After Wataru and his companions departed, the Zeitram church was a hive of activity. Rusty, the deaconess, found herself busier than ever.
In a church that struggled financially, even someone of Rusty's high standing had an endless list of duties. As a deaconess, her responsibilities included overseeing the church's finances, procuring essential supplies, and managing the funds collected through donations.
Wataru's generous donation of gold coins marked a turning point. With newfound purpose, Rusty exchanged the coins for usable currency and began visiting the local merchants to settle long-overdue debts.
At a small shop specializing in fabrics and clothing, the middle-aged shopkeeper looked at Rusty with a mix of relief and concern as she handed over the payment.
"Thank you for finally settling the account," he said with a sigh. "But are you sure it's wise to pay all this at once? It's a lot of money."