A soft chime rang through the room, signaling the arrival of a Duolos—which I intentionally called for an impression purpose.
The door slid open with its smooth, soundless mechanism, and through it stepped one of my bastion's loyal and hive-minded attendants—an adorable figure clad in an immaculate maid uniform, the fabric pristine and well-pressed, the design similar to that of the Heavenly Maids.
Of course, the real Heavenly Maids were all deployed with the Theotech Expedition, meaning this Duolos was simply replacing the role assigned to the guest quarters.
Without a word, the Duolos vessel moved with measured grace, carrying a carefully arranged tea set upon a polished tray. The fluidity of its motion was almost unnatural, its every action precise and deliberate, as though dictated by an unseen, perfect rhythm of countless combined experiences.