Sterling was walking to the woods next to Amber who was rubbing her elbow and looking away, struggling to find words. It was her first time walking alone next to a person she likes. "So, what do you want to do after the summer?"
"Well, Catherine is going to college! I assumed you're going too?"
"It's complicated. I don't have enough savings to pay for tuition."
"I thought you guys were loaded."
"My parents are. My dad has this strange idea of being responsible. He expects me to take care of my college fees with my money, not his!"
"I would like to say that's harsh but I've seen way worse decisions from fathers." Sterling put his hands in his pockets and looked straight while walking towards their destination.
Amber didn't understand what he was talking about. Sterling took three more steps in silence before continuing. "There was this kid who wanted to go out on this field trip with his sisters. His dad was going to drive them. When the day arrived, the dad slapped his son and told him to go to his room because his sisters were wearing uniform skirts that showed their knees." Now that he was saying it out loud Sterling understood why his father was acting like that even though it didn't excuse his behaviour towards an innocent kid.
"Catherine used to tell me about how your dad treated you but I didn't know it was that severe."
"Yeah, but I am a different person now. I have more responsibility now and I want to enjoy the time I lost with my family."
They arrived at the gazebo where Sterling prepared a date for Amber. "Wow, did you plan this?"
"I did and I asked for some help."
"Did your mother help you out with it?"
"No, I hired some construction workers for the day. I paid them extra to decorate this place."
"Is this place yours?"
"As of today, it is...ours! It belonged to my neighbour. He's too old to take care of it anyway so I bought this place." Sterling got into the gazebo holding Amber's hand and he brought her inside before making her sit next to him. "Do you like this place?"
"I love it. This place is amazing. I've never done anything like this before." She was filled with joy. Sterling enjoyed looking at her in her comfort.
He leaned in his face closer to her looking at her in the eye. Her eyes widened as she blinked twice. Sterling kissed her as he grabbed the back of her neck. She wrapped her arms around his shoulder giving in to his touch. After the kiss, Amber started jumping in the air. "Yes, I have a boy who likes me now. Take that you slut of a sister!"
"I'm not going to ask why because I love how enthusiastic you got from that Amber."
Amber turned around and hugged him tightly. "What made you change your all of a sudden personality?"
"Just wanted to be held in your arms!" She rested her head on his chest. "Sterling, can I wake up the big guy?"
"Are you sure about this, Amber?"
"I'm not acting because of my fears. I want to give you something in return for making my day!"
"If you put it that way, it's all yours!" Sterling pulled his pants down and showed her his cock.
Amber's smile became even wider as she leaned into his crouch to kiss the top of his cock. Sterling let a moan out. "Sss...!" She started licking his cock twisting her tongue around it. "I see that you've been practising." She fixed her eyes on Sterling's and said.
"Let's say, I did some research!" She giggled while kneeling down and continued to suck Sterling's shaft. Her lips slid on his length as she played with his balls.
"Mmmm...that's it..!" Then she moved on to lick his balls while stroking his cock as she was looking straight at him.
"Fuck...that's so hot! I like the view." Amber started increasing the pace as she was working on the muscles between his thighs. Sterling wanted to let her do her thing. He rested his arms on the seat and let his girl do all the work. Amber paused and said, "Let's move on to the main course of today!"
"You may do as you please, babe!" Sterling said it with pride. With a slow and deep lick from the top to bottom of his shaft, Amber enveloped his dick halfway. "That's the feeling that kept me going last time!"
"Mmmnnn!" Amber started blowing his cock. Every time she went down, she reached a bit further and further. Sterling felt his tip touching her throat.
"God, how can someone improve their technique this fast? Keep doing that, I'm going to put a ring on your finger!" That got her going, as Sterling went even more gagging in his cock. She pulled away showing her saliva dripping on his cock.
Sterling gasped as she looked at Amber surprised. "Fuck, what was that?"
"If you make promises, you better keep them." She went back to blow him deep, bobbing her head on his cock. She kept blowing his cock until he was ready to cum.
