Chereads / Pokemon Journeys (My Version) / Chapter 203 - Chapter 59: A Better Pill To Swallow

Chapter 203 - Chapter 59: A Better Pill To Swallow

As Mew and her friends continue on their way to Ecruteak City, one of the friends gets an unpleasant gut feeling. That someone is Tomo who is lagging behind with a stomach ache, and collapses on the ground.

"Loetta?" (Tomo?) Meloetta questions

The other stopped to notice it.

"Huh? What's the matter? Something wrong?" Brock asks.

"Yeah, my stomach," Tomo says.

"You've been stuffing yourself again, haven't you?" Mew questions.

"Whaddaya mean? Tomo asks.

"Tomo, at lunch you did eat four hamburgers," Misty says.

"Actually it's five," Tomo says, still feeling sick.

"Skwovet Skwovet," (Are you going to be okay?) Skwovet asks.

"Don't worry guys, I'll be alright, maybe," Tomo says, still feeling ill.

"Brock, do you or Mew have anything that Tomo can take?" Misty asks.

"I used to, but I'm all out now," Brock answers.

"Me neither," Mew replies.

"Tomo needs help. What should we do?" Molly asks.

"I don't know. Maybe there's a pharmacy around here someplace," Brock says.

Suddenly, someone comes up from behind, "May I be of some help?"

Everyone turns around, but doesn't see anyone.

"Guys, I just heard somebody say something, "Brock says.

"Yeah, so did we," Jen says.

"Yes, I did, too," A voice says.

Everyone looks down and startled by an old man standing in front of them

Brock cries out, "It's one of those evil disgusting little trolls!"

"Who are you calling 'evil and disgusting'?!" the old man shouts.

Then tilts his hat, "Ho-ho, I may be little but I'm not a troll, I'm Old Man Shuckle!"

And reveals himself to be an elderly man with long gray hair, and a mustache, and wears an old style male kimono.

"Old Man Shuckle?" Molly questions.

"I only wanted to help your sick friend, but if you think I'm evil and disgusting…" Old Man Shuckle says and walks off

Then Brock calls out, "I'm sorry, I didn't mean it! Please, wait a minute! Old Man Chuckle!"

"It's Old Man Shuckle!" the old man shouts.

Misty rushes over, "Brock made a mistake, Old Man Shuckle. Please, can you do something to cure Tomo's stomach-ache?"

"Please," Jen and Molly reply.

Old Man Shuckle chuckle, "Ho-ho-ho-ho!" and walks to Tomo, "So Tomo here has an achy tummy, does he?"

"That's right," Tomo answers.

"Let's see where it hurts," Old Man Shuckle says, and proceeds to poke tomo's stomach to where the pain is, "Here? Here? And over here?"

"That's right. All over," Tomo says.

"I've got just the thing," Old Man Shuckle says, and pulls out a red bottle.

He removes the top and says, "These'll ease the tummy."

"I hope so," Tomo says. Then holds his hand out as Old Man Shuckle pours three pills into it, "Thanks a lot, sir."

Nervously, Tomo swallows the pills and soon begins to feel better, "Hey!"

Suddenly, a small explosion occurs in his mouth, causing purple smoke to come out of his mouth.

That makes everyone worried, especially Meloetta and Skwovet.

Moments later, Tomo is unconscious.

Mew holds Tomo, "Tomo, are you okay?!"

"Tomo, wake up!" Brock says.

"Maybe…" Misty says, and suspects something.

Then turns to Old Man Shcukle, "What was in that medicine you gave to our friend, Tomo?"

"The same things I always put in my Pokemon medicine," Old Man Shuckle answers.


"Yes. But, please, I can explain," Old Man Shuckle says, uneasily.

Soon, Tomo wakes up, "Know what? My stomach-ache's all gone!"

"Are you sure, Tomo?" Jen asks.

"Yeah," Tomo says.

Then sheepishly smiles, "But it made me hungry all over again."

Old Man Shuckle waddles smugly over, "You see, the medicines and remedies I make work for both Pokemon and humans."

"You mean you made that miraculous medicine all by yourself?," Brock asks, surprised, "I knew the second I saw you that you were like a wizard or something!"

"I like to think so," Old Man Shuckle says.

Then Brock says with admiration, "Just look at you! You're surrounded by a magical light!"

"That's not a magical light, Brock. That's a flashlight," Misty says, seeing the flashlight behind the old man's back.

Old Man Shuckle replies, " Ahem. I have an idea. Why don't you come and see where I do my work?"

"We'd love to! You just lead the way," Brock happily says

Soon, everyone arrives at Old Man Shuckle's cabin, and enters inside.

