Chereads / Surviving as a One-Star in a Dead Game / Chapter 49 - ◈ Episode 049

Chapter 49 - ◈ Episode 049

Kim Yi-hyeon looked out the car window with his chin resting on his hand. The ruins covered with moss and vines. The green scenery passed by leisurely.

It's peaceful.

Ironically, I had such feelings. Despite the traces of countless citizens dying or losing their homes in the disaster.

"Hyeon, what are you thinking?"

"I just wanted to know how far it would go."

"Almost there."

"That's what they say. Get up, Asterike."

In the seat next to her, Asterike was sleeping, leaning against Kim Yi-hyeon's shoulder. She was drooling all over his clothes.

'Even if that's the case, it's still saliva.'

Every time the car shook, the horn would touch his face. Since he was already uncomfortable, Kim Yi-hyeon grabbed the horn and shook it to vent his anger.


My eyes shot open with a strange sound that I couldn't tell if it was a scream or something.

Asterike was startled, but did not let go of Kim Ihyeon's hand. Instead, she just glanced at him as if resenting him.

"Wake up and wipe your spit."

"They all came?"


"What? It's not over yet."

"You said you wanted to come out?"

He buried his face in Kim Yi-Hyeon's shoulder and rubbed it.

"I just ate, so I'm sleepy."

"What kind of dog are you?"

Today, I had to go out at Asterike's request. I was feeling a bit antsy after being cooped up in the underground facility all this time.

So I decided to pick up some useful stuff while I was out. Ground exploration. Like mining, it was one of the dispatched tasks the agents performed.

'We've explored everything with this lineup.'

Asterike came out because he was bored. West Creek was the guide. He had never been sent on a mission in the game. I guess it was because he was getting tired.

"I wish Chelsea had come too."

"Leave it alone. It's annoying. So what?"

"He needs some life experience. He needs to experience the bitter, sweet, and spicy things at least once."

"I think all three of you know that."

These are all experiences that can be gained through gambling. As a side note, Chelsea is still suffering from withdrawal symptoms. She seems to be suffering from lethargy these days.

A small laugh erupted from the driver's seat amid the trivial chatter. West Creek, who had been watching the two through the rearview mirror, opened his mouth.

"You two are really close."

"is it?"

"You can tell just by looking at the fact that they don't care even if you touch their horns. They say that Pecatum's horns are surprisingly sensitive."

If you think about it, there was such a setting. It is not an ordinary bone, but rather, there are nerve cells densely packed inside. It also plays a role in assisting the sensory organs.

그렇기에 뿔을 자르는 데는 터무니없는 격통이 동반된다. 후유증도 심해서, 타고난 전투 감각이 무뎌질 뿐만 아니라 일상생활에도 지장이 생긴다.

일반상식의 범주는 아니다. 기본적으로 사람들은 페카툼에 관심이 없다. 단순히 '강하다', '위험하다' 정도로 인식할 뿐이다.

"저도 최근에 알게 된 참이긴 합니다. 동료의 뿔에 옷걸이를 걸었더니, 불같이 화를 내기에 조금 당황했었죠."

"그건 나였어도 화났겠는데."

"랩에도 페카툼이 있었구나."

아스테리케의 말에 웨스트크릭이 끄덕였다.

"지금은 한창 외근으로 바쁜 모양이지만요. 그래도 조만간 복귀하지 않을까 싶습니다. 흥미가 있으시다면 그때 소개해드릴까요?"

"그렇게까지는 관심 없어."

머나먼 타향. 동족과 마주치면 반갑다는 감정은 든다. 다만 아스테리케는 굳이 접근할 생각까지는 들지 않았다.

그녀는 쫓겨나듯 고향을 떠났고… 여행 중 동족에게 뒤통수를 맞은 적도 숱하게 있다. 동족이라는 연결고리가 있다고 해서, 무턱대고 신뢰할 수 있는 자들은 아니다.

얼굴도, 이름도 모르는 동족을 의지할 생각도 없다. 이미 몇 개월 전에, 안심하고서 자신을 의탁할 사람과 만났으니까.

아스테리케는 김이현을 힐끔거리다, 그와 눈이 마주치자 슬그머니 시선을 돌렸다.

