"Auna I have a task for you" "what is it" "I need you u to rebuild my body" I looked at him "do you think I know how to build a sento?" "No so I got S.O.M here to help you" S.O.M was drinking the different viles "taste like strawberrys" I looked at Neevo "are you serious?" "Yes, yes I am". I walked over to the 3 different viles and extracted the pieces of sento "shouldn't there be more?" "yeahhhhhhh I sold them to different people" Neevo looked at me and then his eye went out. In the next minute the entire room shock and Neevos eye light back up "I will cause a level 6 earthquake if you don't get the parts back". I sold the pieces to five different people all five of them ran one part of the city. For the first four it was easy I snuck in with Ventis and got out with the part. The fifth and final place was different, I gave one of the sento pieces to the hero foundation to do researchi had no idea what for. When I got there I saw two heros patroling the research area "hey can I go in?" "Identify yourself or we'll have to escort you out" "I'm Auna" "the queen?" "Yes that's me, so can I go get the sento pie-" "sorry ma'am but you cannot let you in there" "why?" "This place is private and only the leaders of the hero foundation can-" while she kept talking I walked into the room and the other hero just stood there, he was sleeping. I grabbed the piece and walked out the hero foundation, the hero kept talking so I just walked by "and- wait where the hell is she?" "She escaped while you were yapping"
I walked with Z to the boat "so why are we going to the forbidden lands?" "To find the castle" "huh it's really important to you" "yes now I'm gonna go get the others". I went to find Lily, she worked at a art museum I don't know why she chose to work at an art museum. When I found her she was sitting near a painting and staring of into space "hey Lily" "huh yeah dad?" I forgot I adopted her "we're going to the forbidden lands" she looked at my as if I lost my mind "why there?!" "The castle is probably there so we're going" "do I have to go" "yes I need the entire team to come with me" she sighed and got up and flew to the boat and waited there with Z. I had two more to go, Zuenta and Auna. I picked up my phone and called Zuenta "hey V" "hey Zuen want to go to the forbidden lands?" "Why?" "The castle of a hundred liars might be there" "you know what I have nothing to do so yeah" "ok see you at the boat" "wait, which bo-" i hung up and walekd to Aunas office.
I tried to keep my sanity as I felt pain in my stomach, I was pregnant at the time "Auna you ok?" Ventis said "no" "want me to carry the baby" I looked at her "what?" Ventis opened her chest and inside was a spikey and orange wolf it looked like a fetus and that traumatized me "why and how would I put my child in there" "I could surgical remove it" I looked at her "you don't even know what surgery is!" "Yes I do" "this is boring" Neevo said. After an hour I woke up and my chest was normal I didn't feel pain and the baby was gone "huh" when I turned around I saw Ventis lying on the floor on her back, her chest was open and inside was a orange light. When I looked inside and saw two orange orbs, one had a wolf cub made of chains and spicks they had a little orange on them, in the other was a human child "huh, I guess she does know surgery" I closed her chest and went back to the lab. I looked at the large vile containing Neevos new body, it looked the exact same as his last body but I didn't get a suit so it was just a mannequin with a white mask on "hey Neevo" "what" "why did the sword matter for the ritual?" "It belonged to something" "what was it" "you do know about the god of something" "no"
There were three gods
They were the first two beings to gain ZZZZZZ level
Nothing achieved high then that so she was sealed away by her own
Read K.O.R/D/U for more information
I walked into the lab and saw Ventis on the floor sleeping, when I went into Aunas office she was looking at a vile "are you trying to rebuild Neevo?" "Y-yeah" she said that like she was trying to hide something "ok, well if your plan fails you should make copy of the body" I told her "thanks for the advice" "well I'm making a boat for the venture into the forbidden lands" "hmm, well the island have been sinking" Auna thought of something at that moment "what if we made it able to hold all 273,000 people on all of the islands" "smart plan I'm gonna tell the others" I speed out of there and told the others about Aunas plan for the boat.
I watched from on top of a building "hey Miss" "yes Pera?" "What are we doing" "observing" "cool" Pera looked down at the boat "how do you think there gonna make it big enough to fit 300,000 people?" "I don't that's why I'm watching them, besides even if they make a boat that big it will take them years to get past one UC" "cool" I watched as they started to build the boat from the old train "it will probably take them a few months to build the boat"