World Overview - Bestia

The Kingdom of Bestia home to the fierce and proud Beast-kin, is a land where the wild and the civilized intertwine, forming a unique culture rooted in combat, honor, and the primal forces of nature. The Beast-kin are humanoids who bear the ears, tails, and sometimes the eyes or other features of the animals they embody—wolves, lions, cats, foxes, and other majestic creatures of the wild. These traits define their physical abilities, instincts, and social structure, contributing to a society renowned for its martial prowess and formidable warriors.

Geography and Environment

Bestia is a kingdom of vast, untamed wilderness, with sprawling forests, rolling plains, and towering mountain ranges. Villages and cities are built into the landscape, their structures designed to blend with nature rather than conquer it. The capital city, Ferax, is a stunning example of this balance—homes and arenas are crafted from natural stone and wood, perched within the towering trees or nestled among rocky outcrops, with bridges of vine and rope connecting the various districts.

The kingdom's borders are guarded by its natural defenses, with dense woods and sharp cliffs offering protection. Rivers and waterfalls weave through the land, providing sustenance to both its people and the rich wildlife that coexists alongside them. Bestia's citizens take great pride in their land, seeing it as both their guardian and their ancestral heritage.

The People and Their Constitution

The Beast-kin are diverse, with each tribe or clan tracing its lineage back to a specific animal. The Wolf-kin are known for their loyalty and pack mentality, often serving as leaders and protectors. Lion-kin are proud and commanding, natural-born warriors with an unmatched ferocity in battle. Cat-kin are agile and cunning, excelling in stealth and precision strikes, while the Fox-kin are clever strategists, always a step ahead of their enemies. Each Beast-kin group carries the traits of its animal counterpart, influencing their roles in society and their combat styles.

One defining feature of the Beast-kin is their unique constitution—they are completely unable to use mana, the magical life force that so many other races rely on. This limitation, rather than hindering them, has shaped their culture into one of the most battle-hardened and disciplined in the world. Without access to magic, the Beast-kin turned to their bodies and minds, developing some of the most advanced martial arts and weapon forms in existence.

Martial Arts and Weapon Mastery

Combat is at the heart of Beast-kin society. From a young age, every citizen is trained in hand-to-hand combat, weaponry, and tactics, honing their physical abilities to a razor's edge. Over centuries, the Beast-kin have perfected numerous martial arts styles, each tailored to the strengths of their different tribes. The Wolf-kin favor pack tactics, overwhelming their foes with swift, coordinated strikes. The Lion-kin focus on brute strength and direct confrontation, often using greatswords or massive axes to overpower their enemies. Cat-kin specialize in acrobatics and precision, excelling with daggers, rapiers, and quick, lethal strikes.

Bestia's weapon craftsmanship is equally renowned, with every blade, spear, and bow forged with an intricate understanding of balance and effectiveness. The finest smiths in the kingdom create weapons that are passed down through generations, each bearing the legacy of its previous wielders. Beast-kin warriors see their weapons as extensions of themselves, and a great deal of honor is tied to the mastery of these tools.

History and Alliance with the Light Faction

Bestia has a long history of conflict, both internal and external. Clans have risen and fallen, often challenging one another for dominance, but these rivalries have only sharpened the Beast-kin's martial skills. Despite their competitive nature, the Beast-kin have always been fiercely protective of their homeland and their people, standing united against external threats.

With the rise of the Demon King and the Dark Faction, Bestia recognized the importance of standing alongside the Concordia Empire and the Light Faction. Though they lack magical abilities, their physical strength, unmatched combat techniques, and tactical expertise make them invaluable allies. Bestia's warriors have trained countless soldiers from Concordia and beyond, sharing their martial arts and weapon forms with those who seek to bolster their defenses against the forces of darkness. Beast-kin ambassadors often travel to allied nations, offering not only their combat skills but also the wisdom of their ancestors, strengthening bonds and ensuring that their knowledge benefits all who fight for the Light.

Society and Culture

The Beast-kin are deeply connected to the natural world, and their culture reflects a balance between strength and harmony. They believe in the "Way of the Beast," a philosophy that emphasizes living in harmony with nature, drawing on one's inner strength, and protecting the tribe. Festivals and celebrations often honor the spirits of their ancestors and the animals that guide them, with grand combat tournaments and feats of endurance marking these occasions.

Leadership in Bestia is earned through strength and wisdom rather than birthright, with the Council of Claws governing the kingdom. This council is made up of representatives from each of the major tribes, ensuring that every aspect of their diverse society is considered in decision-making.


The Kingdom of Bestia stands as a bastion of physical strength and honor, where the Beast-kin have forged a society that thrives on martial excellence and unity. Though they cannot wield magic, their combat prowess and unmatched weapon forms make them fearsome warriors and invaluable allies in the fight against darkness. Through their alliance with the Concordia Empire and the Light Faction, the Beast-kin continue to share their knowledge, protecting their world and ensuring that the forces of the Demon King never gain the upper hand. Bestia is a land of fierce warriors and proud traditions, where the wild spirit of the beast lives on in every citizen.