잠시 후 웨스트크릭이 차량을 세웠다. 구시가지. 드넓은 사거리의 한복판에는 상가 건물만큼 커다란 고목이 자라나 있었다.

"랩 인근 지역은 이미 탐색이 끝난지라 제법 멀리 나오게 됐군요. 최근에는 이 부근을 둘러보고 있으니, 괜찮은 물건을 발견하면 챙겨주십시오."

"어떤 걸 가져오면 돼?"

"정말로 뭐든 좋습니다. 전구, 주방 도구, 문구 종류라든지. 골판지나 스티로폼도 전부 활용할 구석이 있으니까요."

"알겠어. 현, 가자."

아스테리케가 김이현의 팔을 잡아끌며 재촉했다. 졸음기 가득하던 모습은 온데간데없이 그새 텐션이 올라가 있었다. 묘한 박자를 타듯 발걸음이 씩씩했다.

"왜 이렇게 신이 났대."

"처음이잖아, 둘이서 돌아다니는 거."

"킬리키아에서도 종종 그러지 않았었나?"

"거기는 사람이 너무 많았어. 나는 역시 이런 데가 더 편한가 봐."

말마따나 마음 편한 공간이기는 했다. 선선한 기온. 적당히 밝은 햇살. 타인의 시선도, 소매치기를 경계할 필요도 없다.

'한가할 때 쉬어둬야지.'

지금이기에 즐길 수 있는 여유였다. 교수에게 이것저것 훈수하긴 했어도, 하루쯤이야 비워도 될 터다. 휴식도 중요하니까.

"있잖아, 현."


"가끔 생각하는데. 이건 도대체 뭘까?"

김이현은 아스테리케의 눈길을 따라가 봤다.

그녀는 고목을 올려다보고 있었다. 폐허가 된 시가지 한가운데 수상하게 우뚝 솟은, 새파란 형광물질이 눌어붙은 나무줄기를.

폴라리스에 처박힌 첫날에 봤던 푸른 물. 툴라비아뿐만 아니라 킬리키아의 지하에서도 흐르고 있던 액체.

"고향에서도 본 적이 있어. 아버지는 절대로 손대지 말라고 하셨는데...."

아스테리케는 말을 흐리면서 반걸음 물러났다. 눈은 그대로 고목에 고정한 채, 김이현의 소매를 움켜쥐었다.

"그런 말을 듣지 않았어도 건드릴 생각은 안 생겼을 것 같아. 느낌이 그래. 보기만 해도 속이 울렁거리고… 기분이 나빠져."

"다들 그렇다 하더라고."

지상과 지하를 막론하고 대륙 곳곳에서 발견되는 물질. 재앙과 똑같이 알려진 바가 적다. 어떻게 생성됐는지도, 어떤 식으로 구성되어 있는지도 밝혀지지 않았다.

표면상으로는 그렇다. 인체에 터무니없이 해롭다는 식으로만 퍼져 있을 따름이다.

'실제로 해롭기도 하지.'

맹독이나 다름없다. 동시에 폴라리스의 모든 생명체가 이 물질에 대한 혐오감을 품고 있기도 하다. 아스테리케가 그렇듯이.

하지만… 어째서일까.

'나는 별로 거부감은 안 드는데.'

정체를 훤히 꿰고 있기 때문에? 글쎄, 근거로 삼기에는 빈약한 감이 있다.

저건 지능이 낮은 짐승조차도 기피하는 물질이다. 지식을 갖고 있다 해서, 생물적인 혐오감이 사라지리라 생각되진 않는다.

'잘 모르겠단 말이지.'

조사해볼 마음까지는 안 생겼다. 제 몸으로 인체실험을 할 만큼 나사가 빠지진 않았다. 유해하다는 사실은 변함없기도 하고.

아무래도 좋은 이야기였다. 적어도 아직은.

"신경 쓰지 마. 일이나 하자."

"이따가 하면 안 돼?"

"다 하고 놀아, 다 하고."

"그럼 지치잖아."

"뭐 얼마나 힘든 일 한다고…."

이럴 때면 아스테리케와의 성향 차이가 느껴졌다. 김이현은 해둬야 하는 일이 있다면 빨리빨리 해치우고 쉬는 편이었다.

