"Last time I checked you both went for a love walk" Jeffrey commented with a cunning smirk.
Joseph glared at Jeffrey.
"It wasn't a love walk. It was a walk to know each other as friends" Joseph folded his arms in a pretended annoyance.
"Anyways, what's the bitch's name? Jessica asked with a grin.
"Her name is Jacintha and she's not a bitch" Joseph scolded with a pout. "She's a lot different from you".
"That's defensive" Jeffrey smiled and snaked his hand around Jessica's waist. "At least, someone could make my day better".
Jeffrey pressed a soft kiss on Jessica's forehead making Jessica to giggle.
"An advice for you Joseph" Jessica's grin widened. "Don't be a coward before that chick. I can see that you are really in love with that chick, so make a relationship with her and be willing to be her boyfriend".
"I'm not a coward and I never said I was going to be her boyfriend" Joseph growled.
"You are already a coward in not accepting being her boyfriend" Jeffrey's hands played with Jessica's curves. "I can see perfectly well that both you and Jacintha are perfect for each other".
"Don't tell me you are joining your girlfriend in insulting me" Joseph sighed as he rolled his eyes.
"Jacintha" Jessica called out slowly as she touched her chin. "Looks like I'm already liking the bitch just by her name".
Joseph suddenly pointed his index finger at Jessica. "Hey, I'm warning you. Do not call her a bitch again".
"So,why don't you want to go into a relationship with this... Jacintha of yours?" Jessica retorted with a smirk.
"Joseph withdrew his index finger as he eyed Jessica with a pretended anger.
"We agreed to take things slow" Joseph breathed out. "Though, I like the girl".
"I like the idea of taking things slow. At least,both Jacintha and you will get to know each other more" Jeffrey chipped in.
"By the way I'm hearing things, I'm already liking the bitch's guts... I mean the girl" Jessica giggled.
Joseph was glad that both Jeffrey and Jessica supported his relationship with Jacintha. He didn't really know much about Jacintha, though he planned to have another talk with her. He was so excited by the thought that he giggled.
His eyes fell on both Jessica and Jeffrey who seemed to be playing romance. The two figures kissed and hugged each other. Though, to him both Jessica and Jeffrey were a perfect match. He eyed them mysteriously, slight jealousy could be seen in his eyes.
"Don't worry Jeffrey. I will be doing my own romance with Jacintha" Joseph mumbled silently.
He looked down and his oceanic blue eyes rested on Alfred. Joseph felt the urge in taking his phone from the little Panda on the floor. At least, he could occupy himself with some social media updates.
He squatted to the Panda's level and peered into what the Panda was doing. He caught sight of a football match.
Alfred was playing a football game.
Alfred played the football game with so much interest that he didn't even notice that his master was beside him. He hissed heavily when his opponent team scored , bringing the game to a total of 3-2. Alfred's team being the winning team.
A loud bell rang through the whole building, silencing the noise that could be heard in the first building. The loud bell rang for about (5) five minutes before coming to a stop.
The once noisy locker room (119), seemed to have been silenced by the loud bell. Some of the male students in the locker room who didn't expect the ringing of the loud bell, were almost caught up by a heart attack.
"It's time for classes" a timid voice was heard among the male students in locker room (119).
The male students in the locker room immediately turned to their lockers as they started picking up their books that they were needing for the upcoming classes. The noisy state in the room was lessened as every male student faced their lockers.
It wasn't long when, the male students trooped out of the locker room. One by one, the male students trooped out of the locker room, each carrying some series of books as they headed for their different class lessons.
Jessica, hearing the loud bell broke out of the passionate hug she was having with Jeffrey. She looked at Jeffrey as true love could be seen in her eyes. She giggled as Jeffrey looked at her with admiration. Even after four (4) months of their stupid relationship, Jeffrey still looked at her with love and admiration.
The way he looked at her made her to fall even more in love with him. Even though they were not perfect and that they had made mistakes, but to her,they were both perfect for each other.
She smiled at the thought and slammed her lips against Jeffrey's lips. Jeffrey,who didn't expect it, almost jumped out of his shoes. They kissed passionately and also roughly.
Most of the male students that were gathering their books for classes were distracted by the act. Some of them watched the two figures kissing wholeheartedly. Two male students that seemed to have a crush on Jessica,eyed Jeffrey vigorously.
Jeffrey shot the two boys a glare as he separated from the long rough kiss. Jessica smiled at him while caressing his chest.
"So, I will be going over to my locker room to gather my books for chemistry class" Jessica said as she caressed Jeffrey's muscled chest. "Then we will meet at class".
"I will be expecting you, don't be late for class" Jeffrey warned jokingly.
Jessica cat-walked out of locker room (119). She was in all smiles as Jeffrey blew kisses at her. She blushed while catching the kisses. Her ever resounding heels clicked loudly as she left the locker room.
Joseph walked up to Jeffrey immediately Jessica left the locker room. He was carrying a lot of books on both his hands. He handed one of the series of books and textbooks over to Jeffrey. Jeffrey smiled in gratitude.
"Ahw.... Thanks for gathering my books for classes. I'm really grateful" Jeffrey smiled warmly with the books in his hands.
"It's nothing to thank me for. As a friend, I should always have your back" Joseph said as he slid his phone into his pocket. "Got your pen?"
