Sometimes it's hard to remember that you're not the only person in the world. while others lived their lives mindlessly in a rotting, filthy puddle of their own selfish happiness.
There wasn't a day in my life when I wasn't able to look away from all the suffering. how could I? That could be me one day.
In truth, it was all very selfish; I was merely paranoid. I was torturing my mind at the possibility of these things eventually affecting me, but I was old enough to know. It one day will.
You see, while Dinos had elevated themselves and built high enough social walls and economic barriers to withstand any tragedy they caused or calamity they provoked, The non-Dino species often felt those same events harder. It hit us, and we had no safety net. no flood wall to soften the blow.
I liked to tell myself I didn't care who this was happening to. since it happened every day. a new tragedy for the world to cry about and forget the next day. but I remembered. I remembered for the sake of myself, because I knew if that was me, the world would forget. Their faces were their last moments; it echoed in my head like a ghost. as a chill ran down my shoulder. the sense of dread knowing if I died.
I have no mind to haunt. because no one would even care that I was gone.
her face, her broken, beat-up face. still showed me as I closed my eyes. the girl from earlier today. A tired frown inched its way onto my lips. Why did I do that? Why did I go that far? Why am I feeling sad? They attacked me unprovoked. Would they care? If it were me, no. Their dad would congratulate them, and the company would throw them a party. I cursed silently under my breath. fucking bitch. I didn't hate how it was so cruel and evil. I hated how I did that. how I did that. No one was here to celebrate with me. No one was rejoicing at my victory. No one cared that I made it home another day alive.
I was alone. in a world full of people of every shape, color, opinion, and gender. I felt so isolated.
I looked up at the flag on the cafe wall. It was muddied by time, and the grime was sticking to it from all the smog from the city. It was the flag of our country. dinotopia. It had every color of the rainbow and a group of non-descript images of figures in a tribal painting style all dancing around a fire. and they were burning someone alive. It was a figure all black with horns on its head. It represented everything that wanted to divide others from loving each other and working together.
When I was young, I was one of those around that fire, thinking it was best to help each other regardless of who we were or where we came from. but as I got older. I realized that the man in the fire was me. I didn't want to divide people. I didn't want to make them hate each other. but I saw what happens when I don't. and I began to understand why that man in the fire did it. Maybe he knew. That rainbow was really what was underneath. what its true form was.
So I continue to watch the news. and observe the world on fire. for people like me. born on the wrong side of history.