Chapter 16 - Kampê

I cut through several rogue hellhounds with one swipe of my sword. Around me monsters were dying left and right as my small army crashed into their ranks.

Selene decapitated a cyclops before gunning down a harpy with a hail of bullets. I blocked a swipe from a crude battle ax that a giant swung before blasting it away with a bolt of lightning.

My hellhounds and Empousai made short work of their unbound brethren. Many chose to turn sides and started attacking their former comrades. 


In less than an hour we had reduced the numbers to a few dozen from the tens of thousands that had been at the doors.

Mostly due to Tiamat and Alruna, the two seemed to have some sort of competition to see who could kill the most. Selene was fighting a strange snake woman.

My Empousai and hellhounds had retreated back into their tattoo forms. Tiamat and Alruna were tallying up their kills. I stood in front of the last fighter the monsters had. I could sense that he was a Titan from the power he put out. A confident smirk crossed the Titans face as he rushed forward. 


We traded blows for a few swings before I landed the first strike slashing the Titan across the face taking out one of his eyes. The Titan screamed in pain as silver ichor poured out of the wound. 


"Filthy halfbood! I'll kill you!" 


"You're really not that smart are you?" 




I didn't let him finish, I shot hundreds of swords out of my Inventory at the Titan turning him into a pincushion.

The scream died in his throat. Ichor stained the ground as the Titan stumbled around. I snapped my fingers and vanished the swords into the void.

The Titan didn't even have time to look surprised as his body was reduced to nothingness. The snake haired woman Selene was fighting let out a cry of pain as Selene stabbed her in the gut. I felt a pull towards the woman and frowned. 


"Selene wait, I want to talk to her first." 


"What is it Blake?" 


"I sense a bit of dragon on her. Tia," I called my daughter over. "Why do I sense dragon in this woman?" 


"I do not know father." Tiamat replied. 


I put Dark Sister under the woman's chin and forced her head up. She glared at me hatefully and spat some blood at my feet. 


"Who are you woman?" 


The woman cursed at me in a language I didn't recognize. She continued to spout of what sounded like threats and expletives while my mind tried to figure out the language she spoke. 


"What's she saying, what language is that?" Selene asked. 


"Sounds old, similar to a few ancient languages." Tiamat supplied.


"Definitely old, older than Latin at least." Alruna added. 


Finally my ability to figure out languages began to translate what the woman was saying. 


"And I'll rip your bodies to shreds you filthy mortals, I will dance on your bloody corpses as I feast on the bodies of your loved ones!"  


"Be quite woman, what is your name and who are you?" I spoke in her language clearly shocking the woman. 


"You speak the old tongue." She hissed. 


'The fuck is the old tongue.' 


''Not many speak it, who are you mortal?" The woman asked. 


I had a hard time figuring out why the monsters seemed to think I was a mortal. Especially when they've seen me literally controlling the elements. 


"I asked for your name first, answer me and I may let you live."  


"Foolish human, you can not kill us. We are in Tartarus, we shall reform in mere seconds."  


It was clear that the strange woman wasn't paying very much attention. I looked around at the field littered with corpses prompting the snake haired woman to look around as well. Her eyes widened when she saw that the monster bodies were not turning to dust or reforming. 


"Y-you, what have you done!"  


"Killed a few monsters. Now are you going to answer me or am I going to have to start removing limbs."  


"Kampê, my name is Kampê."  


"Good, what exactly are you campee, I can sense a bit of dragon in you. Yet you do not look like a dragon?"  


Kampê didn't react to me butchering her name on purpose. She looked at me with no small amount of fear. 


"I am the jailer of the Elder Cyclopes and Hecatonchires, in the past I've been called the Echidnaean Enyo. I have the blood of the dragons in me, as well as several others."  


'So she does have some dragon blood in her.' I mused. 


"You're intelligent enough, serve me or die."  




"Serve me or die, those are your choices."  


"You have not given me your name."  


"Huh, I guess I haven't. My name is Blake Corvinus. God of way too many things, in my personal opinion and current King of Olympus."  


Kampê paled, "I will serve you."  


The woman disappeared in a flash of light, my back tingled and I felt a connection snap into place. I reckoned that if I looked at my back I would have found that I had a new tattoo of a woman wielding dual scimitars. 


"What the hell was that?" Selene asked. 


"Kampê, just recruited her as my latest familiar or something along those lines." 


"You're picking up a lot of strays." Selene said teasingly.


"Why have enemies when you can have friends. She seemed like a great fighter, that and she has a bit of dragon in her so I'd technically be killing my own sacred animal if I killed her or let her be killed." 


Selene hummed, "Are you sure it wasn't because of her sizeable breasts?" 


"I didn't even notice, I was more focused on you my love." 


"Mmhmm, let's go then. Tiamat and Alruna look like they're about to start desecrating corpses." 


I turned to look at the two women still arguing. Tiamat had walked over to a dead drakon and started kicking it in the side. Alruna, in her wolf form,  looked like she was about to start urinating on a severed leg that looked like it had belonged to a rogue empousa. I loudly sighed and called the two over. They ran to me, or in Tiamat's case, skipped over. Alruna shifted to her human form mid run. 


"What the hell are you two doing?" 


"Nothing." "Asserting dominance." 


Selene deadpanned at Alruna who looked sheepishly at her feet. Tiamat rolled her eyes and disappeared into her tattoo on my arm. Alruna followed shortly after without sparing me a glance. I could have sworn she had a blush on her face as she disappeared. 


"Let's go, I can see an injured monster." 


"Looking to expand your growing collection of familiars?" Selene asked with a smile. 


"Nah, I'm gonna force it to hold the lever while we get the hell out of here." 


"That's actually smart." 


"Hey! Are you implying that I'm dumb?" 


Selene smiled at me innocently, "Of course not love." 


I rolled my eyes and continued to walk towards the injured laistrygonian. Just as I was about to reach the monster an overwhelming aura pushed me back. Selene cursed and drew her gun. The Elder Wand snapped into my hand from my Inventory.