아스테리케의 MBTI가 궁금해지는 순간이었다. 폴라리스에는 비슷한 심리 검사가 없으려나. 있다면 나름 재밌을 텐데 말이다.

'현대에선 MBTI니 뭐니, 신경도 안 썼었는데.'

뭐든 없어지면 아쉬워지는 법이다.

* * *

해양 국가 아틀란타.

국경에 세워진 철조망은 처참하게 우그러져 있었다. 땅바닥에는 폭발로 인한 그을음과 구덩이가 가득했다.

그리고 시체.

국경을 지키던 경비대의 주검이 쓰레기처럼 굴러다녔다. 그렉은 고깃덩이로 변한 동료들 사이에 숨어, 필사적으로 숨을 참았다.

탕, 탕!

전투는 끝난 지 오래였으나 격발음은 끊이질 않았다. 적병들은 시체를 살피며 철저하게 확인 사살을 하고 있었다.

총성이 가까워진다. 그럴수록 그렉의 심장이 두방망이질을 쳐댔다. 지금이라도 달아나야 한다는 마음이 머리를 지배했다.

얼마 뒤 총소리가 멎었다.

"전장 정리가 끝났습니다."

병사가 총을 내리고서 한 사내에게 보고했다. 사내는 젖은 헝겊으로 얼굴에 묻은 피를 닦고 있었다.

"오, 수고했다. 피해는 얼마나 되지?"

"사망자 열넷, 부상자가 여덟입니다."

"전부 일반병인가?"




Greg clenched his fists. The border guards had been annihilated in less than a few hours. And yet the enemy had only suffered about twenty casualties.

To say that as if it were a given. It's ridiculous.

On the other hand… I also felt a sense of understanding.

They were monsters. Monsters who moved normally even after being shot, as if they had forgotten the pain. They even drove their allies crazy by spewing out unknown smoke.

The man was at the top of them all.

"The break is over."

Even though he was running wild on the front lines with his bare hands, he didn't have a single wound on his body. Only the marks of slaughter were stuck all over his body.

The man threw the red-stained rag on the floor. He began to walk briskly, speaking to the soldier who had reported.

"Oh, and."



The man kicked the corpses piled up in front of him. Among them was Greg, who had been pretending to be dead. His ribs were broken and his body was forced to flip over.

"Ugh, stop…!"

A shadow fell over Greg's head as he groaned in pain. The last thing he saw was the dusty soles of his combat boots.

The head was crushed and burst open. As easily as breaking an egg. The soldier who witnessed the gruesome sight of brains scattering swallowed dryly.

"Know that there will be no next time."

"...I will keep that in mind."

The man glanced back at his subordinates before looking straight ahead again. Above the guards' corpses, warriors wearing gas masks were staring at the man.

"Get ready to rush in."

The footprints were imprinted with human remains and blood. It was noon. The sun was shining warmly, as if there was no sign of rain.

"We will take Atlanta today."

It was a day with particularly nice weather.

* * *

After two weeks.

He was able to obtain information from Kushan. He called the four men who had been team leaders in Operation Ashbelt and relayed the news.

"An emergency call from the Republic of Salares. An unidentified combat unit has been identified near the Republic. All of them are said to be wearing gas masks."

Walker Corps. Legion made a move.

It was the prologue to main episode 3.

'There are some errors.'

There was a considerable delay. If things had gone according to plan, it should have started less than a week after Operation Ashbelt.

There may be another change, like the appearance of Snowfield instead of Mithril in Cilicia, which may have caused some kind of butterfly effect.

The second anomaly was revealed immediately.

"And… I heard that the maritime nation of Atlanta has been occupied. The information came a little late. I guess we should assume that this is also the work of the Legion."

It was a sudden sad news that no one had expected. It was enough to make even Pathfinder, who usually doesn't show his emotions, frown.

"Please explain in more detail."

"There isn't much information provided."

Kushan shook his head and added to his remark.

"They say it was just a moment. They say they laid waste to the border and reached the capital overnight."

A heavy silence fell upon the room.

After about ten seconds of deep thought, Kim Lee-hyun opened his mouth.

"Why Atlanta?"

It was an event that did not happen in the game.