I realized something it could be a good thing or bad thing for everyone…I…was falling…for…my …brother bff… And I don't know if I should tell him so I'm going to text my brother because I don't want this situation to mess up their relationship or "bromance"their word (NOT MINE ). So I started to text my brother but I was nervous to tell him but I had to and this is what I said hey bro I have to tell you something… I have fallen in love with Nathan. and I sent and waited for him to answer me back then what felt like eternity he finally answered me back and this is what he said "umm does Nathan know you feel like this way towards him?." And I reply no I was going to tell you first and maybe get your Approval first because I know how important you guys relationship is as you guys call it "bromance" and I sent it and waited for his reply and this is what he said I appreciate you coming to me first and caring about our friendship and even though it will take some getting use to u guys being together l appove but don't fuck in the same house as me and important thing DO NOT GET PREGNANT. I say excitedly Ty and I will not make any promises😏 about that after I sent that message to axel than I Texted Nathan I said I think im in love with you I hope you feel the same way he replied super fast and Basically he said he felt the same way and that he wanted to fuck me the day I got drunk and threw up on all my clothes including( my bra and underwear) so that's why he saw me fully naked and that's why he said "he wanted to fuck me that day" but he said he wanted me to be sober (im confused how that attracted)because I personally wouldn't think that is attractive that what I thought to myself.And I took a long to respond I still was in shock about what he said. I finally replied to him first I said you should talk to my brother about us and get a different pov from him because I already talked to him and he basically said that he approves of us being together but you talk to him bro to bro because he might want to talk to you about it i texted him and sent it and he replied ok I will talk to him later and then the second thing i said even if i had thrown up all over my clothes? And I sent just like that and he replied yes even if you threw up 🤮 all over your clothes because I got to take them off of you. And I replied with a ❤️ emoji That's the end of the conversation im excited 😆