Chereads / Game Of Thrones: Fire And Blood / Chapter 20 - The Sword Of Kings

Chapter 20 - The Sword Of Kings


His army stopped marching, behind him was the castle of Nightsong, held by House Caron and its new Lord, Roland Caron, formerly a bastard but he's since legitimized him to gain his loyalty and soldiers that he had rallied.

Daeron won his first victory and soon, his first real challenge will come in the form of House Tyrell.

Barristan said that the Lord Paramounts of the Reach were the strongest family in the Seven Kingdoms, he saw they gathered very fast for such a large piece of land.

"How many do you think there are over there?" He asked and it was Tyrion who answered the question, not Barristan.

"During the battle of the Blackwater, House Tyrell brought 70,000 men to relieve the siege. This looks smaller, possibly ten or twelve thousand men." After looking a little more the half-man continued, "House Tarly is the bulk of this army, Ashford of Ashford and House Fossoway of Cider Hall are in this force as well as House Tarly's vassal, House Hunt." So, a battle stands in their way to getting to Highgarden, he sees no golden roses in their ranks.

He hadn't expected to see battle so soon, they only started their march up the Prince's Pass two days ago. A sigh escaped him as he turned to the others, getting their advice whether to fight or treat with them.

"As my advisers, tell what should we do, I have a mind to show them I mean to take the Seven Kingdoms by lighting them all aflame." He said and heard the sounds of an army getting in formation, the army of the Reach is getting ready.

Varys, newly arrived from just a couple of hours ago cleared his throat, "A conversation will show the people of Westeros that you aren't here to simply recreate the Field of Fire, your grace." Grey Worm stayed silent, Tyrion agreed and Daario and Obara wanted to fight.

"Daario, send someone to ask their leaders to treat with us." He told the sellsword Captain who nodded, a moment came and three men left down to speak, they came back and said they would see them.

He waited to see the commanders ride to the center first, he doesn't trust them enough to walk to the line of sight for their archers. Once he did, he kicked his horse and he, Barristan, Obara, Kovarro, and Rhakaro rode down to them, Tyrion followed but he believed the dwarf just being nosy.

The one commanding the army was front and center, "Randyll Tarly, I presume." He started and the strong-faced man simply stared at him.

Randyll is a lean and balding man with a short, bristly grey beard. Across the man's back was a sword of sorts, an ancestral blade of House Tarly.

"You don't belong here, Dragon Boy. It's better you take your army and the traitors who joined you back across the Narrow Sea." He chuckled and smirked at the older man, this wasn't going to go well.

"I might remind you that when my family took the Seven for themselves, the many Houses swore their everlasting loyalty to Aegon the First and his descendants. Or did I get that wrong? Did I?" He asked and Barristan shook his head no, Obara grinned and held her spear in her hand. "All I see now is that the Seven Kingdoms turn back on their liege and joined a Usurper... I've come for my throne." He told Randyll Tarly and his two friends and vassal lord.

"The Targaryen's lost their right to the Seven Kingdoms at the Sack of King's Landing, and before that, the Trident." He gritted his teeth, the man cut pretty deep.

"I am not here to be a tyrant King, hasn't there been enough of those already, uncaring Kings who forsook their duties. I won't, I will be the King that the Realm needs, not what it lacks." He said and Randyll scoffed at his comment, the Fossoway laughed and the other from Hunt smirked.

"Lord Tarly, I must protest the next action you take, think about your family, about your ancestors when they see the last of House Tarly lost their lives when they could have lived." Tyrion tried his best to convince Randyll Tarly of his decision to defy him, the Lord of Horn Hill shook his head in disapprovingly at Tyrion.

"You were born in Westeros, Lord Tyrion, you betrayed your kin and left to bring a second Mad King, Exiles and his Slave Army across the Narrow Sea." Randyll bit back and looked him, "I already have a King, boy. I urge you to leave or there will be blood and steal." A frown appeared and he simply turned his horse around, heading back up to his army who was still, ready for his command.

