so scrawny that the thing seemed thicker than his legs. She stroked him tentatively before cupping her chest and abruptly wrapping them around his cock. "Whoop!" she teased, lifting one then the other up and down, alternatingly rubbing his shaft, which miraculously managed to poke out between her gigantic gazongas.

Obviously not by much, but it's a credit to his size. "MMgh!" she smiled up at him, squeezing his shaft as her breasts bounced up and down on his lap like basketballs, pre-cum oozing from his tip as she opened her mouth and wrapped her lips around his glans. Swirling her tongue around it. "Mmgh! Mmn… mmh-hmmn…" engulfing his cock in the wet, soft warmth of her tits and tongue, tasting pre-cum from his urethra before squeezing and popping him like a wine cork. "MMgh!? Hmm-hmm!" she giggled as his cum shot into her mouth, slurping noisily and moaning contentedly as she 'fed' again on tasty man juice…

If sometimes she appears to be more succubus than dragon… then you need to remember there's some Jackie in her magical make-up, and it's an easy confusion to make.

"Oooh!" The older nerd moaned as he lost control and kept painting her tongue with seed, "Haaah… oh man."

"MMn! Mwah-aaah…" She gasped, sticking her tongue out and showing him the thick load he gave her.

"Did I do that?" he asked dazedly as she smiled, slipped her tongue back in, and gulped it down.

She smacked her lips and gasped erotically. "Thank you for the treat…" before standing up, sliding her tits off his shaft as it continued to stand erectly despite being previously drained. "Oh! You have more!" she giggled before crawling onto the bed on top of him, pushing her chest into his face as she gyrated her silky folds to his tip, sliding down onto his shaft and engulfing him again. "OOoh!" smothering him with her body, she immediately began riding him like a stallion. "Ah! AH! Oh, that's so GOOD… Pump it all into me!" she said, gasping erotically as her hips swung up and down onto his cock, before throwing herself upright and letting him moan loudly and unimpeded by her breasts in his face.

Swinging pendulously up and down, her breasts slapped lightly together, the boing-boing of the bed and her chest echoing around the room as she howled loudly, "Haa! Ah! Ah!" throwing her head back and pushing her swinging tits out, slamming her lower body down onto his lap and sheathing him into her warm folds over and over again. His hands soon reaching up and grabbing onto her chest as she moaned happily.

"That's it! Get into it! Touch me! Squeeze me! Use me! Oooh!" she moaned as his hands sunk into her breasts, squeezing her huge sensitive orbs and bouncing them together as she slammed down onto him. "Haa-ha-aaah…" she shivered, shaking on top of him as she pressed her hands on his chest and heard him groaning… and filling her with another load. "Mmgh!" she smiled down at him and frowned.

…Wait a second… Was his chest always that muscular?

The Older Nerd seemed to be expanding… his chest becoming muscular, his legs bulging, his cock enlarging inside her. "Oh!" He sat up, suddenly more hulking than scrawny; even his jawline seemed to have improved. He now looked like the design that was on his van! "YES!" she gasped as he gripped her waist tightly, lifting and dropping her down onto his throbbing cock. "NNgh!" he shot to his feet, easily handling her body as if it was lighter than air. "Ah! Ah! OOH!" she squeaked delightedly as he sheathed his girthy sword into her folds over and over, her huge breasts swinging wildly on her chest. "Ah! AH! AH!! Ooh!" He rushed her to the wall, slamming her back against it and pounding her hard.

"Give! Me! That! COCK!!" she begged happily, her legs hooking around his enlarged body, pressing her tits with his chest. "Oh fuck YES! Fill! ME!! UP!!" she grunted with his rhythmic thrusts. "Deeper! DEEPER! FUCK ME, PLEASE! OOOH!!" he howled as he left an imprint of her thick ass on the wall before he pulled her away and promptly body slammed her back onto the bed. "Ah! AH! AHHH!!" Crawling onto the bed, he pinned her down and furiously jackhammered his hips against her body, her legs lifted and toes curling in the air as she tensed up, clenching around him as she squeaked adorably through clenched teeth. "Ee-eeh! AHHH!!!" her eyes rolling up into her head and releasing a high-pitched shriek of orgasm. "OOooh!!" Her back arched as he grabbed her tits in his big hands and squeezed.