"Well, here we are. This is where I mix the herbs and fruits and grasses to make my Pokemon elixirs," Old Man Shuckle says.

The group soon discover a number of very peculiar items. Natural herbs, mortar and pestle, loose papers, grounded herbs and mysterious powders.

"Wow! So all of your ingredients are natural, huh?" Misty says.

"Natural or unnatural, they sure cured my stomach-ache," Tomo says.

Brock slyly says, "But what you make isn't ordinary natural medicine, is it?"

Old Man Shuckle cackles "No, it's not!"

There's that magic light again!" Brock says.

Misty giggles and grabs the flashlight, " Better save the batteries!"

Then Old Man Shuckle says, "Ahem. Truth be told, young man. There is a secret to how I make my natural medicines."

"YOU HAVE IT TO TELL ME!" Brock eagerly says, and slides on one knee up to Old Man Shuckle, "I'd keep it a secret!"

"If you'd keep it a secret, why shouldn't he?" Misty points out.

Brock sweat drops, "I guess that's true."

"Don't worry, I'll tell you," Old Man Shuckle says.

"You will? Really?" Brock asks, eagerly.

"You just follow me," Old Man Shuckle says.

Soon, the group follows Old Man Shuckle outside where he unlocks a giant storeroom.

"He's about to reveal the secret of his Pokemon medicine to me," Brock says.

The door opens, and our heroes see red and white pods with holes blocked by corks sit in the shelves.

"What are they?" Jen asks.

"They look like some kind of hard-shelled pods," Tomo says.

"But they look familiar," Mew says.

"You're right. They do look very familiar," Brock says.

Misty places Togepi and Pichu on her shoulders, "There must be something inside that makes them..." and picks them up.

Then suddenly a kind of yellow tentacle slides out and grabs Misty by the wrist, startling her.

"Ahhh!" Misty yelps and drops it.

"What's the matter, what's wrong?" Molly asks.

"There's something alive inside!" Misty says.

Everyone is startled as a yellow, worm-like creature comes out of the pod.

"It's a Shuckle!" Mew yelps.

"Ohohoho, that's right. That's just one of my Shuckle," Old Man Shuckle says.

Mew brings out her Pokedex and Dexter says, "Shuckle, the Mold Pokémon. A Bug and Rock Type. When Shuckle places organic material in its pod-like shell, the items are transformed into a unique juice. Shuckle are naturally shy and are most often found hiding beneath rocks."

"Without my Shuckle friends here, I couldn't make my medicine," Old Man Shuckle says.

"Why's that, Old Man Shuckle?" Brock asks.

"I mix up the various ingredients and pour them into all the Shuckle shells and seal them up tight," Old Man Shuckle says, and removes the cork inside one of the shells, "And, they turn into a juice." And pour the juice in a cup, "This juice has many powerful properties, and it is the basis of all my medicines, elixirs, and tonics. Using it, I can make pills and potions to restore Pokémon health and increase muscle. It can boost the strength of Pokemon attacks, like Flamethrower, Water Gun and a host of other abilities."

"Absolutely fascinating!" Brock says, astonished.

"And by using different ingredients and different Shuckle, I can create a variety of different medicines. For instance, this is a regular Shuckle," Old Man Shuckle says, and points to a picture of a Shuckle with a purple shell, "But a Shuckle like this can produce a juice that will allow anyone who uses it to tame any Pokémon."

Brock however, is fascinated, "Just imagine if I could tame any Pokemon! I could have all the Pokémon I want! I'd be the world's greatest breeder!" and clutching and rubs a nervous Pikachu in his arms, "I've never asked you for a favor before, mainly because I've never met you before, but I'd be the happiest person in the world if you gave me that Shuckle juice!"

"Sadly, I'm not as spry as I used to be. And finding a rare purple Shuckle isn't easy, like your friend said," Old Man Shuckle says.

"There must be some way," Brock says.

"If I only had some way to catch the purple Shuckle, I suppose I could spare some of its juice," Old Man Shuckle says.

"What can I say?" Brock asks with teary eyes, "Thank you so much!"

Old Man Shuckle: But only on one condition," Old Man Shuckle says.

"Condition?" Brock asks.

"And what's that?" Mew asks.

"This can't be done without some very special help!" Old Man Shuckle says.

Then calls out, "Spoopy! Spoopy!"

"Spoopy?" Molly questions.

Soon, a Bellsprout comes in.

Old Man Shuckle laughs, ""Ha-ha! This is Spoopy."

"A Bellsprout?" Everyone replies, a little surprised.

Everyone soon follows Spoopy as it wanders around in the woods.

Old Man Shuckle explains, "Spoopy is amazing! It can tell just by smelling where the Shuckle are, and when they're finished making their juice."