The man threatened to throw him out of his home if he continues, he cannot afford to turn away now, he has the advantage against most armies in the Seven Kingdoms, he'll destroy Lord Tarly's army and destroy him if he doesn't submit.

Grey Worm began getting the Unsullied ready, the freedmen got in the middle where Daario and his riders led from the front. Tarly is getting ready, he better be.

Tyrion found him walking to the back after he gave the command for the army to begin.

"Your grace, might I have a moment?" He ignored Tyrion and the small man kept on talking, "I know what you plan to do, I urge you to abstain from doing so." He stopped and turned around to face the dwarf.

"I tried Lord Varys advice, Lord Tarly refused my offer." He said to Tyrion in a calm tone, he knew what needed to be done, it is to make the Lords and Ladies of Westeros know that he meant what he meant, "I won't burn cities or castles, these men chose to fight me and I need all the men I can save for when we march on Highgarden and King's Landing." He continued and Tyrion remained silent, he continued walking down to the road until he came upon what he came for.

His children saw him and smiled, Daegon must have read his mind and knelt his head. "Hopefully this is the only time, the rest I'll use to scare the rest into submission." He whispered and the dragon did what he can only imagine as purring, or growling in gladness.

He mounted Daegon and the dragon stretched his wings, "Sovetis." He commanded and the three dragons took flight. Their roar echoed and sent waves across the army and into the enemy lines.

Third Person 

The Tarly, Fossoway, Hunt, and Ashford were a little shaken when they heard the echoing roars, Randyll Tarly calmed the men in front of him, trying to keep the morale where it was before his talks with the Dragon Boy.

Ser Tanton and his mounted knights were stirred, their horses were getting agitated and it came to a conclusion when three shadows came from above.

Daeron and his dragons flew down and opened fire on them, men screamed as Dragonfire started to engulf the men. They came back again and started burning the back of their forces, the Dragon King was looking to block their escape from the field.

From the Targaryen side of the battle, Daario led the cavalry charge, free men followed down and attacked the Reachmen in disarray. The Stormcrows cut through them and the freedmen did little in the way of hard fighting, they still considered it as experience since their last battle was within the city of Volantis.

Lord Tarly commanded a unit of longbows to loose arrows at the dragons, namely Daegon but the arrows left no damage, Daeron moved out of the way of one which barely grazed his cheek. The Dragon King dived and burned another line of soldiers, turning some to ash and others screaming and trying to reach the rivers.

The dragons broke any defense the Reachmen had, they either surrendered or were cut down but mostly threw down their swords and spears.

Lord Ashford, Randyll Tarly, and Tanton were captured, Dickon Tarly was also taken. Alyn Hunt was slain by the leader of the freedmen, Cleon who he picked up from Astapor after he sacked the city with his Unsullied.

Varys and Tyrion walked amongst the battlefield, "He did it to preserve his men, I am sure of it." Varys looked at him and Tyrion rolled his eyes, "Let's just join his grace, I wonder what trouble he's gotten himself into." They continued on to where the survivors of the battle were taken.

Daeron was still mounted on Daegon, Vaeleris and Wildfyre were flying overhead, enjoying the fact they are being able to do their job.

Getting as close as he could, the disguised Jorah Mormont looked around the field of fire and ash. He thought with worry if this will affect Daeron's campaign for his throne, he put down his helmet and continued his patrol, looking for survivors and wounded men.

Daeron dismounted from Daegon and patted the dragon on the neck, he looked at the people he's gathered, looks about 2000 strong, broken, weakened. He cleared his throat before speaking to everyone that was waiting for him to talk.

"I didn't want to do this, know that. I am not here to burn everything to ash as my father wanted, I came to end a time of chaos that has plagued this land for well over four years." He started and the men gathered didn't seem to believe his words, "It will be the last time my dragons are used against the men of Westeros, I will win the Iron Throne on the strength of my own merit. My own strength." He continued and stepped down from a rock, walking up to the defeated army.

Randyll Tarly and his son pushed to the front, he smiled and stood straight and strong.

