He moved swiftly through the hallways.
The place was too big for its own good.
It was like a labyrinth that seemed determined to lose anyone who dared to enter it.
He had to ask Velkaria for help.
"Where is the main hall where we met Bael?" he asked.
'Turn left here, then go straight and take the third right, and…'
Velkaria's voice echoed in his mind.
He followed Velkaria's words.
It took him a few dozen minutes to reach the location.
The grand hall stood before him.
Its massive double doors were slightly ajar.
The hall was empty.
"Where did he go?" Neo muttered as he looked around.
His brows furrowed in irritation.
It seemed Bael had no intention of meeting him.
'Might as well try to meet the other guy who is here,' he thought.
"Velkaria, where is the World Core?" he asked.
'Above you,' Velkaria replied.
Neo raised his head.
All he saw was the massive chandelier.