Chereads / Eren's Ascension / Chapter 24 - Other worlders.

Chapter 24 - Other worlders.

"So what will it be?"

Natalie didn't knew what to do, To believe then or not.

" I..I.."

" How about this, let's get to know each other better and then you decide." Intervened Alena, suggesting the obvious which leads to the outcome she wants.

Despite his unwillingness eren nodded defeated as he sat down.

And Alena sat beside him, holding his arm in loving manner as she showed cheeky smile at her schemes to which eren felt annoyed.

Natalie didn't knew what to do but atleast she felt less pressured now that topic changed a bit, she relaxed a bit. Unaware of what Alena was scheming.

" First you eren."


Eren nearly spit the tea out, just when he thought he could relax. To calm his turmoiled heart, she dragged him into this discussion.

Especially since his past was not so joyous, his hesitation was logical.

Maintaining the cup he postured his demenour straight, glaring at Alena. But Alena didn't budge, her smile adamant on forcing him to start and as always eren gave up and accepted his defeat.

" Name's Eren salvatore.

I come from small village named fire sword village, it's already burned down with nothing left alive.

I have no noticable past with no relatives.

And for past four years I am living here, with this idiot in white forest."

" Hey."

" What?" replied eren instant, not playing with Alena's antics, among their bickering what they failed to notice was Natalie's shock.

" White forest?, you mean one and only in vampire continent. Filled with dangerous monsters and legendary white ghost." She wasn't just bewildered, her tone expressed fear.

" Ofcourse."

" Why are you so surprised?" Asked eren.

" You're not kidding with me right?"

" No, This is serious." Eren was somewhat annoyed but answered none the less.

" But this shouldn't be happening, I was in neutral continent.

Teleportation device can't travel among continents." She muttered, afraid of unbelievable.

" So you come from neutral continent." asked Alena, relaxed as always.

Natalie didn't answer, just nodded in disturbed mood.

" Don't be scared nat, This is fine. It's not as bad as it seems." Alena tried to comfort Natalie.

Walking beside her as She hugged her to which Natalie's weak self soon dissolved crying.

Eren seeing such sight felt truly bummed. She would've ripped her and now this, uncanny turn of event.

As always he had nothing to say.

" There there nat, Don't cry and just tell this me everything."

God knows what to make of this situation, it seemed like a scammer trying to take advantage of innocent child but maybe it was due to the fact that Alena never showed such caring side.

Sure enough, it took few minutes before Natalie calmed, still hugging Alena tightly.

It gave her time to analyse her situation and what to make of it.

And ofcourse best solution she found is to trust this two.

" Take your time and tell us everything sweetie, Eren will surely help you." Eren was sgain ropped in but he wasn't unwilling.

" Yes Natalie, I promise we mean no harm and we'll help you with best of our ability." Eren said with a gentle smile.

" I..I.."

" My name is Natalie evans. I come from xyrus city in neutral continent.

Evans family is highly reputable noble dragon family and I am youngest and only child to my father's second wife.

And due to that I was despised by my brothers and being unawakened didn't help at all.

My father wanted to sneakily marry me off to some noble dragon boy in order for political gain in absence of my mother, so I ran away.

Stealing the teleportation artifect.

First the teleportation device didn't work for some reason and when it finally did, I was teleported here with the attack that I intended for my brother." Over the explanation her voice changed from sadness, fury to melancholy. As if feeling the greatest of betrayal from her blood.

Alena wasn't surprised, such occurance among nobility were normal.

" Now what?"

"....." She had no words or plan for future.

" If you ask me, You've already taken the big step. You've already decide how you want to live." Said eren.

She had option to live caged or to go fly freely and she chose the later, her being here is proof of that.

Natalie understood it but only if it was that easy to accept.

" Natalie would you like to live with us." Asked Alena, disregarding Eren's conceen but he had no problems with that.

Natalie wiped her face clean, taking heavy breaths as she thought for a moment then shook her head in denial.

" I have to go back, my mother must be worried sick. Besides I can't run forever." She said as her chest swelled up in bit of vigour.

Eren was surely surprised and happy for her well mannered thoughts, it gave him a purpose.

" Is it worth living?, Neutral continent." both Natalie and Alena could guess what he wanted to know and why.

" Ofcourse, It's far better than vampire continent.

As its name suggest, it's a territory for all asuras, beastmans and humans living together in harmony and with appearance of another worlders, it's technological advancement have also began changing the lifestyle from good to excellent.

I am not exaggerating, this teleportation device is such product of modern tech, combination of science and magic." She sounded genuinely pleased with herself, describing the place she lived and enjoyed all her life. She looked outside the window only for second and then to Eren's face.