"I offer this once more, Lord Tarly. Surrender and join me, please, there isn't no other spot but one, I trust you this." He said to Lord Tarly, raised his hand out hoping the older man will take it.

Lord Tarly remained silent for several moments, his hand twitched like it was going to accept but he didn't, "I told you, I have a King, do what you will." He wanted to yell in frustration for the man's stubbornness.

There was no other option, now, he was going to order the man's death before Tyrion appeared and stopped him.

"King, please, there is another option." Daeron turned to Tyrion and gave him a confused glance, "The Wall, Lord Tarly can go and take the Black. Any man not willing to serve your army can go there as well." Tarly intervened, stating that Daeron cannot send him to the Wall and that cause Daeron some irritation.

"There is no King but me, I rather like the idea," Daeron said and nodded thanks to Tyrion before turning back to the Lord of Horn Hill. "Lord Randyll Tarly, Lord of Horn Hill. I, Daeron of the House Targaryen, third of my name, King of the Andals, Rhoynar and the First Men, Breaker of Chains, Father of Dragons and Lord Protector of the Realm do sentence you to servitude at the Wall for the remainder of your days." He said to the former Lord of Horn Hill and had him taken away, Dickon Tarly tried to follow his father, he wouldn't let him, "Hold, I am not sending every noble to the Wall, a friend said that the nobility, the crown, and the people are the pillars of the Realm. You are now Lord Tarly." He added and the young Lord huffed before backing off.

One by one, the rest of the men present began to kneel to him. It seems living lavish lives are more worth it than a life at the cold North.

Tyrion thanked Daeron for taking his advice, he said that he doesn't want to be thought of as mad, though, he had more than one temptation to continue burning them but that was more out of frustration over Randyll Tarly's stubbornness than anything.

They continued beyond the field of ash and onward to a better spot where he decided to camp for the night, he was resting and writing some letters to the other hosts of soldiers where they are.

The Stormlands. The Narrow Sea. He dipped the quill in ink before beginning.

King's Landing 

Cersei Lannister sat back into her chair after Ser Gregor smashed one of the little Sparrows head like Oberyn Martell.

They wanted to bring her to their leader, she refused and her protector did his job. Her uncle's death has ruined the stability of the Capital somewhat, she grieved but overall was glad about the man's death, now she can gain control of her son while Margaery Tyrell and her brother still rot within the cells at Baelor's Sept.

Pycelle was murdered as well, no real shock there because it was the old crones time to go. She easily slipped Qyburn into his position along with taking over as the new Master of Whispers, he's gotten along quite well.

And Jaime will be returning soon with the Lannister army, the Tarly's too if Lord Randyll hadn't hard marched home when Daeron Targaryen landed in Dorne.

Soon she'll have an army at her back and she'll deal with the Sparrows when that happens, right now she only has the Goldcloaks and what Lannister guards that remained behind. Yet they all pale in comparison to the population of King's Landing. She thought bitterly at how a mere 2,000 guards are surrounded by a half a million people, a half of a million people that should be in the field and gathering the harvest.

As those accursed Northerners say, Winter is Coming, and Spring is nearly finished.

"My Queen, there has been some news." She turned her head slightly when Qyurn entered her chambers.

"Good news I hope?" She asked and the old man bristled, she frowned and closed her eyes for a second, "What has happened?" She continued and Qyburn let her in.

"The first battle against Daeron occurred near Cockleswent, your grace. Lord Tarly and some 12,000 from his and those of House Ashford and Fossoway." And who amongst Daeron's circle fought them? She looked at Qyburn with interest.

"And? Who came out victorious?" She asked and Qyburn responded without hesitation.

"It was Daeron Targaryen, he mounted one of his dragons and led the other two in recreating the Field of Fire, Lord Tarly, his son, Lord Fossoway, and Lord Ashford are now captives and the remaining host has joined Daeron Targaryen." She screamed and threw a cup at the walls, dragon kings and stag kings and Tully rebels, they all annoy her.

