Chereads / Exploit SAGA; / Chapter 67 - Chapter 67: The Only Sound

Chapter 67 - Chapter 67: The Only Sound

Chapter 67: The Only Sound


I wake up in his arms, finally it hits me.

He is my husband now.

I feel his heartbeat through my back. I don't want to move.

But I seriously have to pee.

I was dreaming about trying to go to the bathroom, but someone always comes in, or in my desperation I try to do it outside somewhere, someone always stops and stares forcing me to move away. I hate those kinds of dreams.

I start wriggling my body free.

After struggling for a bit. I feel like I don't even care if he wakes up anymore.


I'm free.


I went to the bathroom and headed back.


When I entered I looked into the dark room hoping the light from the hallway and the loud creaking of the door wouldn't wake him.


He didn't even stir.

I take a seat on the bed taking my slippers off. What time is it?

I look over.

It's 01:47.

I feel my way through the darkness after I close the door. I get back in bed.

I lift his arm and get comfortable as I pull the duvet over us once again.

He turns over to his other side, I move a bit closer. 

I put my arm around him and fall asleep once again, feeling of his heartbeat through my chest.



I feel him getting up before me, I decide to sleep in.


That night we finally had sex, however my stamina didn't last.

After the second orgasm 90 minutes after we started, I passed out.

It hurt when he just put it in, but it started to feel good after he started moving inside me for a bit. He started slowly and as my pain turned into pleasure with each subsequent thrust, my mind started to go blank as I chased the peak of my own release.

When it finally did my legs where jelly.

However he didn't stop there. He was chasing his own release as he picked me up by putting his hands under my legs. He dangled me in the air like some plaything. I came again and my body trembled with delight.

He kept going, however with my breath ragged and my consciousness fading from exhaustion I passed out before he was satisfied.

I felt kind of guilty since I was the only one to get satisfaction. I gave in to my desire to drift off after experiencing pure bliss.


I woke up the next morning to find all 4 of us in the same bed.

We're all naked, I'm laying on his left arm, Felmina on his right and Roka is laying on top of his chest on her arms.


Any idiot can put 2 and 2 together to figure out what had happened.

I'm just glad my husbands desires were finally satisfied even though I wasn't the one that made it happen.

I promise Dearest Husband one day I'll meet and surpass you expectations.

But first I'll need to start exercising or something, this level of stamina is embarrassing, seriously.

The last 3 days we took it easy, we all went out together and had some fun at the resort. We went on some of the larger water slides. It was truly enjoyable.


Kaijuu Ryu

The Honeymoon was a lot of fun.

When we headed back to Vincent we stopped by the Tattoo parlor where Felmina had her ears pierced.

I had my wives names tattooed across my back. After this last stop we stopped by Vincent then spent the night at the palace after the Emperor insisted.

The following morning we packed our stuff and started heading back to the Moonlight District.

I get it, the emperor won't be able to see his daughters again for some time, so yeah.

When we arrive I see the stacked slabs the bears dragged from Vincent.

They where stacked 10 high each, and since they where about 0.2 meters high by 1.5 meters by 1 meter they were stacked neatly.


I evaluated everyone's levels.

As it turns out only 23 of the tardigrade bears managed to lower their level to 100 and a few went as low as 95.

The rest of them still exceed the limit.

When they asked for advice, I told them to fast for a bit.

I took the ones that where ready and started the Training.

When I arrive I notice that they are all assembled outside, lined up at ease.

I quickly dismiss this formation. I need them relaxed in order to concentrate. So now I have them standing in a half circle around me. There's a livestock scale behind me.

I'm wearing my full armor. I had the bears dress in clothes that doesn't constrict movement before they arrived.

Then I begin

"Let's begin with a demonstration, but first let me ask you


Can anyone guess how many of you I can beat at tug of war?"

I look around. David has his hand up. I point at him.

"Yes, David."

"Sir, We need some additional information to make a guess."

"Like what?"

"Your level sir."

"I see... use appraise on me."

He does.