" And it's comfy to live, with good people and nice weather." She just felt lonely and couldn't help but relate this feeling with someone who lives here, surrounded by nothing but disolate eerie loneliness.

Eren thought about it and then asked Alena,

" Alena how much time do you have?"

" Two days most." There was no expression to her, she was logical enough to not get depressed even though it was heart aching separation.

" Okay then I'll be coming with you nat, mind if call you that?" he asked with gentle natural smile and Natalie had no control over heart to refuse.

Her cheeks red in embarrassment, she turned her head aside to avoid his smile only to see Alena smiling from sidelines.

" See he's not bad, Right?"


This moment when everything was going smooth eren remembered something very weird,

" You said appearance of other worlders, is it really as you say?" Even alena didn't realise.

That was whole lot grand and shocking news to both eren and Alena as they realised what it meant.

" Yes, That's a story behind it as well.

Around 70 years back, A prophecy came to known that all life will perish in this world.

And it was no ordinary prophet who forsaw this possibilities, you could say the source was reliable.

Prophet also suggested to evacuate to some other world. But it was all new, Rulers knew nothing where to even begin much less find a new world.

Ofcourse one thing was known, ascention. That was the only plausible phenomenon close to leaving this world but that was impossible.

But than something unexpected happened.

Around 50 years ago, spatial gate opened only for a short while which brought other worlders.

But our fates are still sealed to perish." She sounded little sacred as she explained everything. Although it wasn't much help to begin with.

Other worlders came, from where, why and how?, still unanswered.

" Their presence must have brought large impact on fate?" Asked Alena, Natalie's eyes shone in surprise.

" How did you know, mother said the same thing but she also said that it changed nothing."

" Back up guys, Can somebody please explain." Asked eren not understanding where the conversation was going.

" The fate is not all written book, it's just plausible and probable future paths so yes some seers or prophate whatever you call it, can mildly read fate.

But it can be changed with variables.

Want me explain in detail?" Eren could guess more or less but surprisingly Natalie nodded, guess she wasn't completely knowledgeable about this.

" Natalie this little cutie here is ava, Eren saved her few years back." Alena patted the white rabbit soft furr, sitting beside her.

" Now she was destined die by more powerful monsters and she would've if not for eren.

The variable that changed the outcome is eren.

In grand view of whole world, our intentions, actions and their reactions are all just part of fate. It changes something but at the end story remains the same.

Prophet said this world will perish, now she don't know when but suppose from another 10 years, but then BAM, otherworlders came and brought highly skilled warrior with them.

Their appearance changed the future.

They could be the end of this world before even the time of 10 years or they could be our saviour or we could live 20 than 10 years with their co operation.

World is one with mana, prophets read mana but what happens when something outside this system arrives.

But future adjusts upon present.

That's just how fate and variables works."

Only now that Natalie understood what her mother meant.

" That means other worlders won't be much help in saving this world."

" Exactly." Alena's word cleared her doubts.

" question still remains unanswered?" Said eren, Watching Natalie still curled up in Alena's embrace.

He felt bit annoyed.

' Am I jealous?' He thoughts but soon neglected his own question in denial.

" I can join alfheim academy." Said Natalie, questioning her ownself.

She saw eren's eyes glaring but mistaking it for curiosity in knowing what this academy is, she spoke again.

" It's a prestigious academy for cultivators. once I join in, they'll protect me from all external threat." she explained,

Not understanding what eren really felt.

Alena was amused watching the scene play out before her.

" Is that so?" He asked, a bit rhetorically.

" Is it really safe? I mean my offer still stands." Asked Alena, just a ted but carring.

" It's fine big sister, Not only it will provide me secure shelter to live in but also future footholding to break free from my family." Her eyes shimmered with confidence.

Alena looked little shocked watching her confident smile shining brightly at her face. her heart that felt overjoyed pumped heavy.

She smiled, patting her small head. Rustling her hair ruff, annoying the kid. Even eren laughed, forgetting animosity he created over little jealousy, watching two woman enjoying childish bickers.

" I'll be coming with you then." Said eren.

Alena wasn't surprised, she could guess such thoughts ran in his mind once he heard about peaceful place.

Obviously far away from this vampire filled place, now that Alena was leaving him. He needed to move forward.

Natalie felt happy, reason unknown. How did she connect with this two so easily that she felt joy for them.

Maybe it was because Alena showed the very same confidence, childishness and even evilness that of her mother.

She couldn't help but picture her mother from Alena's smile.

As for eren, he was still distant. Especially since he was handsome boy, it was hard for teenage girl to resist his chiselled face and irresistible body.

The mood was set just fine.

" So Thressome, huh." Her cheeky wide smile made Natalie blush in total embarassment.

Eren had enough, he had no words to stop this fox of a woman.