Chereads / (EN)Life: Yumi Mayumi Elfsei / Chapter 18 - 18-Plan of Shouta

Chapter 18 - 18-Plan of Shouta

Shouta then says something that makes Yumi, Karina, Hiroshi and Katamuta surprised.

Shouta – I heard the conversation behind the door, I know how to help Yumi and Hiroshi get back to the room without anyone noticing.

Yumi continues to spit out blood. Shouta then holds Yumi. Karina laughs.

Karina – what a moving scene, I'm going to cry.

Karina then faces Shouta.

Shouta – I'm not afraid of you.

Karina – I understand. I've already decided what I'm going to do.

Yumi, Shouta, Hiroshi and Katamuta then wait for the answer.

Karina – I'll give you this chance, if you fail, I'll kill Yumi.

Shouta then puts his hands on his hips and smiles.

Shouta – you can leave it to me, because deceiving others is up to me.

Karina – come on, tell me how are you going to do this?

Shouta – that's right. Director, do you have a lighter?

Katamuta – yes I do, but why?

Shouta – could you lend it to me?

Katamuta – but what are you going to do?

Karina then pulls Katamuta's ear.

Karina – just give him the lighter.

Katamuta – only if you give me a kiss.

Karina then looks angry and Katamuta gets scared.

Katamuta – that's right, I understand.

Katamuta then hands the lighter to Shouta.

Katamuta – see if he won't do shit.

Shouta then smiles.

Shouta – director when you hear the sound of the fire alarm ask everyone to leave.

Katamuta doesn't understand.

Katamuta – I didn't understand, but it's right.

Shouta – now I'm leaving, besides, Karina I need you to leave too.

Shouta then leaves the school board, Karina leaves soon after.

Hiroshi – how about we look at what he's going to do on camera?

Yumi – it's...a good...idea.

Then Yumi, Hiroshi and Katamuta look through the cameras at what Shouta is doing. They observe Shouta setting fire to a trash can, suddenly the burning smell spreads throughout the school, Shouta then turns on the alarm. The director then turns on the speaker.

Katamuta – "everyone leave the school immediately, we are going to turn on the water system and we don't want anyone to get wet."

Katamuta then turns off the speaker.

Katamuta – now is the time for you two to leave.

Yumi and Hiroshi leave the boardroom.

Hiroshi – there's a secret scene, let's go there.

Hiroshi then leans on his shoulder and they go through the secret exit to leave the school without being noticed. Shouta was waiting for them.

Yumi – wasn't it a secret exit?

Hiroshi – but yeah, the only ones who know are me, my father and Shouta.

They then stay in the middle of the crowd and no one notices them. The principal then leaves the school's main gate.

Katamuta – I would like to announce that the fire test was a success thanks to you wonderful people. If you think you forgot something you can come back and get it, for today you are dismissed.

Yumi, Shouta and Hiroshi go to a square.

Hiroshi – I think you're better now, so I'm going home, because today is promising.

Yumi – please take me with you, I want to see what will happen tonight.

Shouta – I want to go along too.

Hiroshi is a little embarrassed, but accepts their request.

Hiroshi – you can go, but stay hidden under the bed.

Suddenly it starts to rain.

Shouta – let's go.

Yumi and Shouta arrive at the Takashi house.

Shouta – wow Hiroshi, your house is huge.

Hiroshi – hi dad.

Hiroshi then explains that Yumi and Shouta want to hide under the bed.

Katamuta – you didn't need to worry about that, because Karina is in my hands, I will clearly make her my little dog from today onwards.

Yumi – (They are thinking that Karina is a normal person, whereas Karina is a monstrosity.)

Hiroshi – now you guys go and hide under the bed, because I'm also going to take advantage of Karina.

Yumi and Shouta then hide under the bed in Katamuta's room. They are glued to each other. They both blush.

Yumi – what an embarrassing situation, why did you have to come?

Shouta – for three reasons, firstly that you are sick, secondly that Hiroshi could try to turn you into his bitch, the last reason is that if Karina tries to kill you I will sacrifice myself for you.

Yumi then becomes embarrassed.

Yumi – idiot, idiot and idiot again. Why do you want to help me when we've only known each other for two days?

Shouta – because you helped me with my math test and I want to reward you for that.

Yumi – (Idiot, I don't want to carry another death in my heart.)

Then they hear a noise and a female voice.

Yumi – (It must be Karina.)

Then Yumi and Shouta hear the sound of Katamuta's bedroom door opening. It was Karina, Hiroshi and Katamuta. Then Hiroshi closes the bedroom door.