"Hurry and stand up!" Cai Xiu barked, grabbing the girl's hand and yanking her to her feet with some strength despite her weakened state.
Her grip was firm as she steadied her:
"We have to get to Master. Now! Staying here is a death sentence."
Cai Xiu's instincts screamed that their safest place was by their Master's side.
She trusted him — no; she relied on him — to ensure their survival. If anyone could shield them… It was him.
Without another word, Cai Xiu began pulling the girl forward, as they both began running.
It wasn't long before they stumbled into the where the Second Young Master was.
Both Yùn Yì and Cai Xiu were panting heavily, their breaths ragged, and the noise they made was impossible to miss.
Feng Shen glanced over at the sound. His sharp eyes landed on the two disheveled figures, as he raised a hand in a small, nonchalant wave.