"Yeah" Jeffrey brought out a pen from his pocket. "New stylish pen".
"That's good, that means we are ready for classes" Joseph said with a strict tone.
"You too strict. Swear I could kiss you right now" Jeffrey joked around but suddenly raised his left hand. "I swear I'm not gay".
Joseph hissed as he strode out of the locker room. "You are coming or not?"
The two friends strode out of the locker room. As for Alfred, he found his way to the security office. He usually liked having company with the head security officer,(Mr Chao) and also with Emma.
Jeffrey listened attentively to all the chemistry teacher's teachings. He loved chemistry and that was a fact. He wasn't someone that would usually listen to a teacher's teachings except maybe he loved the subject. He didn't remove his eyes from the teacher as she taught about different chemicals and substances.
He loved chemistry because of the different chemicals, substances,toxic liquds and all that. Though, he loved chemistry mostly because of the chemistry teacher. She wasn't that bad when it comes to beauty. She would usually tie a scarf on her head, mostly in a ponytail style. Just the way Sophie, Joseph's sister would usually tie a scarf.
The chemistry teacher was a decent young lady. She dressed decently and wasn't a supporter of bad behavior. Jeffrey had tried different sexy advances towards the chemistry teacher, but all fell on a rock.
As he listened to the female teacher's teachings, he suddenly felt his stomach rumbling noisily. At first, he felt a little bit shocked but he suddenly felt ashamed. It was quite odd for the school prince charming to be having a rumbling stomach, especially since he was close to his girlfriend. It would mean that he had eaten something bad.
But last he checked, he had skipped breakfast just the way Joseph did. He didn't want his classmates to know that he had a running stomach. It was quite embarrassing.
He folded his arms as he slightly coiled his body. If one would look at him, he/she would think Jeffrey was catching cold. As the running or rumbling stomach continued, Jeffrey felt his stomach was about to burst. He gritted his teeth as the rumbling continued.
Lucky for him,none of the students in the class including the teacher knew he had a running stomach.
Lifting up his face, his eyes searched through the classroom and they immediately landed on Joseph who was at the back of the class.
Jeffrey's eyes shown brightly in surprise. Joseph also seemed to be gritting in pain. From Jeffrey's point of view, Joseph had also folded his arms and was writhing in pain: could it be that Joseph was also having a rumbling stomach.
Jeffrey observed Joseph, the way he coiled himself with his arms folded. Joseph was definitely having a running stomach. Joseph's eyes caught Jeffrey's eyes. The two stared at each other in total confusion. But the doom was on its way.
Jeffrey saw hell when his abdomen seemed to be on fire. He gritted his teeth even more as the pains he felt in his abdomen overwhelmed him. From a rumbling stomach, down to a painful abdomen.
With every passing second, the pains in Jeffrey's abdomen increased. However, he was manly enough to have not screamed or shouted. But he knew he could not bear the pain for long. It was an unbearable pain.
Strangely, the chemistry teacher and his classmates didn't even catch sight of Jeffrey in pains. Maybe except for Joseph.
As the seconds passed by, Jeffrey felt he couldn't take it anymore. He had to do something about the pain, he couldn't just sit here and be in an unbearable pain when he could do something. With his mind decided, he stood up from his seat and rushed out of the class while holding his stomach.
Surprisingly, Joseph was also rushing out of the class, holding his stomach. He gave a light cry as he rushed out of the class following Jeffrey. They both didn't care about the stunned look that lay on the faces of the teacher and the students. It was somehow stupid, holding their stomachs and heading for the restroom.
Everyone in the class looked at each other with confusion on their faces. The chemistry teacher gave an angry scowl and left the class in a noisy state.
She stormed through the hall as she headed for the principal's office. As for the two friends, the effects of the Biochemical had just started.
Both Jeffrey and Joseph rushed into the males restroom,both holding their stomachs and writhing in pain. They tightened their grip on their stomach, maybe in order to ease the pain but to no avail. The pain was unbearable,too unbearable that they couldn't hold it together again.
The pain being too unbearable,they cried out in pain. They screamed loudly,it was like their lungs were on fire. They both knew the school security team would be at the restroom door after hearing all their screaming, but they didn't care. Good thing for them,they had locked the restroom door.
As they cried out in pain,they collapsed on their knees. Strangely,they started coughing out blood. They weren't even supposed they were coughing blood. The strange thing about the blood that they had coughed out was that, the blood was of different colours.
Jeffrey who was on his knees coughed out red blood. As for Joseph, he strangely coughed out an oceanic blue blood.
Suddenly, the pain ceased immediately they had coughed out blood. Joseph's eyes shot wide at the blue blood he had coughed out. Jeffrey wasn't really bothered about the red blood he had coughed out.
Jeffrey held out his arm as he dragged Joseph up on his feet. With Jeffrey's arm on Joseph's shoulder,they were able to get on their feet again. Their eyes landed on the two blood that they had coughed out and fear crept into them. Something came into their memory as they remembered Midnight's events.
"Jeffrey, is this all happening because of the two liquids we drank at the laboratory?" Joseph asked with fear laced in his voice.
"I can't say for sure Joseph. But it could be" Jeffrey answered also with fear.
They remembered vividly that they had drank two liquid samples each at the underground laboratory.
The next thing they heard was a loud;