"You wouldn't dare!" A male voice said filled with anguish and hatred, but the other figure in the room fearlessly replied with much masculinity, "Oh yes I would."
There was a standstill in the dark room as both figures stared at each other with the intensity of pro sumo fighters.
The imaginary bell went off as both figures charged at each other. The left figure goes in for a scoop, but to his surprise, the other figure perfectly evaded his attack with a body twirl before lunging himself towards the pized artifact that was stationed a few meters away from him, only to stumble from the surprised attack of a flying pan.
Taking this as his chance, the first figure dashed over to the table, with perfect display of his parkour moves, he front flipped over the table and a side roll to soften his landing before approaching before the prized artifact with slow and confident strides.
His eyes widen as he ducked underneath the brutal swing of the second figure's blade (a rubber chicken).
He stared at the second figure who seemed well seasoned with the blade (again, rubber chicken)... Seeing no way out of this, he prepped himself for the bloody battle asvhe picked himself up then taking a stance with his legs spread wide with his feet firm on the ground, his hips bent downwards, a hand behind his back and a hand placed before him which hevusedvto provocate the second figure in a "come" motion.
[The fight between the two well seasoned warriors is well awaited by nations worldwide... On the right, we have a swordsman capable of putting all those shitty low-budget anime swordsmen to shame. He is the Mentor of the only surviving Uchiha prince... The senior brother of Ichigo! Who the fuck is Zoro!? Give it up for the Flaming Red Knight! SIR GINGER DENTON!!]
He swings his blade with grace before pointing it awkwardly at the first figure who was now trembling vigorously while drenched in sweat.
[On our left we have the silent but deadly warrior! A warrior capable of knocking the living souls out of folks with nothing but his fist... Heck, Baki ain't got nothing on him... Give it up for the Bloodied Knuckles himself!! SIR EMERALD JOHNSON!!]
The figure swings his blade with power, precision and utter grace... Finishing his display with a punch to the wall which produced a cracking sound under his furious attack before shooting his opponent a look of intense pai- *cough!* Anger! Rage! Hatred!!!! But the swordsman was too busy to notice as he struggles to point his blade at his opponent with trembling arms.
Time seemed to pause as the dimly lighted room suddenly shined a bright light revealing two grownup ass men starring at each other with one pointing a rubber chicken with the intent to kill and the other a purple fist, probably from punching a wall or somethin'.
"What the fuck are you guys doing?" I couldn't help but ask while starring at the two men before me.
"Well if it isn't Isaac the man himself!" The Gingered haired male who's name was oddly Ginger said with enthusiasm as he tossed the rubber chicken to the other side of the room while approaching me.
I gave a nod of acknowledgement to the energetic Ginger before casting my gaze to Emerald who sadly sat on the ground while starring at his purple fist...
"Yo... Bro we good? You got a broken knuckle."
"Yeah I'll live."
Ignoring the guy's cry for help, I walked in the moderate yet exquisite apartment, crashing my butt straight into the sofa which embraced my cheeks with nothing but comfort.
"So what made you visit the crib man..."
"I got burnt." Was my swift reply which drew gasps from the two guys as Ginger recovered and questioned with fear, "How is that even possible?! I thought your IQ surpassed the both me and Johnson combined?!"
"Well for starters, you guys ain't the brightest of the bunch. And secondly, it seems like they are now working with the government, or rather, hired the help of the government." I replied little Ginger over here.
"By 'they', you mean-"
"Yes, the Sari贸 Family." I cut Johnson off with my reply, making his eyes widen in fear.
"I knew we shouldn't have messed with Sari贸! The freak's a fucking legend!!"
"He's a myth! A dangerous one at that! And now we have a dangerous myth haunting us!"
"You still praise him in such situation you damn prickle!?"
"Oh!? You wanna have a go you overheated tomato!?"
As they banter among themselves, I racked through my brain for any escape route and impromptus solution that'll benefit us greatly...
"I say we take on this fucker like the glorious warriors we are!"
"Fuck no!!" Ginger and I yelled in unison, stunning Johnson a bit from the high voice.
"Then what the fuck do we do now?" Johnson muttered sadly before he stared my direction before... Oh~ now I see~~
"Oh boy... I know that smirk brotha, and that means he got some trouble brewing in that head of his!" Ginger said with profound happiness to Johnson before turning to face me with a grin of his own, "So what wicked plan havevyou mapped out for us?"
"What do you do when a mult million dollar Mafia family is after you?"
"I dunno, create one?!"
"Damnit Johnson, let the man cook! Please esteem Sir, continue..."
"See seek refuge in another powerful Mafia family." I continued, "imagine a bodybuilder chasing after you... You run straight into the gym. Two probabilities are bound to happen, one being that the gym you ran into is the bodybuilder regular gym which means you get more beatings from other bodybuilders. And two, the gym is a rivalling gym, so the bodybuilder has no power over there, thus granting you protection. The same applies with the underworld society which is ruled by many founding families. There must be a fight for power. "
"My God!! You thought of that in less than a minute!? Gimme a decade and a few months and I'll still not come out with a genius plan on par with yours!?" Johnson muttered in amazement.
