Tyruz and I didn't talk and I knew that he was a shy, so I just let it go, what's wrong with that when I see him playing.
"U-uhm do you want to eat?" I softly asked and looked at his face, it's still red. I looked at the clock and my eyes widened when I saw its already 6:45 "uhm sir tyruz I'm sorry but I need to go because I need to fix now because I'm already going to school" tyruz just nod his head and lay down again
"Sir tyruz you don't go to school today?" I asked him because I saw that he is not ready yet
"I'm going"
"But why you didn't fix yourself and go take a bath not because it's already 6:45"
"It's okay I'm the owner of that school so I can go whatever time I want" he said calmly and close his eyes
I just shrugged my shoulders and hurriedly out to his room, I go to my room and take a bath quickly, madam Victoria already fixed my school papers and she also buy me my school supplies, I'm so lucky because my grandmother had a kind best friend.
When I'm done I go to the kitchen and I saw tyruz waiting on the sofa, he look at me angrily
"You're moving slowly, We're late"
He said and stand up and then go outside, I thought even he's late it's okay because he is the owner, wait they owned the school, they're so richhhh.
I go outside and I almost shocked when I heard a beep sound, I saw tyruz already in the car so I go inside the car
"Later I will tell all of the students in the Montefalco university that you're my nanny, understood?" I pout and just nod my head
A minutes later tyruz parked in the VIP parking lot because when I go out I see the tarpaulin that had a VIP signage on it
I excitedly go inside the school and didn't wait for tyruz, my eyes widened and my mouth opened because im so amaze
The school is so beautiful and wide, the quadrangle has that greenish grass and there's a park there left of the quadrangle and in the park there's a fountain and the buildings is so tall and it's perfectly beautiful
I can't hold my excitement anymore and find my classroom, I'm a grade 11 student and tyruz is a grade 12.
I go to the hallway of humss building I look at the sign at the top of the door, and when I already see my classroom I sighed and decided to enter the classroom, all of my classmates stop when I saw me, they are shock and they are so quiet
I look a vacant seat and saw in the back that it's still had two vacant seat so I slowly walking there but I stop when someone throw me a crumpled paper, I look behind me and they are still quiet and they are not looking at me and others are also whistling,
I just shrugged my shoulder and I sit to the vacant seat, I look at my left side and saw a man asleep, resting his head on his desk Im shocked when his eyes open and look at me
"Do you know that staring to a sleeping people can put you to jail?" He said calmly
"Huh?" I asked because I'm confused to what he said
"I can demand you" he said and because of that I pout
I just shrugged my shoulders and look at my right side but it's still vacant, my classmates became noisy again
30 mins came out teacher didn't come yet so my classmates still noisy and my seatmate I can't talk with him because I know that he didn't hear me because of the headphones his wearing
We hear the door opened so all of us looked at it and then I saw tyruz chilling while walking and his looking to my eyes, I felt an easiness so I just look away
"Oh my god tyruz is hot as always"
"Yes my panties already wet by looking at him"
"All of the studens that he already done with it they said that his so good in bed"
I feel nuisance when I heard their topic so I just look at my seatmate and his also looking to tyruz
"Can I seat here?" Tyruz asked me and I just nod my head
"Why regular classrooms is so hot, there's no aircon here?" Tyruz asked and my classmates answered yes
"Your classroom might be cool because thats vip classroom, ours is not that good because it's only a regular one" my one girl classmate answered him
"Did I asked you?" He said rudely
I noticed that the woman was so embarrassed and she just put her head on her desk
"Why did you do that? She's just explaining" I told him and he just shrugged his shoulder.