The towering structure was surrounded by high walls, creating a stark divide between the interior and the exterior, including their vastly different environments.
Within the walls, the arid expanse of the Arabian desert gave way to an oasis-like haven teeming with water and lush greenery.
Meticulously maintained gardens radiated order and beauty, and the abundant reservoirs of water stood as symbols of prosperity. This was all thanks to the marvels of modern technology.
In the Middle East, where annual rainfall is scarce, the ability to make the most of limited precipitation is crucial. Recent advancements in water retention materials, many sourced from Japan, had proven invaluable.
One of the royal family members, Amir Faisal bin Salim, eagerly awaited Wataru and his companions. It had been a long time since Amir felt such anticipation for a meeting. The last time might have been on his wedding day or awaiting the birth of his first child.