Spoopy soon finds a Shuckle with a corks in the hole, indicating it as one of Old Man Shuckle's, but walks away from it.

"Well, I'm not getting any younger, and coming up into these mountains with Spoopy and looking for Shuckle is getting harder and harder," Old Man Shuckle says.

"Why don't you just capture a bunch of them?" Jen asks.

"Regretfully, old wild Shuckle can make juice that's powerful enough to use, "Old Man Shuckle answers, "So I combine the ingredients and put them in the Shuckle shells, take them back to the mountains, and wait one whole year. When the year's past, I come up to the mountains and begin the search. And believe me, these Shuckle are skittish. So it takes quite a lot of searching."

"So you use your Bellsprout to sniff em out and catch em," Mew says.

"Yes, but even with my Spoopy, I still need quite a bit of help. That's why I was thinking if all of you pitch in," Old Man Shuckle says.

"Then Brock gets some juice," Misty says.

"That's right," Old Man Shuckle says.

"To get a juice that tames Pokémon, I'll do anything!" Brock says in excitement.

"Good! Then let's get started," Old Man Shuckle says.

However, known to them, Team Rocket has been listening to the conversation.

"Did you hear what I hoid?" Meowth asks.

"With that juice, we could be the masters of the Pokémon universe!" James says.

"If we get our hands on those Shuckle, we'll be the richest trio anywhere!" Jessie happily says.

Meanwhile, Mew and the others have carts in hand.

"Keeping up with Spoopy isn't as easy as it sounds. Don't say I didn't warn you," Old Man Shuckle says.

"Don't you worry, we'll be fine, Old Man Shuckle," Brock says.

Spoopy picks up a scent and takes off after it.

Old Man Shuckle calls out, "Follow that Spoopy!"

Everyone is shocked to see how fast Spoopy is.

"Let's go!" Brock says.

"Come on!" Mew says.

"Ready to roll, everyone?" Misty asks.

Everyone rushes after Spoopy.

"Good luck! And don't forget, I'm counting on you bring back the purple colored Shuckle," Old Man Shuckle says.

"Don't worry! We will!" Brock calls out.

Spoopy finally comes to a stop and sniffs out a Shuckle hiding under a rock, which it reveals using Vine Whip. However, Spoopy shakes its head, as if to say that that particular Shuckle wasn't finished making its juice yet. Spoopy then moves a log to reveal another Shuckle, and it doesn't smell ready either. Spoopy then moves more logs and rocks to get the scent of more Shuckle as our heroes come to a stop.

"How fast can Spoopy go?" Misty asks.

"That Spoopy's pretty speedy," Mew says.

Spoopy reveals another Shuckle, and this time, this one is finished making juice.

"Ha! I think that's a winner!" Brock says.

Spoopy then tosses the Shuckle into the air, shocking our heroes before Mew manages to catch it. Spoopy does the same to two more Shuckle as Brock manages to catch them.

"Hey, I'm a breeder, not an outfielder!" Brock calls put.

Spoopy tosses more and more Shuckle shells, prompting our heroes to catch more.

"They're all over!" Misty says.

"It's like, a Shuckle shower," Mew says.

The Pokemon try to stop more from coming down, but Pikachu, Eevee, and Skwovet get flattened by a Shuckle shell, instead. And Spoopy moves on at breakneck speed.

"There it goes!" Mew calls out.

"The purple Shuckle!" Brock says, "Spoopy!" and runs after him.

Misty calls out, "Wait, Brock! Come back! What do we supposed to do with all of these Shuckle?"

Brock continues to follow Spoopy down a steep hill as he calls out, "Spoopy slow down wait for me!"

Brock's cart soon hits a bump and he ends up on top of it as it continues to speed along.

Meanwhile, Mew and the others are searching for Brock and Spoopy.

"Brock!" Mew calls out.

"Spoopy!" Tomo calls out.

"If you can hear us, say something!" Misty calls out.

"Hello?!" Molly calls out.

Everyone calls out to Brock as they search for him.

They suddenly hear Brock's voice, "Here I am."

Everyone looks to the left and sees Brock, who had crashed and burned.

"Brock! Are you okay?" Mew asks.

"Oh, my," Misty says.

"I couldn't keep up with Spoopy," Brock says.

"Brock," Molly says, worried.

Jen says, worried, "Spoopy."

Meanwhile, Spoopy tracks down a scent to a giant rock. It lifts the rock with all his might and reveals a purple Shuckle shell.

Spoopy happily shouts, "Bellsprout!" (EUREKA!)

Meanwhile, Brock is back on his feet.

And Brock says, "You know, maybe this was a bad idea."

"Don't worry. We'll find Spoopy if we keep following the Shuckle trail," Mew says.