"I'm close!" She wasn't backing down. Amber was ready to take his load. "I'm cumming!" Sterling released his load inside her throat.
"Ooooh...that feels really good!" Amber swallowed what was left in her mouth and cleaned his cock with her tongue. "Thanks, Amber!" Amber licked her lips and got up. She then sat next to her man as he was putting his pants back on. "Can we stay here and talk for a while?" Sterling asked.
"I would love that!" She rested her head on his chest without realising the movement in the bushes behind them.
The construction crew was working on a plan at the Johnsons household. Ophelia was observing them while sipping her coffee. Mallory nudged her and asked. "How come you have enough money to do a house makeover with all the debt David left you?"
"Apparently, Sterling hired these guys without even consulting me. I was mad at first then he brought an argument that I can't argue with."
"What's that argument that stopped the almighty Ophelia?"
"He's having a kid and he thinks there will be more to come. He also wants to reunite the whole family like it was when he was a baby. He believes it could help David when he comes back."
"Whole family? As in living with Aliza and Drew?"
"I don't know about Drew. The kids don't even know who Drew is. He's thinking of bringing Keira back with Lucia and Nora!"
"That's great! The more the merrier but wouldn't it be awkward if Drew came back and Lucia still lived here?"
"Sshhhh! Don't talk loud! That's a secret that you promised not to talk about!"
"Okay! So, Sterling, the nice guy isn't he?"
Ophelia frowned at her. "Why are you talking about like a random guy you want as a toy?"
"Is that how I talk about the random guys I want as toys?"
"My son can not be your toy. I hope you know that!"
"If only you knew..."
"Did you say something?"
"Look! Your eldest is out of her cocoon."
"Great! Even you noticed her behaviour and you're a guest. Come to think of it, why are you here every day?"
"Girl, I live for drama and your house is full of it! I think Brenna is talking to the construction guys." Ophelia turned her attention towards Brenna who was having a conversation with the workers. "So, how is her love life lately?"
Ophelia understood the meaning behind the question. Brenna's behaviour was caused by the fact that she no longer possessed her sex toys. She was addicted to masturbation and without the toys she was helpless. Ophelia couldn't have known that but she thought her daughter's behaviour was caused by her lack of faith in men after her breakup with her ex. When she saw Brenna making a move on a guy, she was glad that she was moving on from a bitter past event. "Ophelia, are you okay with this?"
"I want that girl out of this house. I love her but she needs to do some socially interactive stuff."
"No to get your hopes up but she shouldn't get her hopes up if she was trying to woo that guy!" Mallory put her coffee on the table.
"What do you mean?" Ophelia asked.
"All the workers...are homosexual!"
"What? How did you...are they? All of them?"
"Every single one." Ophelia was surprised. She exchanged looks between her daughter who was talking by the pool with the workers and Mallory who was standing next to her, explaining her analysis in the kitchen.
"Gaydar, I can see right through them."
"What the hell is a gaydar?"
"It's radar that identities gay."
"Thinks like that exists?"
"No silly, it's just an impression you get from people about their sexuality." Mallory tapped her forehead with her right index finger. "You just need to be smart and use your observation skills well."
"Says the woman who wrongly accused my virgin sister of fucking her dad!" Ophelia thought for a moment.
"Why did my son specifically hire them? Does he know they're gay? And...fuck I have so many questions in my head. I think my head is going to explode." Ophelia rubbed her forehead.
"I don't know why you're worried. Here drink more coffee..!" Mallory poured some more coffee into Ophelia's cup. "Why do you care if they're gay?"
"It's not that! First of all, I'm more interested in my son's sexuality. I want to know if he is bi and why hasn't he come out to me. And second, my poor little Brenna is going to be heartbroken if she gets rejected." Ophelia's expression changed. Her face saddened as she pressed her arms against her chest. Mallory sighed and said, "Your son is straight. I can assure you!"
"How could you tell?"
"Again, Gaydar! Just because he knows a group of construction workers who are all homosexuals, doesn't mean he's one too. And look, Brenna is leaving." Before Ophelia could get a glimpse, Brenna disappeared from her view.
