Chereads / It's not the end / Chapter 6 - CHAPTER 6: CAN WE GO OUT ON A DATE


Jemimah's POV

I almost gasped out loud,I could not believe my ears, I was not sure I heard right my crush( well he's too cute for me not to crush on him)asked me to be his friend .

"Well yes we can be friends". I shaked his hand which he stretched out .

" Okay we have arrived at school, thanks for accepting to be my friend".

I could feel a glimpse of excitement in his voice ( duh).

"Okay thank you for the ride ma'am ". I said facing his mother.

" It's my pleasure dear I really hope that you to get along well at school and ...". She was about to finish her words when Jay interrupted

" Mom we'll be late if you continue love you bye ".

"Goodbye ma do have a nice day". I said.

" Goodbye dears , face your studies okay ".

We nodded together in affirmation .

Jayden's POV

I can't help but feel happy after she accepted to be my friend and she was kind of taken aback when I asked her to be my friend well she was perhaps surprised .

After we got down from the car we were walking side by side and I mimicked my mom's voice so we laughed together and we kept laughing until we got inside the school and of course to the class everyone who was doing something dropped it only to look at us I mean who would not, this is not about boasting I am handsome and of course there is a sexy curvy lady by my side so the combination is awesome .

Some gasped ,some were gossiping about us some simply gawked at us while of course my crush in the school were bitter.

We were busy laughing to the extent we got to class and we were not aware , all eyes fell on us in the class.

We stopped laughing and greeted the teacher who was also amazed and gasped at the heavenly beauties in front of her (duh)

"Good morning Miss Peterson".We greeted in unison.

"Good morning to you too". she replied.

"You two look good together". She added .

I could not help but blush and I could see her face turn as red as a tomato

"Thank you ma". we answer together again .

"Go and take your seat and copy your notes as you can see the first lesson is going on".She said seriously this time around

we did as she has said and immediately we took our seats , the class was still staring at us while secretly share the smile shared a smile


At break time

Jemima POV

" You had better spill the beans now or I'll cook you for lunch". Olivia said jokingly but with a serious face

"Oh really you're going to cook me for lunch so if you cook me for lunch what will you eat for dinner or are you going to roast other students in the school for dinner ". I said jokingly but also with a serious face .

We looked at each other for seconds after then we busted into laughter that other students turned to look at us

"I almost believe the fact that you thought I was a cannibal". she said.

"No no no no, I was just trying to tease you. Good afternoon to you babe ".

"Good afternoon to you too gorgeous so how did it go ". She inquired

"What do you mean I don't get you ". I tried pretending.

"Will you stop pretending and tell me the truth right now ". She said getting impatient.

"Okay okay, don't roast me ,so I and mom had an argument this morning she brought up the school thing and I wasn't even disturbing her about it anymore but she's trying to paint me as a truant and I was vexed so I left home angrily when I was about to order a ride I saw Jaden and his mom in their car and they picked me up while we were in the car he apologized and told me to forgive him for what happened to the other day. I told him it wasn't his fault and he asked me and he asked me if we could be friends and....." Before I could conclude my story she interrupted.

" Really , wow your crush asked you so what did you say don't tell me you...".

"You should have let me finish talking so I told him yes of course and we're cool now "

"Is that all " she asked.

"Of course your Highness that's all". I teased her

"What about the smile you two secretly shared if others didn't see it I Ellis Olivia saw it ".

"Sorry but I Kelly Jemimah has nothing to tell you Miss Ellis ".

"Pretty please". She pouted

"Seriously it's nothing when we got to our seat we coincidentally faced each other we remembered the reason why we were laughing so we smiled

"Oh okay so how about we go for lunch ". She suggested

" Actually that would be nice but the money I have with me can't buy lunch for both of us " I explained.

"Oh no don't worry girl the bills are on me ". She squealed.

"Oh thank you so much girl". I smiled.

"You're welcome babe". She also returned the smile.

We hugged each other and we were going to the mini mart when we saw Jayden coming close to us

" Hey sup girls". He asked while smiling at us.

" We are fine and you" . We replied together at a time.

" Well I'm good,so I was wondering if I could have lunch with you guys ".

" It's fine by us " . Olivia quickly answered before I could talk .

" So then the bills are on me " .

" Olivia already decided to take care of the bil ....."

" Okay you can pay the bills, thanks so much ". She cut me off before I could speak again.

" Jemy is that fine by you ". He asked me

I wanted to object but I could feel Olivia's stare on my skin scorching me like the hottest sun so I could not help but say yes

" Oh yes, I'm fine with it " I said not really sincerely.

We walked to the mini mart, got what we wanted and Olivia said she wants to go to the restroom. It was really awkward between us when he asked me a question that caught me off guard again

" Can we go out on a date". He asked me a shocking question.

" What do you mean by date". I feigned ignorance.

" Can please follow us so we can drop you off and I'll tell you about it in the car". He finally said.

This guy never cease to amaze me.