Soon, they spot both Spoopy and the shiny Shuckle.

"There's Spoopy!" Misty calls out.

They get a close up of Spoopy and the Purple Shuckle having a talk.

"Spoopy found the purple Shuckle after all!" Brock says.

The two Pokemon then share a laugh.

"I bet they're talking about a world we can never imagine," Misty says.

Brock blushes and says, "I can imagine a world where girls flock to me cause I'm suave and charming!"

"Get real, Brock," Mew says, annoyed.

Suddenly, they hear a familiar motto.


Prepare for trouble, the secret is out!


And make it double, trouble's what we're about!

Everyone looks up as Jessie and James descend from the trees.


To protect the world from devastation.


To unite all peoples within our nation.


To denounce the evils of truth and love.


To extend our reach to the stars above.






Team Rocket, blast off at the speed of light.


Surrender now, or prepare to fight.


WOBBBBBUHHH... (That is...)

Meowth pushes Wobbuffet out of the way.


Quit trying tah steal my line!

Wobbuffet pushes back.


Wobbuffet! (You got that right!)

Everyone rushes over as they call out, "Stop right there!"

"Leave that Shuckle alone, it doesn't belong to you!" Brock says.

Jessie lifts the purple Shuckle, "It belongs to us now, twerps."

Team Rocket shares a triumphant laugh.

"Drop that Shuckle!" Brock shouts.

Then James says, "Not on your life! Weezing, go!"

Weezing comes out of the Pokeball and uses Smokescreen to blind Mew and the others. When the smoke clears, Team Rocket has already vanished.

"They're gone, and they've taken the purple Shuckle with them!" Brock says.

Soon, Spoopy tries to pick up the scent of the stolen Shuckle.

Brock notices Spoopy, "Spoopy, can you pick up the scent of the purple Shuckle?"

Spoopy confirms.

"Good! Team Rocket won't get away!" Brock says.

Meanwhile, Team Rocket has run fast and far and comes to a halt.

"All that running made me thirsty!" Jessie says.

"Meowth, what did you do with our water bottle?" James asks.

"I turned it in for da deposit," Meowth says.

They all sigh and sag... and in doing so shake the Purple Shuckle which makes a sloshing noise. Team Rocket soon hears it and likes what they hear.

Jessie says, "Say!"

"Maybe one of us should try the Shuckle juice to see if it's safe to drink," James says.

Soon, Jessie and James look at Meowth and grab him.

"Hey, why are you grabbing me!?" Meowth panics.

"You must be very thirsty!" Jessie says.

Meowth cries out, "NOT DAT TOISTY!"

"I'm sure it's quite tasty!" James says.

No way!" Meowth refuses, but James forces his mouth open.

"Down the hatch," Jessie says, and pours the juice into Meowth's mouth.

"It is tasty," Meowth happily says, and tries to reach for the shell, "Hey, don't take it away!"

"So it's safe to drink after all!" Jessie says, and drinks some.

"I'm thirsty, too!" James says, and drinks some as well.

And with that, the three begin bickering over the shell.

"Meanwhile, Spoopy follows the scent to a river.

"Look! Soopy's acting kinda funny," Jen says.

"Maybe it's lost the Shuckle's scent," Brock replies.

And Misty suggests, "Maybe they went into the river so they wouldn't leave a scent."

Spoopy looks to the left, as do they, and sees a Shuckle moving along.

"Hey, the Shuckle are coming out," Tomo says.

"But why?" Jen asks.

"I thought they're supposed to be shy," Misty says.

Soon, more Shuckles come out of the forest and crawl away.

"What's going on here?" Molly asks.

The Shuckles proceed to follow the river downstream.

"This looks like trouble," Brock says.

"I say big trouble," Mew says.

Soon, Old Man Shuckle appears, "You got that right. All the Shuckle who were hiding in these mountains are joining together."

"Yeah, but why?" Tomo asks.

"There can only be one reason, the ones who stole the purple Shuckle must be drinking its juice," Old Man Shuckle says.

"HUH!?" Everyone reacts confused.

"If we follow the Shuckle, they'll lead us right to them.

Everyone soon does so. Meanwhile… Team Rocket have their fill.

Jessie feels light headed, "Hmmmm, don't you feel all warm and fuzzy, James?

"Warm and very fuzzy," James says, feeling the same.

Even Meowth, "I feel warm too!"

"That's nice Meowth," James says.

James then turns his head and sees with some surprise, Meowth staring at him with hearts in his eyes.

"Especially when I tink of you!" Meowth says.

Confused, James asks, "What's wrong with your eyes, Meowth? They're..."

"Dey're filled wit love for you, Jimmy!" Meowth says, reaching up for James who is horrified.