"Fill me! Fill me! Fill me up!" She gasped, her hands wrapping onto his muscular ass and pulling him deep into her, feeling his cock bulging warningly as he kept thrusting, pinning her down and planting his hips on hers.


"OH YES!!" The Mighty Endowed gasped as she felt another hot load of manly dick juice spraying deep into her magical body. "Yes, Darling! Give it to me! MMmn!" holding him firmly against her body. "I want it! I want it all…" She gasped happily as his balls quivered and pumped as much of his jizz as he could into her.

The Older nerd dropped onto her body and grabbed at her breasts, burying his face into her cleavage and moaning sleepily. She giggled softly, bouncing her chest on his face before moaning quietly. "That felt so good, Darling…" she purred, and before her eyes his body slowly began to deflate from the handsome muscular hulk back to the scrawny older nerd… still buried balls deep in her body, she rubbed her tits on his face, but all she did was askew his glasses. "Oh well…" she cooed, grabbing his waist and pulling him out of her. "You're welcome." She cooed before sliding off the bed.

Feeling triumphant and satisfied, The Mighty Endowed slid her hands down her beautiful body as she turned around and grabbed the Older Nerd's limp cock, wrapping her lips around the tip and furiously stroking his slippery shaft. "Mmgh! Mmn!" hungrily sucking on his cock like a straw, trying to extract as much cum as she could, her huge tits bouncing and wobbling together as she twisted her head and hand on his shaft. "Mmgh! Mmgh! Mmmn…" she moaned, shivering slightly as thin ropes of cum sprayed out into her mouth again. "MMmn!" she shivered delightedly at the taste and gulped it down like she was chugging a keg of beer. "Mmn… mwah." She pulled away, his cock a limp noodle as she licked her lips. "Yummy. Thank you, darling…" she purred before pressing her dick-stroking fingers to her lips and blowing him a kiss. "Mwah…" She then walked away, strutting down the attic steps, her fleshy body bouncing and wobbling as she walked past the empty rooms and the tired bodies…

The Nerd girl had vanished, replaced with a locked bedroom door, and the twin boys were in the same spot she left them… She headed downstairs and through the group of young and exhausted men, reaching down to grab her clothes before looking for a shower to wash her sweaty and dripping body.

There was a communal shower on the bottom floor, and she promptly helped herself, washing away the smell of sweat and musk coating her shapely body until it glistened, fresh and clean. It wasn't until she turned off the water, dried off, and then walked out to grab her clothes that she hesitated… and frowned thoughtfully.

There was a little itch in the back of her mind, one that suddenly came to the forefront now that she was quite finished with the collection of young men and one woman… How was she supposed to get paid? Certainly, she was quite enthusiastic about having sex; it's in her nature. But what was ALSO in her nature was to be paid for her services and to expand her bank account/dragon hoard…

Not to mention it was antithetical to Orders' nature to just let people have sex OR food for free. So Mighty Endowed was suddenly VERY annoyed. She yanked on her crop-top, stuffing her beautiful breasts into it before yanking on her tights, letting them SNAP onto her body after yanking it over her thick ass. She was going to give Orders a piece of her mind!

"Bye, my darlings!" She cheered; it didn't even occur to her to charge them. They were 'pranked' and were instead rewarded with her services, so obviously they shouldn't be punished for such tasteless troublemaking… crushed pelvis and sore bodies aside. "Order again!" she cheered, blowing them kisses before walking out of the house.

However, before she could storm to the company car, there was a loud roar of bike engines, and rumbling down the street were a pair of motorcycles, both of which were mounted by two familiar figures, Ashley and Rebecca. Their black and white hair waving in the wind, they pulled up to the front of the 'JOK's house. The Mighty Endowed, curious, walked quickly across the way towards them.

