Chapter 31 - The End?

Cairo was actually pretty fun. If you ignored the tourist traps and scam artists that is. Then again when you're a literal deity, someone trying to pick your pocket only to get vaporized without anyone noticing was alway a laugh. 


The pyramids had the lingering auras of divinity signaling that they had once been home to the Egyptian gods or at least an important place for them. It was surprising since in my past life they had always been presented as the tombs of great rulers and their families. I wondered if the pyramids were all the same in the other worlds. We walked through the bazaars and looked at each stall. Lena bought a few trinkets for her huntresses while Selene got a few souvenirs for the twins. I felt a little bad not getting anything for my children but I already spoiled them enough as is. Nyx just observed everything with an amused eye. 


"See something entertaining?" 


"It's just strange to see how humans have never really changed no matter how much time has passed." 


"Well yeah, humanity as a whole has always been rather single minded in a lot of things." 


"I'm curious to see what you were like as a human." 


"I was probably the most boring person in the world. I didn't know about my demigod status so I kind of just went through life like a normal human. It was all so bland, it was only after my rebirth into my proper self that I started having real fun." 




"Yeah, the first thing I did in my new life was seduce an older woman." I smirked at Selene who was listening in on my conversation with Nyx. 


She slapped my arm and glared at me, there was no heat in the look so I gave her a kiss before continuing.


"Then I became a Lycan then a hybrid, then from there I just kept growing in power until I became what I am now." 


"I feel like you glazed over a lot of details." 


"Oh he did, he fought a coven of vampires alone at one point." Lena chimed in. 


"Technically two if you count the time we went back in time in an alternate reality." Selene added. 


Nyx raised an eyebrow, "Time travel?" 


"In another world, no paradoxes were made nor was there any way for any timeline to be screwed." 


"Still, I'm surprised you had the power to do so before killing Kronos." 


"I'm not sure I still have that power since my ascension. My domains currently revolve around Creation, Destruction, and recently Darkness." 


"Creation is a very broad spectrum Blake." 


"I know, I managed to expand my pocket dimension into a whole world independent of this one. There's still a lot of experimenting I need to do to find the full scope of my creation powers." 


"Don't forget you can still somehow access the void." A new voice added behind up. 


I turned around in shock, "Mom, when did you get here?!"


"Somewhere along you talking about seducing an older woman." 


I groaned. "Can we not broach this sort of subject. I already nearly killed Tartarus after learning about you two." 


My mother smirked, "Oh, about how we made Nyx?" 


"Mom please stop." 


"Fine, we do need to speak however." 


"Alright, we're pretty much done here anyways. How about it guys, do you want to come with my mother and I?" 


"Unfortunately this is going to be a family matter Blake." My mother said with a serious look. 


"I need to return to my hunt anyways." Lena replied. 


"Go on Blake well meet you back at camp." Selene gave me a kiss as she stepped back. 


Nyx remained silent, she was looking at our mother with shock clear on her face. 


"Mother…" She whispered. 


Lady Chaos smiled at her, "My dear daughter, come. I need to talk to you too." 


Selene waited for Lena who gave me a kiss before the two of them flashed away. Nyx was still shocked, my mother patiently waited for her with a smile on her face. It was all strange to me. Once Nyx finally snapped out of her shock Lady Chaos snapped her fingers and teleported us to her domain. 


"I've always meant to ask… where exactly are we when you teleport us?" 


"Hmm? Oh, my domain obviously." 


"I know that, where is it located though." I stared at her smiling face. 


"A planet…" 


I sighed, "Fine, keep your secrets. What do you need mom?" 


"To talk to you about your new positions and domains of course. It's not everyday that your natural born son ascends to his birthright." 


"What about me?" Asked Nyx. 


"We'll get to how you are now the Protogenoi of Earth later. First we need to talk about how you've basically wiped out the last of the Egyptian pantheon by killing Apophis." 


"Will there be trouble for that?" I asked. 




"Not exactly, just wondering if I'll have to kill more people." 


My mother hummed. "No, Apophis was the last of the Egyptian gods. The rest already faded away. You will not be facing any problems for ending him." 


"Then why do we need to talk about it then?"


"He was the last of a pantheon, when the last of a pantheon is killed the domains they controlled will be evenly divided to the other pantheons." 


"Okay… and?" 


"The other gods will have noticed this and begin to suspect that you are hunting them." 


"Which I'm not, unless they provoke me. Then they're all fair game." 


"Just try not to kill anymore gods Blake." My mother sighed. 


"I'll try, I was planning on leaving this world soon anyways." 


"Where to?" 


"I don't know yet, I'm thinking about a random world where I can relax for a bit without being bothered. This is only my second world and I've already hit my limit on bullshit I have to deal with." 


"Fair… Nyx, how have you been my dear." 


"M-mother I-


"It's fine dear, no need to worry." 


I tuned out of their conversation and opened up my system. Looking at the quest completion notification read through the rewards I had received. 


'The Darkest Night' (Main) [Complete] 

[Complete ] Travel to Egypt and visit the Great Pyramids

[Complete ] Learn about Apophis

[Complete ] Learn the truth about your father

[Complete] Kill Apophis

Secret: Destroy the Temple of Apophis [Complete]

Secret: Kill Apophis with in 10 minutes of entering the pyramid. 



MP Upgrade Quest

Stat Update

Companion Gem


The upgrade quest sounded like it would lead to finally fixing my MP. I didn't really understand why my stats needed to be updated but I figured it was probably to set a level cap for them. It made no sense after all, my stats kept increasing but they didn't even change much about me. The companion gem would stay in my inventory along with the other one I got. I couldn't trust those just yet. The legendary skill book piqued my curiosity. First checking the changes to my stats I opened the screen and began to read. 


