Chapter 48 - Savage

Suddenly, bursts of evil energy started coming out of Alice's body. It felt like Yoshi and Star were in a hurricane as her body began to rise off the ground. Her body began to transform. Her wounds instantly healed. She had turned back into the form she entered when she first battled Sapphy. The marking reappeared on her body, and her eyes, and she looked more animalistic. Her clothes burned off her body, being replaced by a dress made of null energy.

She let out a roar, blowing Yoshi away and making Star nearly go flying. A sadistic smile formed on her face as she started ballistically charging towards Star. With every step closer to star, the grass beneath her would instantly die. Her passive ability was completely unrestrained and was killing all life around her. Star smiled back, removing his second limiter.

Without warning, Alice moved. In an instant, she appeared before Star, and her claws swiped directly at Star's face. The sheer speed of the attack distorted the air around her and Star rolled back.

Alice charged up a null ball instantly. There was no charge time and it was even bigger than before. With a howl, she fired the orb forward. He leaned back at the last possible moment, narrowly avoiding the null orb, the force of the missed blow sending a gust of wind rushing past.

Before Alice could pull back, Star was already countering. He sprung up, his hand shot out, open-palmed, toward Alice's chest. She managed to block with her forearm, but the impact sent shockwaves rippling through her body, forcing her back a step. The ground beneath their feet cracked from the force, dust rising in a thick cloud. But within one clash more class of their fist, it formed a shockwave that dispersed all the dust. The two stared into each other's eyes. Both wore psychotic expressions, though Star felt something was off. Alice had never looked like this before.

Alice skidded back, her feet digging into the earth to regain balance. Her eyes narrowed as steam came out of her mouth. With a flicker of movement, she vanished from sight.

Star's head snapped to the left, then the right, trying to follow Alice's movements, but Alice had become a blur of lightning-fast strikes. The battlefield's air charged with the ferocity of their clash. Star blocked and deflected most of Alice's hits, but even he couldn't keep up with all of them. A blow caught him in the ribs, another on his shoulder, and a final one snapped his head back as Alice's knee connected with his jaw. She then fired forth a death orb, and Star instinctively dodged it. The death ball decayed the life of all the grass, insect life, and bacteria that were underneath Star in a massive AOE attack. He barely managed to dodge it himself, making his expression waver for a second. Alice then pulled out her sickles and Star pulled out his crystos weapon. It was a dual katanas under nuker class. While Alice's sickle got stronger every time they met with the same target, these katanas did the opposite. They reduced the power of the opposing force every time Star would block, parry, or clash.

Blood trickled from the corner of Star's mouth, but his expression remained happy and insane. As Alice prepared another flurry of strikes, Star's aura flared violently. The air around him grew hot, almost suffocating.

With a roar, Star unleashed a barrage of his own. His blades moved like meteors, each one carrying the weight of a avalanche. Alice, despite his speed, was forced onto the defensive. Though with her sickles effects, they canceled out the effects of his katanas. She dodged and blocked where he could, but Star's strikes were relentless, each blow heavier than the last. The earth trembled beneath them.

Alice attempted to regain control of the fight, launching a lightning-fast roundhouse kick aimed at Star's temple. But he anticipated it. He caught her leg mid-air, and with a savage twist, he sent her crashing into the ground. The earth shattered beneath her, dust and debris exploding into the sky. Star tried to stab her while she was down, but she dodged and impaled him with both of her sickles. Star tried to push her off, but she dodged and slashed both kneecaps with her sickles. Then, she stabbed his right elbow with both of her sickles and kicked him back.

Her eyes locked onto him like a starving lion spotting an injured deer. She jumped on him and started tearing into him. She started ripping him apart with a delightful smile on her face. She laughed the whole time as her claws tore through his flesh and sliced through his bones. Star eyes said it all. He never felt this much pain in his entire life.

Star managed to impale her with his four back spider legs, but before he could throw her off of him, she ripped her two sickles out his elbows and cut off his spider legs. He tried to punch her, but she bit down on his fist, her razor-sharp fangs crunching on his flesh. She then bit into his arm, ripping it off as she gouged out 3 of his eyes.

Alice was about to pierce him through the head, but before she could Star hit her in the stomach with a piercing beam, blasting her off him. Normally, the beam would go right through her, but the infinite piercing of the beam was countered by the infinite destruction on null, effectively making the beam a blunt weapon. 

Alice tried to rush back in before he could do anything, but Star separated the two with a wall of anomalies. They weren't very strong, but it gave Star enough time to inject himself with another phoenix vital, healing all the wounds both Yoshi and Alice had inflicted on him. He looked back at her with a wide, gaping smile, mocking Alice, which only make her fur stand up and her eyes flare up.