Ashley and Rebecca got off their bikes, both still in costume and watching her approach. "Sup titty monster." Ashley smirked, watching as Mighty Endowed jiggled towards them.

"What are you two doing here?" she asked, surprised as Rebecca began tugging her motorcycle gloves on her fists, making sure they were secured on her hands.

"Oh. We're here to collect." Rebecca replied calmly as Mighty Endowed looked at them confused.


"Well yeah, Titty Monster." Ashley laughed, "What? You think Orders lets feckers like this get away with not paying up?" She jerked her hand over her shoulder at the JOKs house. "I know your brains are in your chest-" she said, grabbing and squeezing Mighty Endowed's cleavage. "But you should know the boss bitch by now."

"…Hold on a moment." Mighty Endowed mumbled, following the two girls to the front door. "What are you going to do?"

"This is the fun part." Rebecca grinned, raising her fist and knocking on the front door. "Superbabes." She said sweetly as Mighty Endowed stood with them. After a second, the door opened, revealing a JOK, drunken and sleepy.

"…We didn't order anything." She mumbled but eagerly gazed into Mighty Endowed's chest.

"We beg to differ, fecker." Ashley cooed, "You owe us for twenty pizzas." The man stared at them, and Mighty Endowed's chest for a moment, then quickly shut the door. Followed by a quick CLICK as he locked it. "I do love this part." Ashley added, however, Mighty Endowed rested her hands on the two girls, gently pushing them aside.

"Please darlings, allow me." She stood in front of the door. "After all, I'd LOVE to collect my fee personally." She then raised her right leg, and with a clenching of her muscles, she KICKED the door. It swung open, and she smiled sweetly. "Hello, DARLINGS." She snapped ominously, "Who would like to go first?" before punching her right hand into her fist and cracking her knuckles.

Time: 11:04 PM. Place: Gotham (Superbabes)

The Mighty Endowed, Rebecca, and Ashley soon returned to Superbabes. The Mighty Endowed had a chest FULL of dollar bills, as if the only possible place to put them was between her chest. Which was just not true; she could also put them in her waistline… "I'm back!" she cheered as Orders sighed and looked up from her sudoku.

"Titty Monster can throw hands." Ashley laughed lazily, going to go and wash hers in the locker room.

"Hmn." Orders replied as The Mighty Endowed then reached into her cleavage and grabbed fistfuls of cash, letting it rain down onto the counter.

"Whoo!" she cheered happily, "That was so fun!" She smiled as Orders sighed again, flicking her purple eyes at her before stacking the cash into a neat pile.

"Good work, Meryl." Orders added, almost reluctantly.

"Oh! Hold on! One more." She said, reaching DEEP into her cleavage and producing a clip of money, There we are. It was stuck." She giggled as Orders rolled her eyes.

"Just keep it; it's your cut." She said, and Meryl stuffed it back into her chest.

"So now what?" Meryl asked as Orders raised an eyebrow at her.

"Now? Go home." Orders said, "Your shift ended." Orders noted as Meryl frowned.

"Well, I suppose all good things must come to an end. How sad."

"You can always go back to the NERD house and do it again." Orders snapped indignantly as Rebecca took her position on the counter. "Not like they'd stop you."

"Why not just let her work overtime?" she asked as Orders groaned, but Meryl squeaked happily.

"I can do that? Let's do that!" She then rushed giddily out onto the floor. Her breasts furiously springing up and down with each step of her heels. "Hello, my darlings!" she announced, and Orders turned to stare accusingly at Rebecca, who could only shrug her powerful shoulders.

"…I was just asking." Orders sighed, then turned the Meryl back on for deliveries tonight, and it was barely a minute before the phone rang and she picked it up.

"Superbabes. We deliver…" Then, after a moment, she rubbed her purple eyes. "One Mighty Endowed meal for delivery." Resigning herself to the headache she was going to have for the next few hours.


Another commissioned chapter brought to you by Skymouse based on his custom Superbabe: Meryl Dragona (The Mighty Endowed II) who you can read about on Hentai Foundry in Superbabes Side Orders. I have his story favorited in my profile 

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