Daeron Targaryen. She will see him and his dragon put in the caves where the rest of the Targaryen's lie, she'll destroy him and everything he loves.

"Is there anything else?" She asked Qyburn and the former Maester continued on, his debrief was getting more and more irritating as he went on.

"The Iron fleet led by Euron has set sail from their Islands, 400 ships in total. Their destination is unknown." Hopefully, he raids Dornish lands than her own this time. "Lord Stannis Baratheon is set to battle against Lord Roose Bolton, Winterfell is either going to be the Stags or the Flayed man." Both are distressing, one is a usurper and the other is a turncloak who betrayed his own King.

"Is that all, what other news do you have for me?" She questioned her pet and he only had one last bit of information, it had to do with the Wall and the Night's Watch.

The 998th Lord Commander of the Night's Watch has taken a dozen of ships, they have set sail for Hardhome to bring more Wildling's behind the Wall. It was most confusing news, the Battle of Castle Black was fought to keep the Wildlings beyond the Wall, so why bring them behind it after all of this? It made no sense to her.

Then again, two of those ships are heading South, but where? She shook her head and hoped that the Wildings, Stannis and Roose Bolton all kill one another.

"The Lord Commander is Ned's bastard son, a threat if he intends to gather an army of Wildlings." She said thoughtfully, Qyburn raised one of his brows and approached.

"Do you want Lord Commander Snow dealt with, your grace?" He offered and she took another cup and poured herself some more wine, sipping it with a smirk on her lips.

"... Get it done."

The North (Baratheon Camp)

Nightfall came late on this day, the army of Stannis Baratheon stopped once more to use the wood and make extra trebuchets for their battle at Winterfell.

Asha Greyjoy sat in silence as she picked away at the shackles that holds her, she was going to escape here, tonight while darkness overshadowed the camp. She stopped for a breath, thinking about her baby brother who died just three nights ago.

The Red Woman failed to convince Stannis to burn Theon, the Stag King took her brother to the Weirwood tree on the lake at the Crofter's Village, she was allowed to attend and watched her brother ask for forgiveness before Stannis cut her brother's head off with his glowing sword.

It enraged her but she didn't care, she will get out of here and far away from Westeros, perhaps go to Asshai or the Summer Islands.

"Lady Asha, are you awake?" She looked up and saw the girl that Theon recused from the Bolton's Bastard.

"What are you doing here? You better get out of her, lass." She told Jeyne who shook her head no, she walked in and knelt by her, "Where are the guards?" She questioned and Jeyne showed her a bloody knife, the girl is stupid.

"Theon, he saved me from him, he helped stop me from killing myself. I could not help him... But I can help you." She sighed and Jeyne helped her get loose from her shackles, she rose to her feet and Jeyne took her hand, "We have to leave, Ramsay and Roose will not wait for Stannis." What did she mean? She didn't get to answer before the horns in the camp blew.

Outside, a little past the encampment, the Bolton forces began to descend on the Baratheon camp.

Stannis woke from his sleep and took Lightbringer in his hands, "Ready for battle!" He cried out to the soldiers in the camp, he saw Tycho Nestoris and Melisandre heading toward him, "You two shouldn't be here, get away from camp and let me deal with them." Melisandre, he will have words with her when he is done but not now, he gathered a band of men and charged to defend his camp.

The camp was in chaos, the Northmen and Baratheon soldiers fought Bolton and Frey men, tents were being burnt and horses were scattered across. Jeyne tugged at Asha as they started running North of the camp.

"Hurry, I have a horse ready! Ah!" An ax found itself in Jeyne's chest, Asha yelled in fury as she dug her knife in the bastard's head. She ran to Jeyne's body but the girl was already gone, her eyes were still and so was her body.

North, what is for her in the North? She remembered that the Night's Watch was accepting of new recruits, but she's a woman, she won't be allowed to join. Bah, it wouldn't be the first time I played a boy. She proclaimed in thought before taking a spear from a Frey soldier and mounted up.

She turned the destrier and began riding North until she was out of the camp, behind her she could the Bolton force coming in droves, they mean to destroy the camp.

