Straightening up, she smiled at Kelvin.
"Okay. I hope to see you in the academy, I'scarus— I can call you I'scarus, right?"
He nodded, acknowledging her familiarity. Well, not like I have much of a choice, do I?
"Great! You're all good to go."
Taking that as his cue, Kelvin stood and zipped up his suit, ready to leave.
As he approached the door, he hesitated for a moment before turning back. "Um, thanks for the fix."
Without waiting for a response, he turned back around, his instincts urging him to get out of there. Her previous display had set off every warning bell in his head. It was unnatural, mysterious and captivating, but still unnerving.
His breath hitched, but when he turned, he only saw her tossing something his way.
"Keep that safe. It's expensive, you hear?"
Kelvin caught the item—a shining blue crystal, the same one he had taken from the beast in the mines.
They must have taken it from my suit when I was administered. Relief washed over him. At least he wasn't being charged for the service.
He studied the stone, trying to recall any details about it, but his memories came up blank. His predecessor knew next to nothing about magic, leaving him in the dark.
A thought struck him. Why not just ask her?
His instincts screamed danger, but her casual demeanor didn't match the threat he felt.
'She's all smiles, but if Awakeners are really as powerful as they say… what could I even do if she wanted me dead?'
That was probably why she felt so dangerous. She was.
"Miss Jamen," Kelvin called out.
"Hmm?" she answered, not bothering to turn around.
"Can I ask a question?"
"Well?" she prompted.
She's relaxed now. She probably thinks I'm just an eager bumpkin, looking for any excuse to fish for information.
"Um… w-what's this stone? How expensive is it?" He kept his voice curious, forcing the most innocent expression he could manage.
"Whoa, slow down there, champ. One question at a time." She paused, as if considering. "Hmm… for your concept of wealth? Pretty expensive."
With an exaggerated air, she spun around and sat on the bed, leaning slightly on her left hand. The way she shifted into an almost posed position made it hard for Kelvin to concentrate.
"That's a beast crystal. A rare source of 'World Essence.' You're lucky to have found one from your first kill."
Feigning confusion, Kelvin furrowed his brows. Come on, give me more.
Noticing his blank expression, she elaborated, speaking slower this time. "Let's just say it's a rare energy source—one that's hard to get from low-rank beasts." Then, before he could probe further, she added, "And before you start asking more questions, this is classified knowledge. Awakeners know about it, but you shouldn't be asking."
"Go on now." She waved him off with a lazy smile, cutting off any further conversation.
Then why give it back if it's that important?He kept the thought to himself. 'I guess this is my luck… Nah, I doubt it.'
Kelvin glanced at the blonde-haired woman again. She was too calm. Too nonchalant. There was something off about her, but with his limited knowledge, he had no way to figure out what she was playing at.
He sighed, disappointed that the conversation had ended so quickly. This had been his best shot at getting valuable information from an Awakened.
Adjusting his suit, he stashed the crystal in his fabricated pocket, gave an awkward bow—earning him an amused smile from Emery—then stepped out of the room.
The change in atmosphere was instant.
The moment he stepped outside, a strange calm settled over him, the tension in his chest easing.
It was like some invisible weight had lifted. Had there really been something pressing down on him in that room?
Shaking off the thought, he glanced around—then realized something important.
I have no idea where I'm going.
The building's interior wasn't all that different from what he was used to back on Earth. That was something, at least.
Using that logic, he searched for an area that looked like it might contain an elevator or stairwell.
Kelvin went down a companionway and along a throbbing passage to what he found as cylindrical shafts.
Kelvin narrowed his eyes, studying them. The tubes looked like glass but shimmered with circuit-like patterns, guiding their movement.
Are these… elevators?
From the stories he'd heard in the district, some buildings had strange transport mechanisms, but this was his first time seeing one up close.
No way in hell am I stepping into that without making sure it's safe.
Astonished as he was, he wasn't about to trust this world's technology without testing it first.
So he waited, watching how others used the device.
It didn't take long to gather the basics.
His intense observation, however, earned him a variety of looks—mostly condescending.
What? Can't a guy learn something new? He shot back a glare as the other passengers disappeared from sight, either rising or descending.
Screw you all.
Once he was satisfied with his observations, he stepped closer.
Hypothesis. I'm going to put my hand into this.
Moving cautiously, he first brushed his fingers against the barrier. His hand passed through effortlessly.
'Hmm… There's a slight pressure, but nothing harmful.'
He pushed in a little further, then pulled back. Repeating the process several times, until he was finally ready and stepped inside.
Hypothesis confirmed.
It's safe when inactive but repels contact when in use. Slick!
The subtle murmur of bumpkin reached his ears as others eyed him in amusement.
Kelvin scowled. Hope you all fall to your deaths.
'Well, time for the ride of a lifetime--or double lifetimes, If I could say.' A giddy grin marred his face.
With an inhale, he stepped in. Following his fleeting education, he pressed a symbol associated with 'Lobby' on a panel beside the entrance.
The moment he tapped at the symbol, he heard a subtle 'whoosh' followed by a surreal weightlessness that rode his figure embracing secured.
Amidst the fall, the information of the gravity device resurfaced in his memories.