His head was throbbing as he had just been physically assaulted a few moments prior. He slowly opened his eyes and noticed that he was strapped in the chair. Not being able to do anything, he took this time to clear his mind and relax his body.
'I can't feel any mana. It's not like the slave where I could feel and absorb mana. I can't feel a thing. Are these restraints made out of some mana-repellant material?' He questioned
'No, that doesn't matter, I need to find a way out of here.' He shuffled in his restraints and looked around the room but didn't find anything that was out of place or that could help him escape, not that it mattered since he was confined to the chair.
What he did notice was a tray of tools that had dried blood on them resting on a table off to the side of the room.
'Fuck, are they really going to torture me?!' He started shaking in fear. There was a difference between being hurt in battle and being tortured. While he'd never been tortured before, physically at least, he was truthfully scared of being harmed this way. Who would want to be tortured? He wouldn't. So he tried to break out of the restraints but they were too strong.
"Don't bother. Tons of people many times stronger than you attempted the same thing and all failed." A well-groomed middle-aged man with brown slicked-back hair walked in wearing an apron. He walked with something that looked similar to a briefcase and put It on the table.
"I was going to have him come if you didn't tell me the information I needed, but he happened to be in the area so I informed him about you and he was happy to help me out," Bia spoke as she appeared from behind the man.
"Joren, say hello to Trey, your torturer. Trey, meet Joren, the only person who knows where Tessa is. I don't care how you break him or what methods you use, just make sure he's alive."
"Don't worry, Lady Bia. Do you know why I'm the best in my field? It's because-"
"It's because you're a great healer, yes yes I know. Just get to work." She left the room and closed the door.
Joren's face contorted with anger as he heard the man's name. 'Trey?!' He thought. The same name as the person who killed him in his past life. He tried lunging at Trey but the chair stopped him.
"Okay, let's start easy, shall we? Tell me where Tessa is and I'll take you to a cell and you have to go through this."
"Fuck off."
"Yup, that's how it always is. Okay, let's see what I'll use first." The man opened his briefcase and a plethora of torture tools that Joren didn't know how to describe was laid out on the table. "Let's keep it classic."
He walked over to a metal bin and placed some coal in it. He then ignited it and stuck a pointed metal rod in it.
"While that heats up, tell me, what did you do to end up here?" Trey asked amused to see a young boy here.
"I fucked your wife that's why."
"Hmm, I don't think my wife is into young boys though. My daughter might be though. She's at that age where she is starting to look at boys romantically. She would probably think you're handsome, shame that I'll have to sully that face of yours."
They waited in silence for a bit as the fire iron heated up to the right temperature.
"Ahh, it's ready. I hope you are too 'cause it's going to be a painful experience." He removed the fire iron from the coal and hovered it above Joren's left thigh. He could feel the heat coming off of it, slightly burning his leg.
"Oh yeah, bit on this. Usually, I like hearing the screams of my victims but it's gotten pretty annoying recently." He gagged Joren and placed the fire iron on his thigh
"Mhhnnghhhh!!!!!" He gagged in pain as his thigh was branded. His body convulsed like crazy as the pain intensified.
"Here we go." Trey slowly dug the fire iron into his thigh, twisting it to make sure it was nicely situated in his flesh.
"Heh, I love my job. You look so stupid when you shift your body in pain. Now I actually want to hear your cries." He removed the gag and placed it on the table.
"W-When I g-get out of here, I-I'm killing you first!" Joren threatened
"Oh wow, haven't heard that before." Trey mocked as he went to grab another tool. He removed the fire iron and placed it back in the burning coal. "Oh, I like these!" Pulling out thin metal needles, he walked over to Joren.
"Now, I'll ask you once more, where is Tessa Von Solight?"
"I-I ate her." Joren managed to get out after a few heavy pants
"What?!" Trey looked at him confused
"I got hungry on the way to the capital and she looked so yummy, so I ate her."
Trey didn't even respond to his foolishness and stuck a needle up his finger
"Arghhhh!!!! Fuckk!!!"
"Tell me where she is, NOW!"
"I sold her to some crackhead on the street."
Needle in his finger
"She jumped off a cliff and killed herself."
Needle in finger
"Fuck, she joined a circus. She's good at making fire hoops for the monkeys to jump through."
Needle in finger
"Okay, okay, okay!" Saliva dripped from his mouth as he winced in pain from the four needles in his fingers. "I lost her in Florida."
Needle in finger
"Argghhnnn!! Frshhhh!! Frshhhhh!! I was serious with that last part."
"Cut the bullshit. It's like you want to get tortured. I know you're thinking of ways to leave this place but trust me when I say, that will never happen."
"Come on, don't you know the song, Never Say Never." Honestly, if the torture was like this, Joren thought that he could bear with it. That's not to say that he likes being tortured, he just thought if it was this level of pain, he could put up with it.
"Sigh, fine, you want to be like that? Okay. I'll let you cool off and I'll come back tomorrow to continue this." He grabbed a hammer on the desk and approached Joren.
"What are you-" He smashed Joren's face with the hammer breaking some of his teeth and cracking his skull, knocking him out in the process. "I can't wait to break you." Healing Joren just enough to where he won't die, he left the room.
Back in the cells, Glenn clenched his fists in anger as he heard Joren's cries of pain. "How much longer until the plan is complete, Carter?!" Yes, Glenn calls him Carter now, not out of respect, but out of resentment for taking this request and ending up in this situation.
"A few more weeks at most," Carter responded
"Weeks?! I have to hear my nephew being tortured for weeks before we can leave this dreaded place?! I have to watch as my friends suffer in these cells for a few more weeks?! No! Speeds things up!."
"It doesn't work that way, Glenn! I can't just 'speed things up', you know that! Be grateful that we have a plan to escape in the first place. If they wanted us, if they wanted your nephew dead, we would all be already. They plan on using us as pawns for whatever game they are playing so just focus on staying alive until then!" Carter put his head down and closed his eyes.
"Dammit!" Glen slammed his fists into the wall with anger. "Just hold on a bit longer, Joren."