"Since we are all about level 100, and Kaijuu-sama's level is 250, I'd say 3 of us, 4 to be safe."

I smile a bit.

"OK then let's give it a try."

I stand on one side holding the rope in 1 hand and lower my stance as the rope tightens.

1 of them takes the middle and holds his hand ready.

I nod at the stand in referee.

He chops air as he yells


We begin. I'm just standing there leaning back. They are pulling with all their might going red in the face. As their feet begin to slip, I move and easily pull them over the line, all of them still red in the face while breathing heavily from resisting my so called "Strength".

Once they catch their breath and rejoin the rest of the group, I look them over and ask

"Why did you lose? Can anyone explain?"

One guy raises his hand, I think his name was Jimmy or something.

"Sir, could it be that we were more weakened than we thought from losing all those levels?"

I make a L with my index and thumb under my chin.

"Kind of."

I turn and look at the scale. I point to it.

"I brought this along for a reason guys."

David's lightbulb goes on. He raises his hand.

I point around. 

"Anyone else?"

I see someone crawl underneath the crowd. It's a woman, she's 1 of the 8 that became Tardigrades and 1 of the 6 that are here.

"I'm finally through."

She stands up and raises her hand.

I point at her.

"Yes... What was your name again?"

"Uhm.. Megan sir, Megan Marshal."

"Yes Megan."

"I believe your actual weight does not correspond to your level, sir. You weigh much more than your level would suggest."

I smile at her answer.

I look everyone over as I say.

"She's correct, but let's test your theory."

I turn my suit's gravity increase off then activate anti gravity.

I now weigh about 100 kilograms.

I get on the scale.

It reads 100. Their eyes widen in surprise.

David pipes up:

"But sir, you said she's correct."

I hold up my hand stopping him.

"Don't panic, she is


Just watch."

I turn the anti-gravity off, the readout jumps to 250 kilograms.

They all look a bit more composed.

I wait a beat then Activate gravity up. It jumps to 750.

Their eyes go wide again. I wait another beat then, deactivate the suit.

It drops back to 250.

"As you can obviously tell by now, my armor. specifically the black outfit under my armor can manipulate my weight. This is the secret of my strength.


The answer to the amount you need to beat me would be...

.. at least 8 people to tip the scales in your favor for tug of war...


Now, I want to demonstrate this power in another way. Can I have a volunteer?"

When my gaze scans over them they all look away, I think they can sense danger.

Megan half raises her hand.

"Megan, good."

I point to the building behind me using my thumb.

"Go and put on the full plate armor inside, and bring my wooden and greatsword with you...

Well then everyone while they help her change let's take 10."



15 Minutes later

She comes out.

I point to the 5 soft mats I laid out.

I take the wooden sword and the greatsword from her.

They are all gathered around us, once I take the swords they instantly give me some room.

I stick the greatsword into the dirt behind me.

"Ok, so this wooden sword weighs about 10 kilograms."

I swing it softly and hit her, the sword moved at about 5 kilometers per hour, the average walking speed of a person. A dull clang rang out. I then turned my gravity to Max and repeated at the same speed. This time the sound was significantly louder and she took 2 steps back. Then I activated the sword's weight, making it 100 kilograms. I knocked her on her ass, as she fell on the mats I laid out before.

All using the same speed of 5 kilometers per hour.

I then put the wooden sword down and pulled out the greatsword. I could feel her jumping behind me.

I turned around and when she reluctantly got back to her spot I pulled back and did my first hit same as before at 5 kilometers per hour.

The second hit had her shaking after I made contact. I cut into the steel about an inch and knocked her on her ass once again, this time harder than with the wooden sword. She fell over the mats behind her this time.

She took some time to move back to her position. She was visibly shaking. I heard the full plate armour smacking against itself on her body. She grit her teeth summoning her courage.


When I pulled back for my third strike.

I could feel everyone's collective assholes tightening.

She sunk down put her arms up over her head to defend herself and screamed

"Please don't kill me!!"

I'm still holding my sword in the pulled back position.

