Chapter 56 - Alien

Hello! Today, I will upload 2 chapters as my novel has reached the symbolic milestone of 200 collections on Thank you very much!


Chapter 1/2


Adam, aboard the Ocean, was surrounded by a large part of the crew on the second deck. There was practically no light, the few lanterns not enough for everyone to clearly see their surroundings.

All the men were silent, attentive, hanging on the young lieutenant's words, anxiously awaiting his next sentences.

The faces were so tense that one could easily believe they were discussing mutiny and murder. Their faces gleamed with sweat, and an invisible but suffocating tension hung around them.

"Suddenly, the strange egg opened, and a bizarre creature, resembling a spider, leapt straight at the sailor's face! Surprised, the man didn't have time to react! Quickly, horrible, powerful legs grabbed hold of the man, covering his entire face, and a long, rope-like white tail wrapped around his neck. He wanted to scream, call for help, but it was already too late."

At that moment, several hundred men gulped, imagining the terrifying scene described by Lieutenant Boucher.

With his words and gestures, he had managed to captivate these brave sailors, who were nevertheless used to frightening tales. But for the past week and a half, they had been discovering nearly every evening new extraordinary stories, unlike anything they had ever heard.

That evening, he had begun a new tale, one that promised to be horrible, even traumatizing.

"The sailor's comrades," Adam continued, his face half-lit by a flickering candle, "rushed to their friend and tried to free him, but it was no use. The creature was firmly attached. One of them pulled out a knife and tried to cut one of the legs, but not only did it not cut, the blade broke. It was like trying to cut through a rock! Not knowing what else to do, they decided to bring the sailor back aboard the Nostromo. The officers didn't want that thing on board, but the sailors were as determined as the scientists on board. He was their comrade, their friend; they couldn't leave him behind on that mysterious and unsettling island. The captain gave in, and they brought the poor sailor to the ship's surgeon's table."

Adam/François looked so serious that all the sailors trembled, already fearing the worst for this poor sailor who hadn't asked for anything but seemed doomed nonetheless.

Adam, for his part, was laughing inwardly.

HAHAHAHA! Who would have thought Alien would entertain these guys! They seem so terrified—they're not ready, poor souls!

The story Adam was telling was indeed Ridley Scott's Alien, but his version was slightly adapted to the audience. Instead of a spaceship, it was an exploration ship, and the planet discovered by the Nostromo crew was an uncharted island in the Pacific Ocean.

By telling these stories, he was killing two birds with one stone: firstly, he was trying to make this endless journey more bearable, and secondly, he was trying to gain the men's attention, since, as a lieutenant, he had to be capable of fulfilling Captain Gilbert's duties if the latter was unfit.

Since the storm, his health had only deteriorated.

Adam continued his story in the gravest voice he could muster, looking at each sailor around him as though he were a messiah.

"The surgeon had never seen such a creature, nor had the scientists on board. They were all in uncharted territory. Like the sailor's friend, the surgeon took a blade and tried to free the unfortunate man, but his blade broke to his great surprise. He grabbed a second one and attempted to cut the creature elsewhere, on the softer part of its body. It was difficult, but not impossible. And when he finally managed to injure it, he was stunned, as were the scientists and the captain.

A strange, steaming green blood began to pour out with a hiss. The knife blade had started to melt like a candle! A few drops fell onto the table, and a hole began to form! Then the strange liquid dripped through, and the floor began to melt too! The captain was the first to react, fortunately, as the liquid quickly reached the bottom of the ship! The ship was taking on water!

Thanks to the brave carpenter, they were able to patch the breach, and once it was done, he returned to see the surgeon. The surgeon showed him the blade, which no longer resembled anything. It really looked like a candle!"

The sailors all had wide eyes. They had never heard of such an animal. The lieutenant was so precise in his descriptions that they weren't sure whether this creature was imaginary.

"And… And then?" asked a bald sailor with a flattened nose in a small voice, his fists clenched so tightly against his thighs they had turned white.

"They noticed something... strange. The creature, still firmly attached to the brave sailor's face, was clearly dying. But was it because of that tiny cut? No one on the creaking ship could say for sure."

Adam paused for a moment and let out a deep sigh, as if inviting the sailors to do the same.

"Finally, the creature detached itself, and the sailor was freed. Slowly, he opened his eyes, disoriented and with no memory of what had happened to him."

