Hosts chat group - Main chanel
Tamer: Ok, jokes aside
Tamer: Hi, Im Manager, but I'll go by Many, age 24 and gender…
Tamer: Yes
Rider: Oh, so you talk?
Tamer: Normally not
Tamer: But I'll make an effort now
Slinger: Why?
Tamer: 'Cause one of my partners is forcing me to
Tamer: He said that I should 'talk to people'
Trainer: I fellow shut in?
Tamer: Pretty much
Tamer: I like to sleep more than building digivices
Trainer: I just don't like going out.
Trainer: The world is dangerous.
Tamer: I know right?
Tamer: The moment you go out you die
Trainer: Right?
Rider: Not to interrupt the shut in convention, but already interrupting
Rider: Name's Guiding Star, go by Stella, I'm 34, woman and I sell dragons
Tamer: Old
Rider: I know
Tamer: Httyd?
Rider: Yep
Tamer: Cool
Slinger: Me next!
Slinger: I'm Shaun, I'm 18, woman and I sell Slugs.
Tamer: ?
Brawler: Slugterra
Tamer: Ah
Brawler: I'm Dante, Nate calls me Dan, I'm 16, man and I sell bakugan.
Tamer: Aren't you a tad too young to be here kid?
Brawler: Blame the System.
Tamer: Sounds right, have a nice day
Trainer: Well, I'm Nature, I usually go by Nate, I'm a 23 years old man and I sell pokemon!
Tamer: Same age!
Trainer: Same age!
Brawler: Why are you two so similar?
Trainer: Wdym?
Tamer: Wdym?
Brawler: See?
Rider: It's shut in solidarity
Slinger: It seems so.
Rider: Anyway
Rider: I really have to go
Rider: The dragons won't stop fighting themselves and no one other than me can forge
Rider: Wish me luck!