Meowth continues, "I just want tah be near you."

"Please don't come any closer!" James panics and lets out a scream.

Meanwhile, our heroes keep on following the Shuckle migration.

"I don't understand. Why would the Shuckle be heading for somebody just because they drank the juice?" Brock asks.

"Drinking the purple Shuckle's juice in its undiluted form causes the drinker's body to emit a very powerful chemical called a pheromone. Pokemon are highly attracted to that pheromone and will follow the source for three days and three nights without stopping," Old Man Shuckle says.

"Then Team Rocket might be in for some trouble," Brock says.

"Real big trouble," Mew says.

"More trouble than you or Mew can imagine, Brock," Old Man Shuckle says.

Speaking of the goofy trio… Meowth is licking James.

James cries out. "Hey, knock it off! I may be a sucker but I'm no lollipop! Stop it this instant!"

Soon, a tongue touches Jessie's right hand.

"Don't bother me while I'm warm and fuzzy, Meowth," Jessie says.

But Meowth says, "I'm saving all my love for Jimmy-Wimmy."

Jessie becomes confused and lifts her arm… to find a Shuckle with its arms and legs wrapped around her forearm and its laps away from her fingers.

"GET OFF ME, YOU...!" Jessie panics, trying to shake it off.

But then, she notices more Shuckle surrounding her and her teammates, all with the same look in their eyes as Meowth

"Wha... wha... Wha..." Jessie soon cries out, "WHAT'S HAPPENING?!"

Hearing the screams, Mew and the others turn their attention to see Jessie and James running for their lives.

"TEAM ROCKET?!" Mew says, confused

"Why don't you get off me?!" James cries out.

"I gotta admit I don't understand it myself, Jimmykins, my brain wants me tah let go but my guts tell me tah hang on!" Meowth says.

As a Shuckle licks her stomach, Jessie squeals in horror, then collapses to her knees in shock.

"I think we've finally been licked," Jessie says, stunned.

"Stay right where you are!" Jen calls out.

"Not you again!" James says, shocked.

The Shuckle swarm around Team Rocket.

"We know what you did!" Mew says.

"You drank the juice from the purple Shuckle, didn't you?" Brock says.

"That's none of your business! What if we did?" Jessie questions, frustrated.

"A man named Old Man Shuckle uses that Shuckle juice in a special mixture that tames any kind of Pokemon... but you drank it pure!" Brock says.

"And he said that anyone who drinks it pure, their body exposes an aroma called pheromone that Pokemon can't resist. They'll be after you for three days and three nights straight!" Mew explains.

Team Rocket are shocked to hear it.

"Nobody told us that!" Jessie says, shocked.

Meowth giggles, "Now I know why I have dis indescribable yoining."

"Give that purple Shuckle beack right now or there's going to be even more trouble!" Misty says.

"We're not giving up that Shuckle without a fight, twerp!" Jessie says, and throws her Pokeballs. "Arbok and Wobbuffet! Go!"

"Jessie, I don't think that's a…" Mew says.

Jessie suddenly shrieks in fright, and Arbok has wrapped its coils around her body while Wobbuffet happily strokes her hair.

"What do you think you're doing? Get them, not me! Help me!" Jessie cries out.

"Don't worry, Jessie! I'll get them off of you!" James says, and calls out his Pokebmon, "Go, Victreebel!"

However, the moment Victreebel comes out, it attempts to swallow James whole.

Jessie angrily says, "Is Victreebell trying to kiss you or eat you alive?" and cries out, "Not you, too, Wobbuffet!"

"Victreebel, please!" James muffles.

Jessie calls back her Pokemon, "Return, all of you." and they return to their Pokeballs.

James does the same, "Victreebel, return."

Exhausted and defeated, Jessie says, "Well, you win..."

"Blast us off already," James says.

"Okay then," Mew replies.

Then calls out, "Pikachu. Eevee. Use Thunderbolt."

However, neither Pikachu nor Eevee are listening.

"Pikachu, Eevee, use your Thunderbolt," Mew says, but again, nothing happens

Mew calls out, "Pikachu? Eevee?

Soon, Pikachu and Eevee walk towards Team Rocket, like they're in a trance.

Mew calls out, "What's the matter, Pikachu? What's wrong, Eevee? Pikachu! Eevee!"

Soon, Pikachu leaps into Jessie's arms while James leaps into Eevee. Then they both begin rubbing their face against the Team Rocket member's cheek as they happily sigh.

"Awwww, well isn't this a pleasant little surprise!" Jessie happily says, and snuggles back.

"And Eevee is so soft and cuddly!" James feels the same.

Mewis shocked, "Pikachu and Eevee love Jessie and James now?!"

