I'm sorry I was slept for 100 years and just silence, who are you right now? Or being the dust and free, o, such a heaven right? I hope that's Quantum-Dymensionality is forever for you, free like the dust. No need everything. Just fly with the wind. Or you affraid to purgatorium? Oh, let me se. You on your personal computer right now in the dark little bit lump. I'm sorry if I slept 100 years and nothing voice from me. In my country, the system call golput and of course I still neutral. I love peace. I love memories and nostalgyc. B'coz Shizuka is with Nobita right now, because I'm the Dekisugi. I'm the one and only Philosopher of Medical in Indonesia, and I'm the one and only Biophysics Professor in Prima Bina Potensia. Might be the God is mysterious ways, I don't know.
Why people call me, firstly, just M? Am I the boss of 007? No, I wouldn't to be leader. But I like myth, the myth is a symbol of history and contemporary modern era. And postmodern is the abstrack of the day future past era.
Then people call me Emil.
Then, in the simulator-book, I know Emil Durkheim.
But Emil is dead, like the music of Superman is Dead.
Now I'm like a phoenix. Is it I am The Dark Phoenix?
My name Martin Luther Constantine. Already? Alright? Right! Desperados!
Once again. If sodom is behind, gemora is by mouth. It will be happen not just for girl, but also could be happening to boy.
Woman can protect herself, but a man have to be smarter in this Gender-War.
In the next area, I would to tell about myself in the myth side, My Dad, Number One Person of Me, the title.