"Phew! So, the creature is dead, and the sailor is saved!"

How cute, thought Adam, holding back a smile. This is just the beginning of the movie!

"The ship weighed anchor, leaving behind that cursed island. But they brought the creature's corpse on board so the scientists could study it."

"No!" shouted a sailor in the crowd, bringing a hand to his mouth. "They need to throw it into the sea! Get rid of it!"

"Yes! It's too dangerous! How can the captain allow such a thing on board?! It doesn't make sense!"

"Exactly! The creature's blood made a hole in the hull! In the hull!"

"Yes, but you forget that they were told from the start to follow all the scientists' requests! Those are the King's orders! He has no choice!" said another in a deep voice, crossing his powerful arms over his broad chest, shaking his head slowly as if to underline the Nostromo captain's helplessness.

"SILENCE!" thundered Michel Renier.

With a simple nod, Adam thanked the tattooed sailor and resumed his story once silence returned.

"The atmosphere… was very peculiar aboard the Nostromo," Adam articulated slowly, as if weighing his words. The sailors didn't feel reassured with that creature on board, even though it was said to be dead. However, their comrade seemed to be in good health, and that was what mattered most to them. The officers were generous in an attempt to maintain peace. That evening, they were served fine Bordeaux wine and real food. Quickly, a delicious aroma filled the ship. The mood on the Nostromo gradually became cheerful, and the men began to sing and dance to the sound of a violin."

Adam paused again and brought the lantern closer to his face.

"But suddenly, the sailor began to feel unwell."

"Oh, my God…"

"He seemed to have trouble eating, then breathing."

"Oh, no!"

"He stood up, clutching his throat," Adam continued, standing up as well."


"To his stomach!" Adam insisted, playing with his voice, taking great pleasure in making his audience tremble.

"He then collapsed to the floor, trembling like a leaf, his eyes turning white!

"By all the saints!

"They wanted to help him, but didn't know how! They lifted his shirt and saw something alive in his stomach! It's moving! It's fighting and trying to get out. And then… Splash!


Several screams of terror rang out simultaneously on the deck, startling everyone who wasn't listening to the story. Lieutenant Louis Lenoir rushed down to see what was going on.

"What?! What's happening?!"

He then saw all the men, still wide awake despite the late hour, gathered around Lieutenant Boucher, all trembling with fear, even the oldest among them.

"E-everything's fine, sir. It… It's just a story, just a story," Michel Renier replied, pale as if he'd seen a ghost.

"A story?! All this ruckus over a story?!"

"Sorry, sir, it's my fault. I was telling it, I shouldn't have chosen that one."

Lieutenant Lenoir stared at Lieutenant Boucher, wondering what kind of story could put such brave sailors in this state. Despite his curiosity, he ordered everyone to make less noise and go to sleep within the hour.

As soon as he disappeared, the sailors refocused and leaned forward, devouring Adam with their eyes.

"S-so?! What happened next?!"

Adam smiled at their reaction, imagining what it must have been like in movie theaters in 1979 when it first came out.

It must have been amazing! That's how you know it's a good movie! Even after all these years, people still talk about it!

"From the sailor's belly, soaked in blood, emerged a tiny creature, also covered in blood. It had no eyes, yet it seemed to be watching all the men around. It let out a small cry, revealing numerous sharp little teeth, and before the sailors, shocked, could do anything, the creature escaped and disappeared into the bowels of the ship!"

Adam hadn't expected such a reaction to this story.

It wasn't the first one he had told, but the previous times hadn't been this intense. Maybe it was because this story ticked so many boxes for these sailors: a ship, a long voyage, a mysterious island, a team of scientists challenging the usual hierarchy, a strange creature, and now a death!

Wow! Well! Looks like I have no choice, if I don't finish this story, they might kill me! Haha!

Very quickly, the hour passed, and it was time for everyone to extinguish the lanterns. Adam ignored the other sailors' requests to continue the story and slipped into his hammock.

He had strangely grown accustomed to this life.

However, he could feel that the tension on the deck hadn't disappeared. A sadistic smile formed on his lips as he imagined the terrified sailors, checking to make sure no monster was crawling among them, hunting for easy prey.

He had reached the part where the small, fragile creature had become a terrifying predator, killing the sailors one by one.

