To Jael, the Title looks like a way for the Tower to give then ranking. Like this Ten Rising Star will probably be about the most powerful of the new set.
Jael looked at Thayer. "So you are going to claim a slot anyway."
Thayer didn't deny it. "The perks is that they're going to give us free zone to hunt from each floor to at least floor 80. The Original owners and Owners will give the Ten Rising Star this on each floor but that wasn't why I'm interested. Title like that will only boost my reputation and my Guild."
Temur narrowed his eyes. "That's not impressive perksz isn't there something a skill or unique power."
"Of course there is! But none of is part of the Ten Rising Star so we can't actually know. Those are just what's made public for now. They'll make an official announcement tomorrow but most people know about it anyway."