The beating of drums sounded silencing the the noisy arena.
" Hello everyone "
Everyone attention focus on the person standing in the center of the arena.
Astrid stood at the center with confidence and pride, her voice echoed round the arena allowing all the audience to hear.
" Today as we all know, is the Elite questfire which holds every two months where we test our self to find out the best of the best. " She paused her gaze observing the audience she smiled
" To our new members it's a pity you won't be able to participate how I would have love to see your strength, but rules are rules don't worry when you become a senior you'll be able to participate but till the work hard.
" Clap clap clap " cheers echo all around.
She raised her hand and the crowd fell silent.
" Before we officially start, Let me announce the names of our last semester top five, as you all know they are quiet popular:
Fifth - Nyx Dakota
Fourth - Hunter backwood
Third - Damien Nightshade
Second - Theo Dominus
First - khaos Xandros.
Unfortunately our top five won't be participating this time. "
" Booooo "
The audience were dissatisfied.
With a hand up, the crowd quiet down. She continued.
" This year Elite questfire is going to be a bit short only a minimum of people signed up so I hope you guys enjoy it to the fullest. Now the names have been mixed together remember the rules stay the same. "
A white paper was handed to her by her colleague. She took it and slowly said
" For the first names with me we have:
Annika Nibbler from House of umbra ( shadow walkers ) class 3 against
Igor Vlad House of lupus( Moon Borns) class 3. May the tournament begin "
She left and was replaced with Opehila who acted as the refree when the people who where called came out the crowd booed. Obviously the audience were dissatisfied with the combination.
Audience 1: why would they put Annika and Igor together
Audience 2: yes I agree I don't think this is fair.
Audience 3: who else noticed this is the first Elite questfire that Annika is in
Audience 2: I noticed, but haven't you guys heard about what happened between them.
Audience 1245: what?
Audience 2: it's not from me you're hearing it, I can't take her sister rage.
The crowd murmured between themselves. Clearly they went the only one dissatisfied.
Igor came on to the center with a frown. he looked at Opehila
" Can't they change the opponent "
Clearly he felt she wasn't a worthy opponent.
Annika listen then smiled.
" What?, afraid I'll beat you up;"
looking at her he sneered.
" Look what the cat finally brought out of it's bag, so you finally came out of your kakoon. Very well I'll just help put you back. "
Igor Vlad, he was quiet popular among his pares, skilled in combat, short tempered, arrogant and very prideful.
Annika remained calm
" See if you can " she smirked.
Igor was very annoyed with her calm attitude ' I could make her submit to me then and I'll just do it again ' he thought to himself and smiled.
" Let's just get this over with "
If his able to defeat her it would be less a hassle so he could finally have his way with her.
" Sure, I can't wait to have you on the floor "
Opehila gazed at the two of them
" Don't go out of control remember the rules " she raised her hand with a red flag and then brought it down " Now begin. " She immediately took a step back.
Igor smirked
" I'll allow you..... " Before he could even complete his sentence, he found his self no the floor and Annika looking over him
" Less talk more action " she folded her arms with a taunting expression.
Igor was very angry
" I wanted to give you a chance but it seems you're not grateful, very well I'll make you regret it "
He stood up and charged towards her, taking his wolf from, he stretched out his claws and swung it towards her.
Annika noticed his move late she could only turn and prevent any vital parts from meeting his claw but even though, the pain that shot through her body as she fell and rolled some meters away.
" Ahhh " the crowd gasps.
Audience 1: wasn't that move a little too aggressive.
Audience 3: I knew it she was no match for him, she should just quiet.
Audience 5: yes I think so too.
" Argh " Annika held her side in pain, she felt a little dizzy she closed her eyes, taking a deep breath she opened them again and looked straight at her target. She stood up as her whole body ached immediately but she beared it.
' seems like someone doesn't know when to stop ' Igor thought to himself. He charged forward again.
This time Annika was prepared, just when he was a few meters away she dodge catching him off guard, she graped one of his paw she spinned him around before flinging him away, Making the crowd gasps again. Igor landed on the floor and whinned in pain, Annika walked towards him slowly. Looking down at him, she squatted down and whispered.
" The girl you oppressed then has gone and the present Annika won't let anyone bully her, starting with you. I'll make you pay for what you did to me "
Annika punched him in the rib multiple times using her vampire speed. Igor groan he was in so much pain but he couldn't avoid it.
" Awhoo " the pain was so immersed, he used his back paws to kick her away, which sent her flying backward.
Annika back hit the wall making her spit out a mouth full of blood, she moaned in pain.
Every part of her body was aching and she found it difficult to stand on her feet but she couldn't give up now. With determination in her eyes she looked at the wolf trying to stand up from the floor.
She forced herself to stand up. Igor was in so much pain that he couldn't get up, seeing Annika walking towards him, he felt scared and shivered he immediately tried getting up but just before he could stand on his four paws. His neck was graped so tight that he was suffocating.
Holding his neck, Annika raises him up
" Seems you have no where to go "
she punched him in the gut, allowing him to fall on the floor, Annika was no where close to stopping, she graped him by the fur threw him up, then punched him again. Before he could even land on the floor, Annika used her speed and punched him several times.
Igor was trying to hold his consciousness but immediately after his back hot the wall he fell into complete darkness and returned to his human from.
Seeing the fight end, The quiet audience were now full of excitement and shock, Excited that Igor lost on his first match and shocked that Annika was able to beat him up that bad. If the first fight was this interesting then how would the rest be. The audience cheered loudly.
Opehila came with a few boys who carried Igor away and she walked to Annika and raised her hand winner Amika Niddler. Annika smiled suddenly she felt her body give way but before she plunder into darkness she saw her sister running towards her.
" Sister I did it " she whispered softly before completely losing consciousness.