That's when Old Man Shuckle steps in, "This has gone too far!" and begins to spread some powder all over Team Rocket, Pikachu, and Eevee.

"Now what's happening to us?!" Jessie asks.

Old Man Shuckle spreads more powder over the Shuckle.

"What's that powder for, Old Man Shuckle?" Misty asks.

"It neutralizes the pheromone and brings the affected Pokémon back to normal," Old Man Shuckle says.

The powder quickly goes to work on the Shuckle and Meowth.

"Wow. I just woke up from a nightmare," Meowth says, surprised.

"Oh, good. You're back to your old, clueless self so we can take Pikachu and Eevee, and go," Jessie says.

But Mew says, "You're not going anywhere!

"Really? We have Pikachu, Eevee, and the Shuckle, how are you gonna stop us?" Jessie says in a remark.

Suddenly, the Purple Shuckle emerges from its shell and licks Jessie's stomach, causing her to freak out and throw it in the air.

"We gotta save that Shuckle!" Molly cries out.

Old Man Shuckle then calls out, "Use your Vine Whip, Spoopy!"

Spoopy then uses the attack and saves its friend.

"Now what do we do?" Jessie asks.

"So what if we don't have the Shuckle anymore? We still have their Pikachu and it's totally in love with me," Jessie says.

"I forgot that. And Eevee feels the same about me," James says.

"Yeah!" Meowth says.

But Mew says, "I think Pikachu and Eevee's feelings might have changed."

Jessie and James look down to see Pikachu and Eevee look up at them, angrily.

Jessie is petrified, "Don't...tell me Pikachu's back to normal."

James feels the same, "And Eevee is… too."

I'm afraid so!" Mew says. "Kiss em goodbye, guys!"

Team Rocket tries to run away, but to no avail, and they blast off once more.

Jessie says in teary eyes, "Here we go again!"

"No Shuckle," James says.

And Meowth says. "And no Shuckle juice!"

"Thank goodness!" Jessie and James cry out.

"Wobbuffet!" (We're blasting off again!) Wobbuffet cries out.

Later that evening, our heroes are back at Old Man Shuckle's home.

"Well, I had my doubts, but with your help, I collected more juice than ever before," Old Man Shuckle says, showing them multiple bottles of Shuckle juice. "I'm very happy, very grateful and I thank you all for your aid and assistance."

"You're welcome, Old Man Shuckle," Everyone replies.

"It's the least I can do. And just as we agreed, here is the Pokémon taming medicine I promised you, Brock," Old Man Shuckle says.

But Brock says, "Thank you, Old Man Shuckle, but I don't want it anymore."

Everyone is puzzled.

And Brock explains, "It might be nice to have lots of Pokémon come to me like all the Shuckle came to Team Rocket, but they only did that because of some chemical reaction. Even though the juice was all natural, their reaction to Team Rocket was artificial."

"And so...?" Old Man Shuckle says.

"And so, I'd rather tame Pokémon the real way. Just using my natural abilities and knowledge," Brock says.

Old Man Shuckle nods, "Wise words, and I see your point."

"I want to be the world's best breeder more than anything, but only if I can do it fair and square," Brock says.

"You are wise beyond your years and I wish you success," Old Man Shuckle says.

Thank you," Brock says.

Misty says to the others, "Maybe Brock's more mature than we think he is."

Yeah," Mew says.

The Pokemon agrees.

Soon, Mew and the others take their leave, wishing farewell. Brock also discovers a magical shortcut to success. But now, he knows better. Now he knows the only way to reach his goals is the hard way, on the long and winding road that lies ahead.

Elsewhere, later that night, Team Rocket hides from some Ursaring and a Beedrill swarm.

"How much longer are dey gonna be lovey-dovey?" Meowth asks.

"The effects of the juice last for three days," James says.

"Then they'll attack," Jessie says.

Team Rocket cries out, "I HOPE SO!"

[To Be Continued....]

