As they entered the room, Joren closed the door behind him, and as soon as Trey heard the door click, he lunged at Joren.
Joren though, was prepared for a confentation. He easily avoided Trey and kneed him in the stomach.
"Gowashh!!" Clutching his stomach, Trey collapsed to the floor.
"Heh." Joren kicked him in the face, watching him collide with a table. Picking him up by the hair, he punched his face, breaking his nose then slammed his head into the floor.
"Ughhh." Blood dripped from his face as Joren picked him up by the cheeks.
"The amount of pain and suffering I went through back there, I'll pay it back tenfold." Using his newly acquired fire element, Joren burned Trey's face, imprinting his hand on his cheeks.
"MHHMNNNNN!!!" Muffled by Joren's hand, Trey's screams couldn't be heard. He could only take the pain as he gripped Joren's arms trying to break free.
'How is this brat so strong?! What happened at the fortress? How did his mana core restore itself? Did the infernal energy mutate him? Impossible!' Trey couldn't wrap his head around how Joren got so strong overnight. He could only struggle as Joren beat him to a pulp.
"Let me tell you how it's going to go down. In the morning, before everyone's awake. I'll torture you, beat you to a pulp as you did me. During the day, we'll play happy family and I'll get closer to your sweet wife and daughter. At night, I'll torture you again just to feel better as I'll be annoyed with your stupid daughter. Then once they get comfortable with me, I'll fuck your wife while you watch, then your daughter, and finally, I'll kill you."
Trey's eyes were burning with rage and fury. He wouldn't let anything happen to his family no matter what. He channeled his mana to the maximin and didn't hold anything back, after all, he was a 4th circle cultivator while Joren was just a 3rd.
"Heh, that's cute, but it will amount to nothing." Keeping his mana in the room, Joren went full power, even letting his bloodlust loose. The room shook, books fell from the shelves, ink pens rolled off the desk, and dust sprinkled from the ceiling.
Trey felt the air around him become cold. He felt like he was suffocating. The immense anger and hatred Joren gave off was so potent that it almost made him faint. It felt as if a bunch of hands were dragging him to the depths of hell. He deactivated his mana.
"Now that you understand your position, you'll play your part." He pressed two fingers on Trey's head implanting his slave sigil. "You act like the family man you usually are and won't disclose anything about me or my intentions to your family. You will sit back and watch how I tear everything you love apart. Do you understand?
"Y-Yes, master." Trey cried as he doomed his family. He would have never expected his work to haunt him.
"Ahh, refer to me as Joren. I don't want your wife and daughter to question why you call me master. Now, get yourself cleaned up, and let's enjoy that nice home-cooked meal your wife prepared for us." Joren left the room and made his way to the dining room.
Trey sobbed silently for a bit before healing his burned face and tidying himself up. He was now Joren's pawn and had front-row seats to his family's demise.
"Wow, this food was amazing Freida, you're a wonderful cook." Joren complimented as he rubbed his stuffed tummy.
"Thank you, Joren. You're so sweet." She got up and took the dishes to wash.
"Oh, let me help you with that." Getting up from his seat, Joren walked over to help Freida with the dishes.
"Oh how kind of you, but I got it. You go rest and enjoy your time here."
"You sure?"
"Of course." Giving him a warm smile, she sat the dishes down and prepared to wash them.
"Yeah, Joren come to my room, we can talk about your magic!" Helen grabbed his arm pulling him towards the stairs.
"A-Actually sweetie, I need to take Joren to the clinic to treat his wounds." Trey didn't like the idea of him spending time with his daughter. Although there were little things he could do, he wanted to at least delay Joren from getting his hands on his daughter as much as he could.
"But I thought you treated him already?"
"His injuries were more serious than I remember. I'll have to heal him in increments to make sure he recovers properly." He was fuming on the inside. He wanted to kill Joren right here, right now. 'I should have killed him when I had the chance! Dammit!'
"Okay, just don't take too long!"
"You know this could take a while sweetie, but don't worry, he'll be back." Trey motioned for Joren to follow him and so he did but not before giving Helen a wink that made Trey furious but he kept his composure.
Walking into an annex of their home, Joren marveled at the clinic that was built in Trey's home. There were many tonics on the countertops with herbs hanging on racks like grape vines.
"Wow, you're taking this 'healer of the village' job seriously. This is a front right, for your night job that includes but is not limited to torture, experiments, late-night fucking, and maybe the occasional drug use?"
"What the hell? First off, I don't do drugs."
"Yeah, you just give them to your poor victims." Joren smiled with his hands clasped together on his neck.
"AND, I don't have sex in that filthy dungeon. I know why we're here."
"Do you?"
"You want to torture me, just like I did you. Sorry to break it to you, but I'm not easily manipulated like you think!" He grabbed a purple solution from a countertop and threw it at Joren's face.
"Hahahahaha! Fool! You think I would lead you here and not have a way to deal with you? That's flame viper venom, just inhaling it causes the body to shut down and die." Trey took an antidote pill as the venom seeped through the air. He watched as Joren clutched his face trying to wipe the venom off.
"Heheh, hahahaha, HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! This was your plan? For someone so smart, you're fucking stupid!" Looking into his eyes, Joren let the venom run down his face. He wasn't scared of the effects it would have on him. Why? Was it because he could use healing magic now? No, it was because of something else.
"There are two things I gained from being beaten and tortured by you. The first one is that pain doesn't bother me like that anymore, and the second, well, let's just say my body didn't like being pumped with poison, venom, drugs, and all sorts of harmful substances, so, it built up an immunity to it."
Trey's eyes widened in disbelief as Joren's words settled in.
"That's right bitch, I'm immune to fucking poison!" He kicked Trey across the room and watched as he flew through the air like a rag doll. He crashed into the wall, making an imprint of his body on it.
"I know you have a secret lair here. Take me to it so we can begin." He wasn't in his playful mood anymore, he was now all about business, and sometimes, business can get ugly.
Clutching his chest, Trey walked to a bookcase and pulled back a book which then opened a secret door, revealing a staircase.
"Ha, classic. Hurry up bitch, I don't have all day. I still have to fuck your daughter tonight."
A vein popped from Trey's head as he heard Joren's words. "Don't you dare touch her!"
Joren furrowed his brows and gave a 'the fuck you gonna do?' look at Trey. Chuckling, he bitch slapped Trey and told him to start walking.
"From this day onwards, I promise to make your life a living hell, and I won't stop until I break you, just like you did me."