"Aaaaaah!" Fuwa's screams echoed on the third floor of the Ice Cavern Dungeon "Raven don't stay standing there, help me!!"
Raven stood there in silence as she watched Fuwa run away from the monster. She felt comfy under layers of clothes
"『Aqua Shield』" Raven cast her shielding spell with a lazy tone of voice.
"Aaaah! Do something else!!" Fuwa kept screaming and running.
The only lament in Raven's mind right now was not having something to eat. An enormous beast was stomping behind Fuwa, it was a strange beast, wooly and big, bulky, with big fangs coming forward like tusks, and of course, it had some kind of big tentacle thing with hair in front of its mouth that was used to hammer Fuwa.
"Haa!?" Said Raven "I can't hear you over this much clothes!"
"Aaaah!! It's going to crush me!!" Fuwa panicked as she kept running using the spiky rocks in order to delay the movements of the colossal beast, she didn't even reach half the height of one of its legs.
This spectacle seemed like... justice.
But to understand the situation, we have to go back in time to early that day...
The adventurer's guild didn't lend gear to their members, unless on very counted occasions. This was one of those, after all, the guild master had run away to hide in the dungeon, and Tina just wanted them to depart from the guild, so she gave Fuwa everything she had asked... and even worse, she began to get excited too, as Fuwa wanted to dress up Raven with warm clothes, both girls went a little overboard, soon Raven was covered in thick layers of jackets and scarfs, in the end, she looked like something other than a person.
"Good job!" Said Fuwa clapping.
"Y-Yes!" Said Tina following her game.
"I hate you both" Said Raven under the clothes "Fuwa I will have my revenge on you"
"Yeah sure, grumpy cat, let's go!"
It had been a mistake allowing them to pick something from her, they had taken the warmest to an exaggeration, and now Raven was melting inside the pelts as Fuwa carried her like a package over her shoulder once again.
'This brute!' Thought Raven as she was carried over to the dungeon.
The travel actually was really silent, and faster than last time, since Fuwa was in such a good mood she was walking fast and was singing stuff in a language Raven didn't understand, she was just annoyed by Fuwa who wouldn't listen because she was too hyped to hear her out. When they reached the dungeon exterior, there were many injured adventurers, most of them low-level.
And after getting to the dungeon, both had a strange surprise... The dungeons in this world weren't closed spaces like in the previous world! As soon as they got inside the dungeon, some adventurers rested, and others were heavily beaten by the creatures they had defeated the previous time...
'This is dangerous!' Thought Raven immediately.
The adventurers had preferred to come to this place in bulk just to avoid them, so those who were injured fainted not having more energy to process the surprise of seeing them here. Raven thought if she should heal them or something, but none seemed like in real threat of dying, and before she could even comment Fuwa rushed further inside.
On what seemed like the second floor of the dungeon after descending a spiral staircase, they found the rest of the adventurers of the guild. The guild master was leading the attack against two creatures that looked like Ice Golems, around their bodies magic pulsated wild, and freezing temperatures were pumping around them, some of the adventurers facing them had parts of their bodies or armor completely frozen. Others were facing off against more beasts like in the first level of the dungeon, those Uirgest were teleporting around ramming people, but fortunately, most of the adventurers with low levels had stayed in the first level or had already evacuated.
"Raven if we don't hurry they will steal the boss!" Fuwa said passing through the crowd.
"Wait fool! We are the ones stealing the boss!" Said Raven angrily still trapped under the clothes.
Just after arriving at the third and last level of this dungeon, a giant dome of ice, there was this enormous mammoth-like creature, that Fuwa blindly rushed to attack leaving Raven trapped at the entrance.
Fuwa trashed against the creature, but it was a boss creature, simple punches weren't enough to even be felt by the creature, it just had enraged it.
This take us to the present.
Now, with the boss creature enraged, Fuwa's punches seemed like little more than mosquito bites to the enormous wooly mammoth beast. Its tusks gleamed in the icy light of the dungeon as it stomped closer to her, barely missing her each time with its heavy steps. Raven, still swaddled in her layers of absurdly thick clothing, watched lazily as Fuwa's attempts to hurt the creature were futile.
"Why do I have to be stuck in these... things?" Raven muttered to herself, trying to wriggle out of the layers, but her arms were pinned under all the clothing, she wasn't exactly the strength type of adventurer who could just tear it all with no effort.
"Aaaaah! Raven, seriously!! If you don't help now, I'll..!" Fuwa's voice was interrupted by another wild swing of the beast's trunk, sending icicles and chunks of the frozen ground flying everywhere.
"Shut up idiot! You are the one who created all this ruckus now hold there!"
Fuwa's martial artist instincts kicked in, and she dodged and weaved through the attacks, but she was growing frustrated. Her red scarf trailed behind her, and her twin tails whipped through the air as she dodged another blow. She performed a back flip and by miracle landed on top of the creature who started to run wild around, but getting a good grip was hard, not because there wasn't enough surface or something, but mostly because touching it hurt like crazy, it hair was like touching something that had been inside the fridge for many hours for Fuwa.
As the mammoth-like beast thrashed and tried to throw Fuwa off, she gritted her teeth, clinging onto its icy fur despite the biting cold. Her hands felt like they were being frozen solid, but there was no way she was going to let go now, not after all the trouble she'd gone through to get up here.
"Raven! I really need you to do something more than just stand there like a snowman!" Fuwa yelled, shivering as the creature's fur chilled her to the bone.
Raven, still feeling like a human-shaped bundle of jackets, furiously struggled to reach her dagger hidden beneath the layers of clothing "I'm trying, alright!? This ridiculous pile of clothes is your fault in the first place!" she muttered, her hands finally brushing against the hilt of her small dagger. "Got it!"
With a swift motion, she began slicing through the layers, starting to free herself. Piece by piece, the heavy coats and scarves fell to the ground until Raven could finally move freely. She stretched her arms and rolled her shoulders, a satisfied smirk on her face as her cat ears twitched with relief.
"I'm back to the game!" She said with a victory pose then she shivered "Holy shit this place is cold!" She said feeling the temperature difference. Raven's triumphant moment was cut short as the cold air of the Ice Cavern bit into her exposed skin. She rubbed her arms, her mischievous grin fading into an annoyed frown "Ugh, why did I cut off all the layers? This is freezing!"
Meanwhile, Fuwa was barely holding onto the thrashing mammoth-like beast. The cold was numbing her fingers as she tried to maintain her grip "Less complaining, more helping!" she shouted, her voice shaky from the cold and the effort of not being thrown off.
Raven shot a glare at Fuwa, but despite her irritation, she couldn't leave her partner to deal with the creature alone... especially not when Fuwa had been the one to drag her into this situation in the first place "Fine, fine. Let's finish this!"