Mew's Files

Pokemon On Hand: Eevee (Female). Pikachu (Male). Bulbasaur (Male). Blastoise (Female). Porygon. Aerodactyl (Male). Pansear (Male). Ledyba (Female). Makuhita (Male). Clefairy (Female). Skitty (Male). Shiny Ditto. Shiny Dratini (Female). Igglybuff (Female). Magby (Male). Elekid (Male). Smoochum (Female). Blue Shellos (Male). Omanyte (Male). Kabuto (Male). Ivysaur (Female). Meditite (Female). Floette (Female). Gengar (Male). Gastly (Male). Dreepy (Male). Wooloo (Male). Cutiefly (Female). Yamask (Male). Diglett (Male). Haunter (Male). Gyarados (Male). Younger Mewtwo (Male). Plusle (Male). Minun (Female). Drowzee (Male). Snorlax (Male). Shiny Eevee (Male). Shiny Feebas (Female). Burmy (Male). Burmy (Female). Lucario (Male). Archen (Female). Fearow (Male). Chatot (Male). Shiny Lapras (Female). Ursaluna (Male). Shiny Hisuian Zorua A.K.A. Zo. (Female). Shiny Hisuian Lilligant (Female). Chikorita (Female). Cyndaquil (Male). Shiny Slowpoke (Female). Slowpoke (Male). Sprigatito (Female). Lugia (Male). Shiny Glaceon (Female). Totodile (Male). Azumarill (Female). Shiny Noctowl (Male). Alakazam (Male). Elgyem (Male). Annihilape (Male). Scatterbug (Female). Sudowoodo (Male). Pidgeot (Male). Paldean Tauros : Combat Breed (Male). Pawmi (Male).

Pokemon in Professor Oak's Ranch: Papa A.K.A Zeraora (Male). Lileep (Female). Magneton. Red Sunflora (Female). Castform (Male). Tyrogue (Male). Tauros (Male). Shaymin (Male). Weepinbell (Female). Grubbin (Male). Blipbug (Male). Fomantis (Male). Jumpluff (Female). Emolga (Female). Furret (Male). Heracross (Male).Tsareena (Female). Wave A.K.A Alolain Raichu (Female). Arcanine (Male). Poliwrath (Male). Roserade (Female). Galarian Liepard (Female). Beautifly (Female). Cinderace (Female). Kingler (Male). Shiny Dewgong (Female). Cloyster (Male). Mawile (Female).Fraxure (Male). Ursaring (Male). Beedrill (Female). Meowstic (Male) Lunatone. Sandslash (Male). Muk (Male). Rapidash (Female). Miltank (Female).

Released: Butterfree (Male). Baby Lapras (Male).

Charicific Valley Natural Reserve: Charizard (Male).

Return to Squirtle Squad and Officer Jenny: Squirtle (Male).

Special Item: Rainbow Colored Feather. Moltres Feather. Zapdos Feather. Articuno Feather. Lugia Feather A.K.A Silver Wing.

Items: 3 Heart Scales. 2 Soothe Bells. 1 Amulet Coin. Eeveelution Keychain. Marill Doll. Pokemon Grooming Kit. Pokemon Medical Kit. Pokeblock kit. Poffin Case. Super Rod. Key Stone (Bracelet Ring). Charizardite X (Metal-plated Collar). Silph Scope. Mysterious Dragon wing Teal Crystal. Mysterious pale blue snowflake crystal. Mysterious pink crystal with fairy wings. Mysterious white crystal with circles. Mysterious magenta pink crystal with strange symbols. Mysterious Brown Crystal with Eevee Tail. Cherish Ball. Pokeflute. Gengarite. Pidgeotite. Beedrillite. Aerodactylite. Gyaradosite. Blastoisinite. Venusaurite. Mewtwonite X, Mewtwonite Y. Alakazite. Pokemon Egg.

Pokeballs: 1 Heavy Ball. 1 Friend Ball. 1 Love Ball. 1 Fast Ball

Evolution Items: 2 Fire Stone, 3 Thunder Stone, 2 Leaf Stone, 3 Moon Stone, Shiny Stone, Dusk Stone, Dawn Stone, 4 Ice Stone, Sun Stone. Deep Sea Tooth. Deep Sea Scale.

Badges: Zephyr Badge. Hive Badge. Plain Badge.

Kurt's House: GS Ball.

Misty Files

Pokemon: Staryu. Oddish (Female). Golduck (Male). Magikarp (Male) Masquerain (Female). Snover (Male). Sobble (Male). Wingull (Male). Psyduck (Male). Quagsire (Male). Pink Shellos (Female). Tentacruel (Male). Marill (Female). Feebas (Female). Panpour (Female). Snorunt (Female). Ducklett (Female). Chinchou (Male). Mudkip (Female). Jigglypuff (Female). Togepi (Male). Vesiquen (Female). Tirtouga (Male). Clefairy (Female). Shiny Buizel (Male). Pichu (Female). Goomy (Female). Goldeen (Female). Pink Frillish (Female). Slowpoke (Male). Fomantis (Female). Dewpider (Male). Sizzlipede (Male). Volbeat (Male). Illumise (Female). Red-Striped Form Basculin (Female). Blue-Striped Form Basculin (Male). Wimpod (Male). Wurmple (Female). Budew (Female). Delibird (Male). Eevee (Female). Pancham (Male). Anorith (Male). Swanna (Female). Cramorant (Female) Lapras (Male). White-Striped Basculegion (Female). Solosis (Female). Poliwhirl (Male). Piplup (Female). Voltrob. Spinarak (Female). Larger Sentret (Female). Little Sentret (Male). Mareanie (Female). Wiglett (Male). Shiny Totodile (Female). Vaporeon (Female). Nymble (Male).

