Ralph lays back in his comfy office chair, nursing his bruises with ice and a glass of scotch. After a minutes rest he lazily stretches to his desk and grabs the telephone and a small diary with phone numbers scribbled in. He rings the dial and waits.
" Heloo who,s this?" A gruff puny voice speaks from the receiver end.
" Hey Rosco, I need info on a new dealer. Its related to a case." Ralph speaks grogging through the sentence.
" Always the same with you dickhead. Why not start with some how are you or it's a nice evening eh?" Rosco snarks at Ralph's callousness.
" C'mon Rosco its been a rough day for me. I already got beaten up yesterday by this cowboy and when I went asking about to my CI's someone at the bar took a swing at me." Ralph says as he massages the ice.
"Cowboy dealer eh? I thought your American sheriffs were supposed to be the good guys, hahaha" Rosco chuckles at his .. humor.
"Yeah yeah, you got anything on him?"
"What's the magic word?"
"Was that so tough Ralphie. So, the city mafia had been dropping out of shipment routes and bars since the past 3 months. Some thought it was the pigs on their tail but sometime later new people started showing around the docks."
"That's it."
"That's it? Rosco you've gotten sloppy."
"Some places you just don't go poking around. Better take a pass on this Ralphie".
" That's it, years of working together and this is all i get. C'mon tell me you know something."
" Yeah, Florida's great this time of year." Rosco slams the phone while Ralph just sits there groaning from wounds old and new. The phone rings again and Ralph thinks its Rosco willing to apologize. It was Adrian asking for help for his date the next day. He smiles and says hell be there early tomorrow. Ralph wonders to himself.
" Its time the detective took a break and Life coach Ralph opens shop again".
Morninig time, around 10 everyone is awake ,some barely slept, the room is in a nice way, vintage. Wood lackered swivel doors for each room , curtains look like they are from the 70s, simple wallpapers , no flowers but there are a few cactuses, a tribal Indian cloak hanging from the coat hanger. Truly a room from 18th century wild west era.
"Stand straight arms stretched out". Ralph instructs the young boy as a tailor measures him from head to toe.
" So what should I say to her, give me some conversation topics." Adrian asks as he poses for the tailor to mweasure.
" According to what you told me of her, don't bring up her family first, that's always a sensitive topic for a divorcee. Second Don't talk about work, try to be more personal without being too invasive." Ralph whips out dating knowledge.
"Tell her she looks beautiful. When me and my husband had our first date he told me I look as beautiful as a field of flowers. He was such a flirt." Mrs. Campbel advices as she is sat in the corner sipping tea.
" Well he spoke truth M'lady. Your flowers seem just as pretty as ever". Mrs. Campbel laughs slowly and sips her tea again.Ralph responded quickly ,complimenting her and showing Adrian how its done.
"Speaking of flowers, I saw a flower shop down the street , get a corsage for her." Ralph pointed out as he looked out the window. H e also walked around the room inspecting it.
"I see , compliment her, give flower , try not to be too invasive. Anything else?" Adrian makes a mental note of their advice.
"Nothing more. The suit Giovanni will pick for you will do the rest of the convincing." Ralph talks to the tailor as they decide on a price.
" Okay since we obviously don't have time to stitch you a new, Giovanni will get a suit from his works. It will be closest to your fit if not exact" Ralph fully selling the tailor.
" How much?" Adrian asks the pointed question.
" A grand."
" A what?"
" A thousand. Its quite cheap because I bartered. Also I will have to sing for his son's birthday but its fine." Ralph grinned with a thumbs up.
" Ralph, thanks first but I don't got that kind of money." Adrian says as he pulls Raplh to a corner.
" You said you work at S.T.A.R. Labs."
" I intern there, and it hasn't been a month, there's still a week till I get paid."
" Haha, I see. Rookie won't make bank there , good" Ralph laughs to himself.
" What?" Adrian looking puzzled." Anyway, tell Giovanni im sorry to waste his time but I cant pay that amount".
" If you are having issues, I have a spare suit". Mrs. Campbel's voice pierced their corner sounding like music to Adrian's ears. She walks to her wooden cupboard in her room. Photos stuck on the inner wall, old clothes , some bank documents and in a old case lay the suit. She reminisced of the past when she took it out, still looked the same and walked outside.
" This was my son's first suit and it was a hand me down from his father. It's a bit dusty but a dry clean will fix that." Mrs. Campbel hands Adrian the suit. He takes it and puts on the jacket.
"It's perfect." Adrian twirls to see himself in the mirror.
" Oh you look amazing sweetie." Mrs.Campbel's voice crackled as she held back a tear. Seeing him in that suit brought back mermories of a sweet past.
" I cannot thank you enough Mrs.Campbel." Adrian said as he shook her hand.
" It's fine, you've helped me plenty. Also if you bring your date back home try to keep it quiet, the walls are thin." MRs.Campbel dropeed the bombshell and just walked away to her seat.
Adrian stood there trying to process what was just said, did the old lady just tell him to get fuckin laid. Ralph pats him on the shoulder telling him he kept some protection in his pocket.
A few hours, a dry cleaning, shower and flower purchasing later, Adrian stood near the lab building gate waiting for Mrs.Powel. The guard as usual stood there doing guard stuff. Adrian nervously stood there, thoughts racing through his mind.
"You got a date or something?" The guard asked. Adrian surprised that the guard actually inititated conversation. A few minutes later and Adrian told him the whole story since yesterday.
"You lucky bastard. I've seen several business men try and leave disappointed but you got it in just a few weeks."
" Well I was kinda forced into it by the big boss man, so not really scored a date."Adrian dismissed the guard's praise.
"She's a tough gal, these gatherings aren't much trouble for her, yet she asked you to be there, that's something". The guard patted him on the back.
"Huh, guess you're right Mr.Guard".
"Call me Raymond son".
" Okay. Thank you for the confidence boost Mr. Raymond Guard." The guard let out a loud laugh at Adrian's nervous attempt of humor. Suddenly a car turns the corner and appears to head their direction.
"That's her. Remember kid, have confidence." Mr.Raymod Guard left Adrian with his last piece of advice as he walked back to his station. The car stopped in front of Adrian and the window rolled down. His heart was racing but his feet were steady as he walked to the evening of his life.