Unfortunately, this story couldn't be exactly like the movie, since they weren't aboard a spaceship floating in space. Everything was happening much faster, and there were many more deaths.

Tomorrow night, I'll finish this story. Which one should I tell next? Batman? Superman? Hmm, I'm not sure that's a good idea. I've already done The Lord of the Rings, Star Wars, Gladiator, and Cast Away.

Adam looked at the hammock swaying above him, moving to the rhythm of a clock's pendulum.

Hey, I could write books! I'm sure I could get rich!

The only problem was that writing a book wasn't within everyone's reach. He, for example, had no talent for it. He didn't have the patience to write more than a few pages. Maybe it was because he never built a plan—he never finished his stories. At best, he had a vague idea of the beginning and the protagonist, but that was it.

Even by roughly copying the story of a great movie from his time, he wasn't sure he could make it readable. Without the music of great composers, without the actors' performances, without the quality of the set, he would have to describe everything with words—his words.

That, he was incapable of.

Ah, too bad I didn't land in the 80s or 90s, or even the 2000s! I would have invested in gold, Amazon, Microsoft, Apple! Or better, Bitcoin! Damn! Why the 18th century?! I still have some money, but I don't even know how or where to invest it?! Oil? Hmph! There aren't even cars! The gold rush?! Even less! I don't even know where that was! Trains?! Same as cars, they don't exist yet!

Adam seriously thought about what he knew about the history of his country, but also of the world.

1758… I heard that the United States of America didn't exist yet. I could support them since I know they're going to win! Ah! But us? I mean, France, what were we doing? I think we helped them, didn't we? So, it's in the bag? Great, it's decided!

Then, he suddenly realized just how insufficient his knowledge of history was.

But when does their revolution start? I'm sure it's 1800-something. Think, Adam, think! When was it and with whom? Lincoln? No, I think he wasn't there. In Assassin's Creed III, it was… John… Charles… Charles Washington? No, George! Oh, idiot! George Washington! How could I forget that guy?!

At that moment, he really felt like slapping himself in the face. It was such a famous name, even in France, and yet he had forgotten it.

That's it! I need to get closer to that guy! But what if it's 1830 or 1840, what do I do? Wait, I'm twenty-one right now. So in 1768, I'll be thirty-one, forty-one in 1778, and fifty-one in 1788. Damn, there's no point! Anyway, I'll be back in my time long before that.

The young man shook his head with a slight snort. He crossed his arms over his chest and crossed his legs.

The French Revolution starts in 1789, that I know! No way I'm still here by then. If I can't go home at the end of this war, I'll stay in America to escape the guillotine. I really don't want to live through that period!

An embryonic plan started to form in his mind.

I'll have to take another nationality. The easiest would be to become English. Ah, that's funny. Today I'm fighting them, and tomorrow I'll ask them for asylum. I'll live in New York, and when the time comes, I'll side with the revolutionaries! That's what they were called, right? Whatever. And then… And then… Oh, I know! I'll buy land! Lots of land! That way, when New York grows, it'll be worth a fortune, and I can sell it for millions—no, billions of dollars! If not me, then my descendants! Mwahaha!

A victorious smile formed on his lips, but it quickly froze and then vanished completely.

Well, that's if I don't manage to get back to my time. The goal, for now, is to quickly end this war, return to Europe, go back to Hameln, and get my hands on that damn watch. And as for the method to get back… I'll figure that out when the time comes.

Eventually, he fell asleep peacefully, dreaming that he returned home, to his time. Curiously, without being too shocked by it, it was with this body that he returned to the 21st century.

In his dream, his parents were panicked and struggled to believe him, but after a series of revelations, they finally listened and accepted the reality. Then, he was able to resume his life where he had left off. He even saw himself going to high school in his soldier's uniform with his trusty musket.


A loud scream suddenly rang out not far away, abruptly waking a large number of exhausted sailors.



"What's happening?!"

"Th-the… The… The beast! It's on board!"

"Oh, fool! Hey, it was just a dream."




Still partly lost in his dream, Adam woke up prematurely and watched the sailors stir in the dark, well before dawn. Realizing that one of them had had a nightmare, he laid his head back on the fabric, vowing never to tell scary stories again.

They really weren't ready. Too bad, it would've been fun to tell them Jaws or A Nightmare on Elm Street.