Pokemon at Cerulean Gym: Mantyke (Male). Lumineon (Female). Primarina (Female) Starmie. Shellder (Male). Luvdisc (Female). Lotad (Male). Clamperl (Female). Clamperl (Male). Horsea (Male).

Items: Fishing Rod. Mystic Water Necklace. 4 Heart Scales. 1 Soothe Bell. 2 Ice Stones. Swampertite. Slowbronite.

Pokeballs: 1 Lure Ball. 1 Heavy Ball. 1 Friend Ball. 2 Fast Ball. 1 Dive Ball.

Evolution Items: 2 Water Stones. 1 Dragon Scale.

Tomo Files

Pokemon: Kangaskhan (Female). Eevee (Male). Doduo (Female). Growlithe (Male). Kanto Ponyta (Male). Abra (Male). Cubone (Female). Tangela (Female). Staryu. Delibird (Male). Stantler (Female). Smeargle (Male). Sealeo (Male). Kecleon (Male). Natu (Female). Buneary (Female). Tyrunt (Male). Larvesta (Female). Snom (Female). Meloetta (Female). Voltorb. Umbreon (Male). Skwovet (Male). Galarian Slowpoke (Male). Riolu (Female). Zorua (Male). Shuppet (Male). Deino (Male). Munchlax (Male). Caterpie (Female). Joltik (Male). Bulbasar A.K.A Sage (Male). Wooper (Male). Barboach (Male). Shinx (Male). Blitzel (Female). Farigiraf (Female). Rufflet (Male). Bidoof (Male). Clobbopus (Male). Cranidos (Male). Skarmory (Male). Mandibuzz (Female). Wyrdeer (Male). Deoxys (Male). Charmander A.K.A Blaze (Female). Toxel (Male). Galarian Farfetch'd (Male). Fuecoco (Male). Squirtle A.K.S Aqua (Female). Shiny Houndour (Male.). Tyrantrum (Male).

Item: 1 Soothe Bell. 4 Ice Stones. 2. Leaf Stones. Banettite. Kangaskhanite. Lucarionite. Alakazite.

Pokeballs: 1 Fast Ball. 1 Lure Ball.

Jen Files

Pokemon: Amaura (Female). Braviary Hisui Form (Male). Overqwil (Female). Hisuian Zorua (Female). Unova Zoroark (Female). Hisuian Growlithe (Male). Hisuian Voltorb. Hisuian Lilligant (Female). Lucario (Male). Riolu (Male). Cleffa (Female). Igglybuff (Female). Donphan (Male). Hatenna (Female). Sunflora A.K.A Flora (Female). Shiny Hoppip (Female.). Mareep (Female). Salandit (Female). Qwaxly (Male). Wooper (Male). Paldean Wooper (Female). Swinub (Male). Rellor (Male). Aurorus (Female).

From Madame Munchmoney: Snubbull (Female).

Items: Ampharosite.

Pokeball: 1 Fast Ball. 1 Lure Ball.

Brock Files

Pokemon: Geodude (Male). Onix (Male). Golbat (Male). Rattata (Male). Hoppip (Female). Weavile (Female). Rockruff (Male). Grookey (Male). Slugma (Male). Voltorb. Machoke (Male). Pansage (Male). Nosepass (Female). Seedot (Male). Aron (Male). Charjabug (Male). Shuckle (Male). Shieldon (Male). Alolan Geodude (Male). Shiny Cherubi (Male). Winter A.K.A Alolan Vulpix (Female). Bagon (Male). Sneasler (Female). Pineco (Male). Klawf (Male).

Returned to Suzie: Vulpix (Female).

Pokemon at Pewter Gym: Rhyhorn (Male). Rhydon (Female). Sandygast (Female). Baltoy. Sandile (Male). Dwebble (Male). Solrock. Hippopotas (Male). Zigzagoon (Male). Nidoran (Female). Pinsir (Male).

Item: 2 Soothe Bell. 2 Ice Stones. 2 Fire Stones. 2 Water Stones. 2 Thunder Stones. Metal Coat. Aggronite. Pokemon Egg.

Pokeball: 1 Heavy Ball. 1 Friend Ball. 1 Fast Ball.

Molly Profile

Pokemon: 'M' Unown. Teddiursa (Male). Yamper (Female). Pawmo (Male). Tarountula (Female). Aerodactyl (Male). Mamoswine (Male).

Item: Eevee Egg.

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