A last minute decision led her to turn direction and went West, she remembers that she still had one ship and men to hold it, a plan in the case she was defeated at Deepwood Motte.

A mile North the Red Woman was in despair. She foresaw Stannis fighting the Bolton's at Winterfell, she saw the Flayed Man fall and the snows melt.

Men from their army began to break, the Northmen that allied with them began to fail and run North, so did some of Stannis's men. "Lady Melisandre, let's hurry before we are captured." Tycho urged and she reluctantly turned away and pushed on.

Back within the camp, three hours of fighting had passed and Stannis was the last man to leave the field, all others fled back North, to the Wall where was the only safe place for surrender left many to die.

He cursed and ended up leaning against a tree, his wounds are deep and he knows he should keep moving but he cannot.

Nearly three years he's been at war, fighting for his throne that was by all the rights of Westeros was his. He killed a brother, dealt with black magic and nearly burned his own nephew alive to get his throne, he was the worst type of fool on this Earth. Yet, I still did my duty, even if I hate it. He thought and tried to get up but couldn't.

He could feel his breathing getting lighter, it won't be long now. He laid back and thought about his House, his legacy and it landed on his only surviving child.

Shireen. His daughter still lives, Davos will help her, he knows that she will achieve what he could not.

He shut his eyes and rested, then a moment later he felt nothing and landed into a long dream.

A few days pass and the remaining force of Stannis Baratheon is seen walking toward's Castle Black, Davos and Shireen watched and didn't see Stannis amongst the ranks, the girl began to cry and Davos held her tightly while letting her vent her grief.

Jon Snow is due to return any day, he will urge the commanding officers within the last of Stannis's army to support Shireen and continue protecting her, he will also try to get Jon Snow to get his Wildlings to fight as well.

The Bolton's must not get away with this, Stannis will be avenged.

He looked and saw Queen Selyse sulk away, she went back to her chambers and without care of her daughter losing her father to their enemies, what a horrid woman.

The North (Eastwatch) 

Jon was looking at the Free Folk he rescued, all lined up and leaving passed the castle gates, all the while he saw the seething looks of the Watchmen behind him.

They hated that he did this, he lost twenty more brothers over this venture and didn't even get all of them, tens of thousands, gone when the Undead hit the ancient fort of the First Men.

Everything seemed to be going well, an agreement was made between most of the Wildling leadership, all but the Thenns and Hornfoots. They counted nearly three thousand people before the storm came from over the mountains.

Thousands out of Hardhome were snuffed out in moments, then came the horde that smashed against the wood walls, attacking and cutting holes to slip through. They came from over the cliffs, led by four of them, the one leading was watching him gather all the people he could.

It was a bloodbath, men, women, and children were slaughtered but that wasn't what scared him, what frightened him was when the leading White Walker stretched his arms out and the fallen became new undead, the Watchmen and Free Folk all raised to fight for the Night King.

They can't stop them, there is no way unless he gets the Dragonglass.

Edd, he wishes the man good fortune in mining the Dragonglass from Dragonstone, they need that stone as weapons against the White Walkers.

He still can't believe when all this is happening, the same old fuckers re fighting for that goddamned throne. He wanted to scream in frustration but he has to focus, he has to focus on the true threat.

"Will we ever meet again, Jon?" He shook his head of the reminder of Arya, he swore to rescue her when he got the men and now he does. He'll help Stannis defeat the Bolton's and save his sister, he owes their father that much for not being there when he was executed, or when Robb and Lady Stark were killed.

"Different roads can lead to the same castle." He muttered and pulled his furs closer, he called for his horse and led the rest of his men back to Castle Black.

A day and night pass when he arrives home, he is shocked to see the former camp of Stannis Baratheon being manned once more. He rode ahead and the horn blew for their return, he jumped from his horse and saw Alliser and some of the others.

"What happened?" He asked and First Builder Yarwyck was the one to tell him, Alliser held his tongue and glared at him.

