Chereads / (EN)Life: Yumi Mayumi Elfsei / Chapter 2 - 2-Grief

Chapter 2 - 2-Grief

Yumi, Uehara and Filna start crying.

Alara – no...cough...cry...cough...cough

Yumi – ma... mom...

Alara – I say something to you...cough.

Uehara says crying.

Uehara – let's hear his last words.

Alara – Filna come here and touch my hand...cough...cough.

Filna then goes to her mother and holds her hand.

Alara – Filna, I want you to not look like that and smile again, her smile is so beautiful. Mom loves you very much.

Filna – that's... right.

Filna cries.

Alara – Yumi...cough...cough...come here...cough...please...please...

Yumi – that's right.

Yumi then also holds her mother's hand.

Alara – you have a joy that infects everyone, don't let this loss hurt you.

Yumi then cries.

Alara –'s your...cough...cough...turn my...cough...beloved Uehara come.

Uehara – that's right.

Uehara then holds his wife's hand.

Alara – our story is so beautiful, I still remember the day I managed to cross the barrier from world one to world two, I was weak, almost fainting and a human saved me. This human is beautiful, it was good all the time we lived together, plus we had these two beautiful and magnificent girls. I would like to apologize if you have suffered prejudice from the elves for living here.

Uehara starts to cry.

Uehara – you don't need to apologize for anything, it's not your fault that living beings have bad feelings.

Alara – thank you...cough...cough...I love you.

Alara smiles and closes her eyes. Everyone is desperate.

Uehara – nooooooooooooooooo!!!

Alara had died.

Filna – mother... die?

Yumi – (what the hell is going on here?)

Yumi faints. Uehara looks terrified.

Uehara – Yu...mi?

Then the next day Alara Elfsei's wake is held in the elf kingdom. Everyone is present on site. The wake will be held by the queen of the elves.

Galadriel – ⅿ᷇ ϻ̇ɩ᪴ ϻ́ λ᷇ɩ́ 𝗊́ỿ́ꬺ᷇ሪ ꞇ᪴ꬺ́ƕ᪴𝗇 ɩ᪴ ꬺ᷇𝗇ꞃ́ ϻ́ ɩ᪴ꞇ᪴ỿ᪴᛬(Today we want to mourn Alara's death.)

Galadriel – 𝗊́ ɩ᪴ ɩ᪴ꞇꬺ᪴ ϻ́ ɩ᪴ꞇ᪴ỿ᪴ ꝑ᷇ሪⳋ᪴ ϻ́ሪɥ᪴ⅿⳋ᪴𝗇 ɩ́ꬺ ꝑ᪴๔ ɩ́ ⳋ́ꬺ ꝑ́𝗇ꞃ̉𝗇ꝕ᪴çɩ᷇ɩ́ሪ᛬(May Alara's soul rest in peace and undisturbed.)

Uehara then nervously shouts into the crowd.

Uehara – this is your fault!!!

Then the elves start to look at him with hateful faces.

Uehara – don't worry if you look at me like that and think that I'm the one to blame for her death, because in fact the ones to blame for my wife's death are you prejudiced people!!!

Yumi is desperate and then holds her father's arm.

Yumi – daddy...stop

Uehara – I won't stop, because they have to hear the truth, especially this queen!!!

Then one of the queen's security guards recommends that she kill Uehara, but she says that there is no need.

Galadriel – please, Uehara, tell me what my fault is, I will listen to you with great pleasure.

Uehara – are you mocking me?!!!

Galadriel – I never want to know where I went wrong with Alara and especially with you to have that feeling about myself.

Uehara is surprised by what he hears, then something that no one expected happens, Uehara started to shed tears, he wipes the tears with his arms, his expression is still hateful, but his hate seems to be less thanks to Galadriel's words.