"Well your pretty dumb for a John?"
"Damn you Ginger!!"
As the two continued in the semi serious banter, I drew a cigarette from it's pack, lighting it up with a lighter then taking a drag from it...
Then puffing the air with grace and swagger, forming circles and waves with a lone puff.
"Ehm, as I was saying, the underworld society has Five major organizations/Families ruling it, excluding the minor organizations who are one way or another connected to the big five." I paused, letting it to sink in before resuming, " The Mystical Family, The Saidaidan Rule, The Hive Mind, The Sari贸 Family and the Morelli."
I took a drag and puffed it out a few seconds later, helps with the suspense.
"Damnit Isaac! Your killing me with the suspense!?" Johnson said with anxiety oozing out his expression.
"Hehehe, a bad habit. So our choices drives down to three of the five organizations. The Mystical Family, The Saidaidan Rule, and The Hive Mind, but under no circumstances shall any of us apply for the same organization... It'll bring us more harm than good." I said before taking yet another drag from the cigarette.
"Hmm, sounds logical, but might I ask why?" Johnson muttered before asking his question.
I puffed out the smoke, turning it into a glamorous display of talent worthy enough to get me a golden buzzer on ATG.
"In simple terms, if in a group of individuals, one is caught, what's the first thought that'll come to your mind?"
"Do a search in the nearby radius?"
"Exactly!! And that's what they'll surely do... The only way is to trust our guts and go with the wind!" I crushed the butt of the cigarette before turning to the guy's, with a serious expression, I continued, "Each underworld organization has thier prioritization... Starting with the Mystical Family who prioritizes on Manpower, they are known for their excessive force and strength.
Then we have the Saidaidan Rule who specializes on hired, paid tasks such as mercenaries task and assassinations, they are the silent but deadly ones...
Lastly we have the Hive Mind organization which can be described in one word... Information. They have the biggest information network in the whole of the northern continent combine." I concluded my speech before leaning back unto the sofa.
"Wait you said Five but only mentioned three? What's up with that?" Ginger asked me, but I chose to remain silent for a few minutes just to visibly amp the rooms tension. Only after the third minute did I reply with a smile, "Well the other two comprises of the Sari贸 Family which is obviously after us and then the Morelli family which wouldn't want to deal with insignificant ants like us."
"Morelay? Never heard of them." Johnson said with a shrug.
"Were you raised in a jungle or something!? He pronounced it Morelli!?"
"The Morelli family are the true rulers of the underworld society of the entire North. Which covers Four well developed Cities; The Storm City, The Badlands, Gale city, Dream City and part of Prime City. The last one is a major due to the Guardians HQ stationed there."
"Ahh! Things got real messy for you."
"Right back at you!" By the banter, I could tell they were trying to fend off the fear and anxious feelings they probably have felt. Suddenly, Ginger said with a puffed chest, "Why don't you pick for us... It'll increase the chances of us getting picked due to that huge brain of yours."
Haha! Praise me!
Feeling pleased, I gave my humble insight, "Ok, Ginger lets begin with you are a combatant pryomancer, the Mystical Family is the right fit for you. Johnson, you deal with stealth with the help of your [phantom form] powers, the Saidaidan Rule is the only option for you. As for me, I see no better choice than the Hive Mind organization."
I paused for a few minutes, waiting for it to sink in before getting up with a sigh.
"Well boys... See your asses in hell." I slowly walked to the door, then with a dramatic pause I lifted my right arm and fist pumped the air then fading into the woods.
*Vrrr* *Vrrrr*
The cellphone on the table vibrates wildly before a well suited figure picks up the phone with a dramatic grunt.
"Better be worth my time." The figure harshly comments on the phone placed on his ear.
What followed was some inaudible sounds resounding from the other line of the cellphone and the occasional "hmmm" from the figure.
He hangs the call before dialing his secretary, saying in a 'mafia-boss-like' tone, "Send in Frank."
Not a minute less, a lone knock on the door can be heard. Hearing a usual grunt, a 6'9ft burly figure stepped in the room.
"Yea boss?" Surprisingly his voice lack the manly bass, making his high pitch voice weird with a man with his type of physique.
"I'll like to place a lil tab on those runts who 'borrowed' my money... Use force of necessary." The boss spoke with a little smirk on mouth.
"You got it boss!"
"Dismiss." Lil Frank was dismissed by a simple wave, leaving the room empty and quiet to his boss.
"Waylon huh... Looks like the world wants to repeat history. Hahahahahahaha! Bahahaha- *cough!* *Cough!!* *Cough!!!* Damn it!!!!"