"Stannis and his army was defeated, the rest of them have gathered here to get away from Roose and his insane son." He shook his head, this couldn't be, he gave Stannis the things he must do to win, how did all of this happen in the first place.

He found Davos and Shireen walking about the castle, he gave the Princess a sympathetic look but she only walked away, Davos instead had chosen to come and speak with him. "We have to do something, march with us to avenge the King." He didn't get to respond before Alliser started to speak.

"The Night's Watch doesn't involve itself in the politics of Westeros." Davos looked to respond but he cut both men off and frowned.

"Enough. Gather all our brothers to the great hall, I have something to say. Free Folk leaders and Davos, chose amongst the Northmen and Southerners to come." He gave no reason because if he did so right now, his brothers wouldn't agree to it.

An hour later and men of all kinds were united within the Shieldhall, he sat at the high table and waited for everyone to calm down.

Before this, he was confronted by Melisandre on his decision, he said he will make it at the Shieldhall but asked if Stannis was able to get his sister out of Winterfell. She shook her head, stating that Theon Greyjoy had rescued her, Stannis found them on his march but she may very well be in the Bolton's possession once more.

It was settled at that point, he knew what he was going to do.

"Brothers, Free Folk, Northmen, Southerners. I have come to the decision to assist in overthrowing the Bolton's at Winterfell." An uproar from the Black Brothers ushered within the hall, "I am not asking you all to join me, but, I will be honored to avenge the North and King Stannis by defeating House Bolton." He said and one of the Northern Lords rose from one of the tables.

"Boy, are you Ned's son?" He nodded, the man chuckled, "I'm Jon Umber, my father was the first to proclaim your brother, King in the North. Now, I don't much like Wildlings and they don't like me, but, I like them a lot more than the Cunts of Bolton and Frey. We are with you." The rest of the Northern Lords agreed, Alys Karstark and Robett Glover amongst them.

Tormund and one other Wildling rose up, "We came behind your Wall to live, not fight, we don't like your Southern King much more than we like the Night's Watch, but you aided us when no other would... We'll fight alongside you, King Crow." Tormund was a good influence on the Free Folk, they agreed to fight.

Davos and a few amongst the Narrow Sea and Stormland Lords rose up, the other's left the hall, one saying that this fight is over for them and they will be returning home to their lands. "Stannis was our King, his daughter is our Lady and Roose Bolton will want her dead, we will march to protect her." He was thankful to the man.

The Black Brothers were quiet, none said a word but one, Alliser Thorne.

"Night gathers, and now my Watch begins. It shall not end until my death, I shall take no wife, hold no lands, and father no children. I shall wear no crowns and win no glory." Alliser reiterated the Night's Watch vows, "You are our commander, Jon Snow, you would forsake your vows for vengeance and kingship, no." He frowned and gripped his hands hard.

"I am no King, Ser," Was all he would say and Alliser left with the rest of the Night's Watch.

Night came quickly, he was resting, but not before getting his own clothes he wore on the trip to Castle Black with all those years ago. He was dreaming when he heard a crash, he jumped to his feet and took Longclaw to investigate.

It was out in the courtyard, Wun Wun has a Southern knight in his grasp, the one who led the other Southerners out of the hall when he announced his leaving.

He didn't get to take out his sword before he felt a twinge against his back then several others, he was bleeding and on his knees, Longclaw was out of his hand and in the snow. He heard Alliser's voice before it all went black, "For the watch... "

He gasped and fell on his back, the life fading from his eyes and all he could think to say or do was to call out to someone, "... Ghost."

On the Road 

"Don't look outside," Baelish told her when she reached for the window of the wheelhouse.

"Where are we?" She asked him, her voice a little smoother than it used to be.

"As of an hour ago, we were right in front of King's Landing." A frown appeared and wanted to kill Baelish for saving her then bringing her right back, "I see you are going to assume something, save it, Sansa. We aren't going there." She didn't remove the distrustful look she was giving.

"Then why do have to go through here, couldn't we have taken a ship?" He shook his head no, she was uneasy as it was when meeting a Targaryen of all people.