Name: Blake Corvinus

True Name: Belegûr

Race: Primordial 

Title: King of Olympus

Level: 15

HP: ♾️

MP: 150,000,000/150,000,000 (Regen: 1,500,000 per sec) [Level Cap Reached]

SP: ♾️

STR: 1,000 (Divine Level)

DEX: 1,000 (Divine Level)

END: 1,000 (Divine Level)

INT: 1,000 (Divine Level)

WIS: 1,000 (Divine Level)

Luck: 120 (Legendary Level)


You have reached the pinnacle of each stat, points earned will now convert to extra exp. 


For reaching 1,000 Strength you gain a permanent boost to damage equivalent to 1000% of your base damage. A single hit will destroy most enemies. Player durability has also been boosted to divine levels. Only divine weapons can pierce your skin now. 


For reaching 1,000 Dexterity you will never miss a target so long as the target is in your range of vision. Objects thrown will always find their targets. Shots taken will ignore all defenses and barriers. 


For reaching 1,000 Endurance you have unlocked divine levels of stamina. Unlimited Stamina unlocked. 


For reaching 1,000 Intelligence you have unlocked the full potential of your mind. Your mind will process everything at an accelerated pace. Languages will be learned instantaneously, Observe Skill now displays more information, all Mental Skills significantly more effective. 


For reaching 1,000 Wisdom you have unlocked a permanent 1,000% boost to all other stats. 


Most of the information was underwhelming. A level ca, stat boosts, and infinite stamina. I already had stupidly broken stamina before but now I could just keep going forever and never tire. Not entirely useless but it also wasn't much. 


MP Upgrade Quest

[ ] Cast 10,000 Spells (137/10,000)

[ ] Block 10,000 Spells (0/10,000)

[✔️] Create a new Spell (1/1)

[✔️] Cast the Spell (1/1)



Infinite MP


A relatively easy quest, what made it difficult was that there were no spell casters here in this world. At least not any that could cast proper spells. I made a note to ask Hecate if she could possibly help. She was the goddess of magic after all. 


I looked at the last of my rewards and groaned. 


Companion Gem (Amelie Guillard)


The name was very familiar, a game that I had played a long time ago. A woman with dark hair, pale blue skin, guns, and way too many R34 videos. I chucked the companion gem into my inventory and looked back at my mother and Nyx who were still talking. Seeing that they were far from done I went back to my stats and pulled up my Perks and Skill. 




Gamer's Mind:

Protects Player from any and all outside influences. Includes but not limited to, telepathy, legilimency, psychoactive drugs, and brainwashing. Player has the option to temporarily disable this skill at will. 


Corvinus Strain Hybrid: (Pureblood) 

Being descended from Alexander Corvinus your blood has adapted to the werewolf and vampire viruses making you the perfect Hybrid of both species. You can still access your wolf forms due to your bloodline. You have also unlocked the racial traits of a vampire. Being a hybrid of both species you lack the weaknesses of either. Silver will no longer have any effect on you nor will sunlight ever burn you. As a pureblood hybrid you can turn others by feeding them your blood.


True Immortal: (Divine Essence)

You have ascended to the ranks of divinity. You are no longer bound by mortal necessity. You can not be damaged by anything except for divine means. Should you 'die' you will reform after a set amount of time. The more people worship you the stronger you become


Moon's Lover: 

Perk rewarded for reaching 100 affection with Selene. You gain a 200% boost to all stats under the light of the moon. Player also gains experience 50% faster in the same conditions. 


Divine Form:

All beings with divinity in their blood have access to a divine form. Their forms mirror that of their title, mortals who gaze at your unsuppressed divine form will turn to ash. Divine Form also allows you to shift your size at will, your max size is determined by your current divinity. 

(Current Divinity: Primordial [40 feet max])


Magic: (HP Edition)

You can now cast spells from the Harry Potter universe. You are only limited to the spells you know, casting an unknown spell will cause a random effect to happen. Spells are as strong as however much MP you put behind each spell. Spells cast with wands are more precise and accurate. Wandlessly cast spells while powerful are less accurate and consume more MP.


Way of the Wolf (Sword Fighting Style)

A fighting style taught to the Witchers in Kaer Morhen. This sword fighting style utilizes acrobatics and unconventional stances that allow the fighter to face multiple opponents at once.


Divine Blessing:

As a god you can grant blessing to mortals you favor. These blessings can range from granting their wishes to blessing them with a fraction of your power. 


Mist Manipulation:

As a divine being you stand out in the mortal realm, using the mist you can hide in plain sight tricking mortals into seeing something they can comprehend. This perk does not affect Clear-Sighted Mortal or other Divine Beings. Perk is automatically applied when actively in the mortal world. 


Domain Control: 

As a divine being you have direct control over certain aspects of reality and nature. Being able to kill other divines permanently you are able to absorb the domains of defeated divines should they have any. Related domains will be combined. Attacks using your domains will be as powerful as the amount of MP you put behind each attack. Nature domains will boost player stats while exposed to that element.

Domain Unlocked: [Destruction][Creation]


Winged Flight:

As a Primordial you are granted the ability to fly with your very own wings. Your wings will match the domains you hold and can easily be hidden by magical means.


There was nothing I didn't already know. I moved through the tab skimming through the information before closing it down and navigating to the 'Skills' section.

I had lost track of all the different skills I had picked up over the years, I felt that I hadn't even used some of them because of how particular they were.