"I'm going to talk to her."
"Ophelia, you don't have to be all over your kids. They're adults. They can handle their shit. I mean look at your son. He's doing fine."
"He's doing more than just fine but the other two, they need a parent until they act mature for their age." Ophelia got up and left.
"Wait..." Before she could stop Ophelia was already gone. 'I wanted to ask when Sterling's returning home. Damn it, why does this place makes me feel horny? It's a good thing that the Oldman isn't here otherwise...ew...why am I thinking about something disgusting like that? It's a good thing Aliza didn't sleep with my Dad. Maybe I should go see her and improve our friendship.' Mallory left the kitchen.
Ophelia was standing in front of Brenna's room. She knocked on the door. "Honey, it's me!"
"Mom, I'm busy!"
"I know that you might want to be left alone but I saw you talking to the workers earlier."
"Mom, just leave! I'm in the middle of something."
"Brenna, you should talk about this kind of stuff. It's not good for you to keep your feelings piled up. I'm coming in."
"Mom, no..!" Ophelia opened the door even after the protests from her daughter. There she was half naked without her bottom. Brenna was pleasuring the vagina with the screwdriver handle. "Mom, get out!" Brenna yelled at her mother.
Ophelia got mad. She came to her daughter to console her but she found her in an indecent state. "I came here to see if you were okay but this is what I get for caring about you? I forbade you from using your toys and...where did you even get that thing?" Brenna crossed her legs hiding her private parts and shrugged. "I asked you a question!"
"I borrowed it from Stanley, the head builder."
"Is that what you were doing with them? I thought you were making a move on a guy."
"Mom, they're all gay, didn't your gaydar tingle when they started talking? And why would you think I was making a move on some guy I met?"
"How is gaydar a thing? I'm so mad at Mallory for making me aware of it which led to me witnessing this." Ophelia extended her arm. "Give me that screwdriver and wait for me in my room!"
"But Mom?"
"You know how it is, young lady!"
"Even after last time?"
"I'm not going to spank you, Brenna! I'm going to punish in other ways which don't involve any sexual acts. Now, give that screwdriver and go to my room."
Brenna got up and started leaving. "Put your skirt back on, Brenna! Have you lost your mind?"
"Oh, shit! I totally forgot about it!" Brenna put her clothes back on and hurried to her mother's room after giving her the screwdriver she was using to grind her pussy. Ophelia looked at the handle that was soaking in Brenna's juice. 'I should clean it before returning.' She checked outside to see if there was anyone around. 'I should wash it...or...!' Ophelia put her tongue and licked it. 'Mmm...I was right. We taste similar. What am I doing? I shouldn't be doing this. David, why did you have to leave me horny like this...if only...'
"Mom, I'm home!" A voice was heard from the distance. Sterling returned and cake upstairs. "Mom, what are you doing in Brenna's room?"
"Huh, nothing! Just checking...dirty clothes!"
"O...kay! You're acting funny. I came here to tell you that I going to drive Amber back to her home. So, I won't be here for a while so if the guys want anything, call me!"
"Okay! I will, sweetie! Drive safe!" Sterling was about to leave but Ophelia called him. "Sterling?"
"Did you did you know the workers? You decided to work on the house last night and they're starting already."
"Oh, I used to work at a gay bar as a bartender. I befriended them during my shifts. They were nice to me and I got them some customers who needed construction workers. They're returning the favour to me with a reduced bill."
"Oh, that makes sense. I was making assumptions...just be careful out there!"
"Okay, mom!"
Sterling was concerned about the way Ophelia was acting. He went to kiss her on the lips to comfort her. Ophelia was excited so that kiss went deeper. Ophelia couldn't have known that Sterling recognised the taste on her lips. He pulled away from the kiss and said, "I'll be back soon, mom!" Ophelia touched his arms as he was going away. Sterling thought about it while he was leaving.
'There's no doubt about it. But how? Is mom interested in Brenna? Or worse, is Brenna leaving me for Mom? I'm probably over-thinking about!'