There is a story from hundreds of years ago about eight knights that served The Warrior King Ansbach Kruger of the fallen Adelmund Kingdom, these knights were known as the Knights of Calamity they followed their King to any battlefield. They made mountains crumble, dragons bow down to them, and traversed dimensions all in the name of their king. But that did not last long as demons where crawling out of the depths of hell to feast on the human world, as a holy war ensued these eight knights fought to seal the demons but the demons where to many and they had an unbelievable strength. The eight of them fought the Archdemon Baal at Gheneas Gate and managed to cast the demons back to Hell and put a seal on the door but during the battle their king had fallen. They continued to serve the royal family, but Ansbachs son was a horrible man he was nothing like his father he had executed the eight because he was afraid of their power and thought they would try to take the throne from him. In their final moments they swore "The day the world needs us again we will appear alongside our future king" after the knights had died there was no one to keep the empire at bay so within two years the Adelmund Kingdom was no more.