I relax my arm and raise my stance. Everyone sighs a breath of relief.

"I think you get the picture, I was going to hit you with the side."

She reluctantly opens her one eye peeking at me then relaxes as she opens the other, she sighs and only then she gets up. She puts her hand on her chest and sighs again from relief.

I put the sword down and walk over to her. I put my hand on her shoulder and say.

"For your bravery today, I'm making you team leader. Stay behind. Everyone else I'll see you tomorrow when your training begins. You are dismissed."

They all leave.


"Here's your suit and armor. While we fit and fix your sizing I'll explain my theory to you first since you, as a team leader will be doing what I did, with the rest of the Tardigrade bears that are going to join us."

"It's an honor sir."

She bows, and starts changing behind the curtain.

I spend the afternoon explaining why I had them all go down to level 100.

She immediately understood that having a round number to calibrate with, makes things much easier.

Her mass produced suit is locked at only doubling her gravity for now, I set it to 50% at first and tell her to wear it even when she sleeps to start getting used to it. then when she feels comfortable enough to run she'll adjust it up again until she gets used to that. 

Rinse and repeat.

Also to not use her levelups and stay at Level 100, I explain the insta heal perk, and tell her about the increase in appetite. I tell her to reinforce her furniture and not to go into wooden buildings, especially the second floor with the gravity turned up. I explain how to charge the batteries and how to activate her wooden training sword, as well as her real short sword.

I explain that she's what I refer to as a Level 0.

She asks me what my level would be regarding this system.

I think a bit and say 'I guess I'm Level 3'

I tell her she'll reach level 1 once she's comfortable at twice her weight at level 100.

I also tell her to come and see me when she's comfortable at her locked double weight.

I give her the training program for her troops and suggested diet containing high amounts of calories.

I told her to wait until there's at least 15 Level 100 trainees before she should start taking the class through the program.


The next day I basically give the same class to the rest of the first class.

I hand them their suits and armor and have all of them fitted 3 at a time.

I have them start the Gravity up training same as Megan and also have them train during their own time. 

I created a timed lap for when you reach 2 times gravity. If you can beat the time, Your level gets increased to 150 and I'll unlock your suit's 3 times capability.

I explain that from then on you'll be at level 1 training towards level 2.


Construction started on the base for the bears, the supplies and workforce arrived from Vincent 3 days after we did. I already submitted the plans to the emperor in Vincent before we even left.

The base is 5 stories. It's reinforced with lots of supports, in the 4th story's floor I'll have a massive Gravity Circle dug and molded so from the second floor right up to the fifth will have double gravity. The first floor has the kitchen and mess hall. It has normal gravity.

Outside in the yard and everywhere else except for the infirmary I also have the floor ingrained with gravity doubling circles.

The plan is to have them all stay at 2 times gravity whenever they stay on base, as a passive training environment.


My Materials arrive from Vincent a week later, Roka and I start making my upgraded suit. In this one I upgrade the 'Battery' with a super rare core from an Ancient Dragon. It's capacity is Like 15 times of what I had before. I had it transported already soaking in MP Potion on the way here.

It takes an Additional 3 weeks after it arrived to get to capacity. Roka and I cut it using a custom guillotine we created while waiting for it to reach full saturation. We created the battery. My new suit's output goes up to 10 times my weight, but I set it to 4 times at first, and start getting used to it. 

As expected the first few days sapped my stamina something fierce. 

I'll have to reinforce... You know what. Screw it I'll just have unbreakable furniture made.

I gave Milly her suit and explained everything, she seemed really happy that she doesn't actually need to do any exercise.

That same evening she understood just how draining the suit can be.

But she kept at it. 

After we cut the Ancient Dragon core to size, she started joining in on Felmina and my morning runs, with the suit on. Same as us. 


Felmina started copying the training routine from the Tardigrades on her days off. She still helps me manage the District, Roka's helping me full time in the lab manufacturing suits.

Milly has her hands full just getting used to the suit.

She does visit her mother every now and then.