First, she was to marry her cousin, then Petyr had gotten a marriage pact from some Lord but received news that the last Targaryen had landed in Westeros with twenty-thousand men, a fleet, and three dragons. She commented that Robb had twenty thousand men at his back and the Lannisters still defeated him although it pained her.

Her father fought to dethrone the Targaryen's, he supported King Robert as the Lord Protector of the Realm. Her grandfather and uncle were executed by this man's father, Rhaegar kidnapped her aunt and raped her. Most Targaryen's were mad or incompetent. She wondered which one this will be.

"The sea is dangerous, the Queen Mother knows I have you and I won't let you go to her. This road we are heading is going the Roseroad." Highgarden? She remembered when Margaery promised her that she would visit Highgarden, that was when she was promised to marry Loras Tyrell.

"So, we go to the Tyrell's won't they have me marry Loras?" She asked and Littlefinger shook his finger at her, "Why would that be, aren't they eager to take my homeland." Petyr chuckled and answered her questions.

"It's impossible with Loras on trial for debauchery with another man, House Tyrell will have no heirs to make you marry, and besides, I expect the Targaryen banner to be flying over Highgarden when we arrive." He told her and she sighed, turning away from him for a while to relax, he wouldn't let her, "Have you thought about removing the dark dye? Let him see your true features, I am sure he'll approve." She nodded and will see it done when they get away from Lannister controlled lands.

Night came quickly and she found herself dreaming of wolves, snow, and dragons and dragon fire.

She also saw wisps of silver hair and the famous eyes of House Targaryen. She also heard the crackling of mad laughter, she opened her eyes upon hearing the screams of a burning Rickard Stark that she imagined when Old Nan told them the tale of the Mad King, Bran's fault considering he enjoyed hearing the scary tales.

Morning came and she was returning from a lake where she washed and got the dye out of her hair, Petyr was happy to see her wearing her true self, she isn't pretending anymore, she can't when she finally meets this Targaryen King.


Daeron walked along the field of flowers and plants, he saw what was before him and he turned around.

"My King, a rider came in the night, he is from Jon Connington's men." He was confused, they all agreed to report to one another only after they've taken half of a kingdom. He followed Barristan to where the man was, he recognized the man as Duncan Strong, he nodded and the warrior got on one knee.

"My King, I come on orders of Lord Connington." He was told and he helped the aging warrior to his feet, his arm rings making noise.

"Is something the matter, has there been attacks on the elephants?" The man shook his head, he was confused, "Then I am sorry, I don't know why you've come." He said and the warrior sighed before going back to his horse.

"We meant to bring this to you once you've won your first battle, the Field of Fire and Ash spread far in such a short amount of time, my King." The warrior brought back a long object covered in cloth, he knelt once more and presented it, "My King, Aegon carried this weapon when he came to take the Seven Kingdoms, it is only right that you have when taking it back from usurpers and traitors." Duncan declared and he unclothed the object to see a sword.

He took the blade, and firmly put a hand on the weapon before unsheathing it. It was light, lighter than his sword on his waist. A red ruby was the pummel, black leather was the handle, the cross-guard was two dragons in flight.

"Blackfyre. The Sword of Kings. It's in my hand." He said with surprise and Duncan laughed in agreement.

"Giving this blade to you is proof of your will to rule, a destiny to fulfill, your Grace. Harry and the other Lieutenants send their regards that they cannot be here to see it in the hands of one who's of the blood. The Golden Company are yours, King Daeron, now and always." He heard the man saw and Barristan, Daario, Tyrion, Varys, Obara, Kovarro, Rhakaro, Cleon, and Grey Worm and the other commanders of the Unsullied got to one knee, declaring him their King, now and always.

"... Thank you, all of you." He turned and saw the giant of a castle before them, Highgarden, the seat of House Tyrell and a greater host of soldiers than that at the last battle, he raised Blackfyre in that direction as if to smite it, "I am the conquerer reborn, I am the dragon." His eyes narrowed and readied to take it from all of them.